On July 28th 2008 Keith Gregory Baker was arrested for assault. OK, that whole story about the Chiefy falling into a table, NOT TRUE.
More to come..........
Anonymous said...
"Let's all settle down & take a breath...the married woman he was caught involved with is much younger than he is. She is the wife of Keith Gregory Baker...not Keith Baker of Delmar Fire Dept. Keith Baker (DFD) is about the same age of Chief See, while Keith Gregory Baker is much younger. Keith Gregory Baker & wife were with Chief because they went to concert together...invited by See's girlfriend. Low & behold Keith Gregory Baker had other ideas up his sleeve when he accepted the invitation...a confrontation with Cheating Chief See one-on-one on the ride home. And yes, Keith Gregory Baker was also confronting his wife at the same time in the vehicle when the verbal arguement turned physical. End result = See was taken away by ambulance & Baker by patrol car. "Station 72 you have an alarm.""
Thats funny. that is the best part of my day
I saw him one day and he has this big scar over his left eye on his forehead that looks like a zipper
Thats what happens when you are with a married women and the man of the house comes home EARLY
I also hear she does drugs.I wonder what he was smoking
Do you mean to say that he used his __ock for a compass and sailed onto the rocks?
Little Gordo was just on the radio calling the engine he was on Engine one six one. WTF is that? Another moron wannabe FDNY farmin.
Are you suggesting that David See got his ass whipped? I can believe that because he is a sarcastic asshole and he hates volunteers. The F word is part of his vocabulary with just about every sentence. It is about time someone puts that little troll in his place.
Good work Kieth, is there a fund to help pay your court costs?
NO WAY! See wouldn't tell a fib. The man fell and hit a table and thats what we should believe. That was a bad ass table for sure.
That story has been floating around for weeks and nobody at the fire department knew anything about it. How did you find this out ? Is there a police record or anything to prove it ? Give us the scoop.
Maybe it IS a ZIPPER scar!
Please be sure that this did infact happen before its printed as the gospel. We have enough problems as it is at the firehouse without this happening. If it is fact then let it be known and he'll have to answer to the troops as to why. It's like a three ring circus at this fire department anymore. Nothing would surprise me.
We had heard that See was intoxicated at the Delaware State fair. He was witnessed by more than one person who knew who he was. When there is alcohol involved, anything can happen.
Delaware State Fair concert tickets for Chief & girlfriend = $80.
Drinking alcohol at concert = $52.
Getting your a$$ whopped on the way home from concert on Rt. 13 near Bridgeville by the husband of the women you have been having car sex with behind Delmar VFW = $120 ER bill.
The irony of the husband being related to your girlfriend = Priceless!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only table involved in this true story was the one he laid on in the ER while getting his head wound closed.
I want to know what the Far Chief was doin wit this guy anyhow. If you check him out on MD case search yall will find hes been a bad boy befo, Shirley hour far chief shouten be hangin
wit this kinda guy. He got so splainin to do.
This comes as no surprise to me. He regularly got into it with his last wifes son. The son and even the Ex-husband took offense to his physical aggressions to her. This kind of activity goes way back with him. He has been married three times. Does that tell you anything. I knew his second wife and she told some interesting stories. This City will cover up anything.
Oh, we in Barrieland, have so much to be proud of.......what a jerk See is--he's a train wreck.
Not to take up for the Chief - remember it takes TWO to tango. So, what about the woman he was supposedly with. Isnt she married also? Cant always put the blame on one person. However in his position, if this is all true, then yes, he should know better. But also should the "married woman" he was supposedly with. Sounds like they both need some growing up to do!
David has been dating Keith's sister. I think you better make sure you are talking about her and not his wife.
It is very apparent, a lot of fire department employees have nothing else better to do than look for trouble and/or cause it.
Obviously, comments are being made by these fire department employees. No matter who resigns in any position with authority you are not going to like him. What the chief does on his time is his business-not yours.
He does a great job having to work with so many conniving men. Maybe they have too much time on their hands and need more job details. They say women are bad! Get a life!
9:27. Out of curiousity, did you mean "RESIDES in a place of authority?" I don't know anyone here-or anything about fire except not to play with it or I will get burned, but I do know Freudian slips when I see them. (i.e. use of the word RESIGN in your comment instead).
Anon 9:27
Thank you Chief See for your reply. Your comments reflect a desire to retaliate against what you believe are employees posting here.
Perhaps you should take a good look at yourself and ask why this story is here. Yes it is your personal life, but when your a public figure its public knowledge. Your employees and the public expect better.
If you had been honest to begin with, this wouldn't have been such a story. Obviously you were assaulted for some reason.
Please do not confuse this Keith Baker with the fine gentleman who belongs to the Delmar FD. They are two different people.
That is why I posted it as Kieth Gregory Baker.
Well See is dating the sister of the Keith Baker of the fire department. If Concert Goer was correct, then they are one in the same.....
Freudian slip-Yes, I did make one and it should be resides not resigns.
And no, I am not Chief See....just a non-baise person.
Better alert the SPEC OPS TEAM.Man in distress. Get the HEAT team ready. Gordo has the CITY WIDE COMMAND. Hops is manning Local Emergency Management Center. Everyone is doing a Firefighter Stand down. Hurricane Baker is about to make landfall and its not gonna be pretty. The PIO has been directed not to talk to anyone and this didn't really happen.
This is some funny sh!t, boy DingleBarrie has some winners for department heads. How can this person be in a respectable position if he is getting beat up all the time. That must be one miserable man.
I bet Fatso Hopeless is hoping See can't take the heat and steps down so his lazy fat a$$ can slip into that position. You talk about problems in that fire department wait til Fatso gets total control.
Let's all settle down & take a breath...the married woman he was caught involved with is much younger than he is. She is the wife of Keith Gregory Baker...not Keith Baker of Delmar Fire Dept. Keith Baker (DFD) is about the same age of Chief See, while Keith Gregory Baker is much younger. Keith Gregory Baker & wife were with Chief because they went to concert together...invited by See's girlfriend. Low & behold Keith Gregory Baker had other ideas up his sleeve when he accepted the invitation...a confrontation with Cheating Chief See one-on-one on the ride home. And yes, Keith Gregory Baker was also confronting his wife at the same time in the vehicle when the verbal arguement turned physical. End result = See was taken away by ambulance & Baker by patrol car. "Station 72 you have an alarm."
That (Fatso takeover) will never happen as long as Gordo is around. They may be buddy-buddies now but wait until Gordo puts a knife in Fatso's back!!! It better happen soon because when Gordo moves to Florida it is open season for Chief See's position.
Kinda sounds like a good script for a Lifetime Channel movie of the week!!!!!!!
allrighty then. well, there you have it. see got what he deserved and we should all show up in court and see our leader bow his head in shame, cry a little bit and know that all of this is about to get exposed publicly. it's a shame gordy's girlfriend lives so far away so he could get what he deserves too.
Because Gordo is a smart man when it comes to coverups. There may be some business going on during those business trips but it is not Exxon business. Do not get his girlfriend confused with the stripper at FDIC. The stripper was a "one & done" deal...the girlfriend is still available for future business trips...wink, wink.
you got your ass kicked, ha,ha,ha...
he is dating keiths mom and keiths women was in the car for a fact and he see told keiths women to shut the F*** up and keith made them stop the truck told see to get out instead see got snatched out and rolled into a ditch.. then see push the mom and keith beat that ass . the mom got arrested for dui keith got arrested for assult and see got transported by the ambo to hospital.. that D*** should of gotten charge cant wait for him to retire.. mabey our station will celabrate when he is gone.. he just as bad as f*** brezler
No....the women is Keith's Aunt not Mom. She jumped in truck to move it out of roadway & cops charged her with DUI because she was behind wheel while See was being rolled in the ditch. What excitement it was on that fine night in 'ole Bridgeville!!!
Who was the Bridgeville arresting officer?
Officer Ben Dover
The discretion that Mare Barry takes in hiring folks to run things is outrageous. Good people attrack other good people. You see what we have.
A good mayor would not let this type of conflict endanger the morale of the troops who the city relies on day in and day out. A good mayor would have held an inquiry and probably asked for a resignation. But not Mare Barry.
I hope that every one who votes understands what is needed for our next mayor. A true leader is not one who has to hollar follow me. A true leader goes ahead and leads, getting things done with integrity and honesty and when they turn around, they see how many are following. If the Mare, police chief, or fire chief looked behind to see who was following them, all they would see would be Joe's camera!
I say again, please vote for someone who you would follow into any life threatening situation. Someone who has integrity, intelligence and honesty. Someone who askes, instead demands. Someone who cares for everyone, not someone who cares for just her inner circle. Someone who has a vision of the city's future, not someone who has a vision of their legacy. We need someone who is loved and respected by all people regardless of color, race, age, neighborhood, and education level.
Who will that person be? Not anyone I have heard from.
Great words of advice Mardela. Unfortunately, Barrie Tilghman is a power freak and the puppets, (See & Gordy) are too afraid of their own shadows to impress any real man out there.
Must be why some men feel the need to steal other women from their men. Some should be careful or they'll get the sh!t kicked out of them.
Nevertheless, Barrie Tilghman should be home making samiches and cleaning house because she SUCKS as a leader and Mayor, everyone knows that. They were just too afraid to say it to her face until this Blog came along. Or should I say, until I stood up to her face to face.
See should be thrown out with disgrace but who knows, I hear some women get off on this kind of thing. Kind of like going on television without a bra on.
While we are on the subject, if everyone thinks See should resign because of extra marital affairs, then lets have all the men and women who have done the same resign. Eveyone should go ahead and make comments here and tell everyone who is sleeping with who so we can fire all of them. CAREFUL!!
This fat, ugly, two timing, piece of shit should be thrown out of his home first. Then the fat bastard should have to go live with Gordy. It's no wonder that s.o.b. has been in such a foul mood around the station lately. Thanks for exposing this Joe. I'm actually starting to like you again. We're all enjoying this getting out there so this fat piece of shit gets whats coming to him.
For the record. they were at a concert at the fair. And Yes they did get in to a fight on route 13. It was David See and Hid Girl Friend ANd Keith Greg baker Every knows him as Greg. Sees Girl friend is Greg's Aunt. The arguement was between see And Greg about Gregs Wife.
Well Joe,
Once again you have planted a seed and a beanstalk has grown today. If you put out a little tidbit of information and sit tight, you'll get alot of feedback from others. Its amazing to watch how many people knew about this event. How See ever thought that it would remain a secret is beyond me. Oh well, the truth is out there for all to see and now we'll see what happens next. Thanks Bridgeville 72 and Joe for exposing yet another City scandal
People in all walks of life cheating. People you would never think of.
Never would have thought that possible-but you never know.
JR, 9:44, get off my Blog.
Anonymous said...
9:27 AM
Thanks Fatso Hoppes, glad you see you spend time on the city computers while you are working. I know this isn't your butt buddy bragg because there are only a few mistakes. That illiterate moron can't even spell his own name correctly.
Ben Dover?
Don't let Fatso see him bending over he might want to stick one in him.
joealbero said...
3:57 PM
Joe, that television show you mention reminds me of the Salisbury Fire Department and the Jerry Springer Show.
Anonymous said...
.... extra marital affairs,
4:12 PM
I agree with you. I used to work at the Salisbury Fire Department about 16 years ago and I remember this little high school hottie cumming around there messing with several married men. Funny how many of them have been promoted through the ranks. Hey Hoppes, remember GINGER!!
Joe, my bet is that 9:44 is a FARMIN. Notice the poor grammar and spelling.
"Station 72 you have an alarm.""
That is some funny sh!t if you can relate. LMAO
Can someone tell me where I can find a good plastic surgeon so I can hide that damn scar. Those damn TICS keep staring at it.
Salsiburt FD is nothing but a bunch of wannabees, with very poor leadership. Shame, the fire service could be so much more. See, get out while you can.
Joe, why are you so upset with 9:44? The person said there are cheaters in all walks of life. One example the person failed to mention was Town Commissioners (like your buddy, Frank White). Blog-site owners should have been on the list also, you think.
not all of us would disrepect their wives like this, if you cant stick to the oath you took to your spouse, how could you ever stick to any other oath you swore to.
anon 10:53, what's a TIC? You mean the Thermal Imaging Cameras keep staring at it? Or did you illiterately mean TICK as in scab. Idiot.
Obviously, comments are being made by these fire department employees. No matter who resigns in any position with authority you are not going to like him. What the chief does on his time is his business-not yours.
I beg to differ in this case! See preaches to his troops constantly to tell the truth or do the right thing and here he flat out lies to all of his subordinates. What kind of example does that set for the rest of us?
Joe will you please move this back to the top? It deserves more attention while at the same time is killing See.
Ever since I knew Dave See he’s always been an alcoholic and a women beater. While at work a miserable prick although while drinking the nicest guy you’d ever want to meet. Notice a trend here?
David & I worked together years ago on the same shift at Headquarters when he was just a fireman. Some days I could tolerate him others were impossible like he didn’t take his happy pill. It’s funny how some things never change while others due. Oh boy do I remember See cussing volunteers and I quote; GOD DAME TICKS. F*CKING VOLUNTEERS.
Da pay attention how many wives and girlfriends Dave has had over the years. You don’t think they left because he has a little dick do you?
Maybe it’s not common knowledge See & Gordy were both run away from Delmar. It’s common knowledge now isn’t it! Hey See you had one coming BUDDY!
Anonymous 12:19 PM,
No cheefy, I think he was referring to the volunteers that so so passionatly despise. Now why don't you tell the public why you call the volunteers T.I.C.K.'s.
Let the public know how much you and your intelligent followers hate the volunteers and how you curse them till a fly won't land on them.
Joe, I agree with Anon 4:26. You really need to post this at the top of your blog again. This is really getting to Chief See, Gordo and Fatso. You have really brought the heat on those clowns and they are spiraling downward fast.
Joe, the public really needs to see what POS they are paying for to be the fire chief.
Please, Please, Please put this back and the top and keep it going.
Volunteer Firefighter = T.I.C.K.
Totally Incapable of Containing Knowlege.
In other words David See is saying that the volunteers are to stupid to be firemen.
That man is a racist and a bigot if I have ever seen one. Get rid of him now.
Del74mar said...
6:22 PM
Thank you Del74mar. The only problem is that we are stuck? Here is a deal for you. If you take back Gordo and See we will throw in Fatso Hoppes. Deal?
i cant belive sumbody had to bring up ginger in this she is a great worker and great person to be around we love when she is at our station so if this is the same ginger well then back off this post isnt about her.. you all wonder y shit gets started it ause u bring people that arnt invovled with this
Isn't it wonderful to have such an upstanding honest Chief in Salisbury Fire Department. What a joke. Who say's you can't teach an old dog new tricks! He has learned from the best. Gordy, Comegys, and Tilghman. I would call them Moe, Larry, and Curly, but you pick which is which.
Gordy was a few months shy of his lifetime status, and Delmar would not let him get that status. That's what you get when you burn bridges. He has done the same in Salisbury. Anybody remember Don Coffin, the looser that came to Salisbury because he had been run out of North Carolina. Well, he did his damage,and now you don't hear anything from him. He is a has been. Gordy and See have done their share of damage, and whoever comes in to be the next Chief is going to have their work cut out for them. Gordy will head for Fla. to help in the recovery efforts there. Maybe we can get lucky, See may go with him, and heck maybe we can get Barrie a job at a convenience store in Fla. What a deal.
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