While Senator Andy Harris was a guest on the Bill Reddish Show yesterday morning, he immediately went off to the Sage Diner on Rt 13 in Salisbury for breakfast. Mark McIver and Chris Meekins joined Andy for a quick meal and had a full schedule ahead of themselves once again here on the Shore. Andy went from table to table meeting everyone there before he took time out to grab a bite to eat. Then it was off to the races.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Congressional Candidate Andy Harris Starts Off Early Yesterday Morning In Salisbury
While Senator Andy Harris was a guest on the Bill Reddish Show yesterday morning, he immediately went off to the Sage Diner on Rt 13 in Salisbury for breakfast. Mark McIver and Chris Meekins joined Andy for a quick meal and had a full schedule ahead of themselves once again here on the Shore. Andy went from table to table meeting everyone there before he took time out to grab a bite to eat. Then it was off to the races.
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Frank Kratovil doesn't have all this free time to be kissing the shore's ass-he has to work and provide for his family. Harris has a healthy bank roll from the club for growth and many other outside interests. He's obviously worried about getting the vote on the shore. He knows the intelligent people know he doesn't and won't give a heck about the shore.
Are you suggesting that Gilchrest did? Gilchrest is a deserving loser that has nothing better to do than be a RINO and support Kratovil with a case of sour grapes.
Kratovil can't even keep up with Harris who defeated the nine term incumbent Stimpy.
Right...Andy doesn't have to work to feed his family...the Club for Growth actually pays his bills!!! Besides being blatantly illegal and seriously unethical (something Dems are pros at)...it doesn't make sense. The man has put himself through medical school and is one of the leading Doctors in his field...but apparently that's not good enough for you.
Also, noticed the Kratovil sign had been removed from the side of Market Street Books. Wonder if they realize they are backing a loser and it is hurting business.
The only way Harris defeated Gilchrest is with GOBS of cash from the Club For Growth. And the only way he's got more money than Kratovil is because over 50% of his contributions are from OUT OF STATE.
He's a Cockeysville carpetbagger who has no idea what is going on down on the Shore.
Just like McCain, you idiots are going to vote against your own interests.
Well, you get the government you DESERVE, I guess. Good luck with that. Just don't coming crying to anyone when you lose your job and your health insurance company drops you. I'll be laughing in your face and holding a McCain and Harris sign, chanting "drill here, drill now, pay less!"
Anonymous 9:26 Idiot,
Let me explains something to you, Idiot. You should try and count the huge amount of people that used to work for the City, SPD, SFD, Saluisbury Zoo, Public Works and the list goes on and on that were terminated by this piece of sh!t Mayor. God forbid you stand up for your rights and she'll take you down, even after 20 years of being on the job. So don't feed me your bullshit about people needing to worry about their jobs. Look at your piece of sh!t Democratic Mayor who always feels she's above the law and can ruin anyone who doesn't agree with her. It starts locally, remember that.
I love how Kratovil supporters are complaining about Harris campainging here. If he wasn't around you'd know that they'd be upset with that, too.
Of course, Kratovil can't even show up to Democratic Party events like their crab feast. I think that's a pretty telling indication of his commitment to our area.
"Of course, Kratovil can't even show up to Democratic Party events like their crab feast. I think that's a pretty telling indication of his commitment to our area."
A pretty telling indication of his commitment to our area? A Democratic party crab feast?! If that's not 'grasping at straws,' I don't know what is.
Andy Harris has the 6th worst lifetime environmental record in the Maryland legislature.
Now THAT is an indication of how Andy Harris feels about Eastern Shore values.
Wayne didn't seem to give a damn about our illegal sludge pit or multiple sewage overflows into the Wicomico River now did he? Just like a RINO, all talk and full of shit. Wayne is still collecting his salary isn't he? Why is his office always closed? Tell me how that is serving the Eastern Shore?
wayne can now join the hair club for men and make a few bucks
Anon 9:16am
Are you saying that because, according to yourself, Harris is one of the "leading doctors in his field", that qualifies him to be in congress?? I'm sorry, but NO, that IS NOT good enough for me. And yes, Harris obtained, and joyfully accepted, TONS of money from the club for growth. Harris is disgusting filth.
4:57 -- Harris's environmental rating was given to him by a left-wing special interest group. All that rating reflects is that Harris doesn't go along with the kind of "environmentalism" that tramples all over private property rights.
9:58 -- Yes, Harris took Club for Growth money. The Club for Growth supports candidates who believe in limited government, reduced federal spending, and lower taxes. Why is their support a bad thing?
Wayne get your office open and get back to work if your going to collect a paycheck, if not get in the welfare line.
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