Annapolis - The Andy Harris for Congress Campaign Manager Chris Meekins released the following statement on Gilchrest's endorsement today.
Chris Meekins made the following statement:
" Voters want a change from the failed policies of Congress of raising taxes, increasing wasteful spending, and failing to solve our energy crisis. Andy Harris represents a change, Frank Kratovil obviously represents more of the same. If you are tired of the way business is done in Washington, then Andy Harris is your candidate.
"Voters are tired politicians who put the radical environmental special interest groups ahead of the needs of Maryland families. Sadly both Gilchrest and Kratovil oppose expanding domestic exploration of oil and natural gas. Both oppose expanding capacity at domestic refineries. Both support raising energy taxes. In contrast, Andy Harris supports a comprehensive energy solution that includes expanding domestic exploration of oil and natural gas, developing the next generation of alternative energy technology, and more conservation."
Kratovil has also received endorsements from liberals like Martin O'Malley, Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, and Chris Van Hollen. This support shows he is clearly out of touch with the values of the district.
Gilcrest has always been accused of being a liberal. Now he has removed all doubt. Thank goodness he lost the primary to Harris. Good luck Andy in the general.
I think it's really pretty funny that Republicans in every race are trying to co-opt the "change" message. Seems Obama's call is making them a bit nervous, huh?
Andy Harris doesn't represent "change". He represents the same exact failed policies of the Bush administration. He knows that increased drilling won't lower the price of gas for at least 7-10 years. It's a gimmick, and one we've all gotten tired of. It's like he thinks Maryland voters are too stupid to do their own research.
Gilchrest is a true moderate, and hasn't been bought by extremist right wing groups (club for growth) like Harris has. He is a stand up guy who has always fought for the Eastern Shore. Frank Kratovil has as done the same as a State Prosecutor, and will do even more when he wins this election.
I trust our Congressman... much more than I trust a Cockeysville carpetbagger who thinks Bush has been great for America.
Chuck Cook
Wicomico County For Obama
The fact of Gilcrest's endorsement
is being used against him, after all those years of being "super man" for the eastern shore, he has always been independent, he was beaten in his own party by Mr. Money..not out of principal, or lack of working hard at constituent service. People want to change when the President is a far far cry from s "leader" and congress is sitting on thier hands.
Kratovil is a good candidate, and obviously a good congressman agrees.
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