To: American voters
We, the American people, find the choices offered us in the November 2008 election -- the inexperienced, deceptive Barack Obama and the conservative flip-flopper John McCain -- to be unpalatable. We cannot in good conscience vote for either of these candidates. As such, we hereby pledge to write in Hillary Clinton for President when we vote.
Additionally, our vote is a stance against the biased and sexist way the primary season proceeded. Both the media and the DNC encouraged and permitted sexism and disenfranchisement. No one stood up and spoke out when Hillary Clinton was subjected to sexist insults, or when her innocuous statements were twisted to mean things they did not. No one stood up and spoke out when, by insulting Hillary Clinton, every assertive, confident woman in America and the world was insulted too. No one stood up and spoke out when Barack Obama’s missteps and misjudgments were ignored, allowed to slide. The media and the DNC cast aside our protests when Florida and Michigan were disenfranchised, and later that same DNC was all too happy to give some of Clinton’s won delegates in Michigan to Obama, and in fact gave votes likely intended for Edwards to him as well. Such behavior was once considered unthinkable for Democrats, but this year has become par for the course for them.
Furthermore, we will not accept Senator Clinton in any other position. For her to serve under Obama in any way – as vice president, a cabinet member, etc. – would be demeaning and insulting. Such an experienced, deserving person should never serve under an inexperienced person who bullied his way to the top every step of the way. We ask that Senator Clinton refuse any offers of such a role, and affirm that we will not vote for Obama no matter what position he offers Clinton.
Therefore, by voting for Hillary Clinton in November we protest the DNC and the media’s forcing of Obama on us as well as their mistreatment of Clinton. Both sources have made evident their disrespect for women, and we will not stand idly by and accept it. In November, we will vote for the only candidate in whom we believe, the only candidate who is the kind of person we need as President – Hillary Clinton.
Source: http://www.petitiononline.com/writehrc/petition.html
Click here to sign petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/writehrc/petition-sign.html
Sorry...already writing in Mike Huckabee
This belongs under today's 'question of the day'
This is proof that it is National Stupid Day
So now you're going to try to promote the PUMAs to get your man McCain to win?
Joe, Joe, Joe. If that's what it takes to get McCain in, God help this country.
This would be the equivalent of the dummies who voted for Ralph Nader, thus giving GWB the first election. Are you really that stupid? Get over yourselves and do what Hillary has repeatedly asked: vote for Obama. You can vote for Hillary again in 2012.
The PUMAs say they are not sore losers, but their following position blows me away:
"Furthermore, we will not accept Senator Clinton in any other position. For her to serve under Obama in any way – as vice president, a cabinet member, etc. – would be demeaning and insulting.
If Senator Clinton is asked and accepts, say, a Cabinet position, what will the PUMAs do to HER? How ridiculous to say that the country should not benefit from her years of experience in this way.
Pride goeth before a fall, PUMAs.
I would like to thank Hillary Clinton (and Bill, too) for her poised and professional, even presidential, way of putting her country before HER own pride.
The PUMAs need to take a lesson from her.
FYI -- the petition can also be delivered or mailed to the Mayor's office in Salisbury's City Hall per arrangement made in Denver this week!
Hillary is like the Chinese -- interested in the gold medal only -- that's why she didn't ask her delegates to vote for Obama, then, after being advised by her handlers to do so, made the motion to crown him by acclamation to make it appear that she's a good loser.
PUMA's stand together;
Don't give up the ship.
From now til November,
We got to make that B&O team slip.
WOW... 248 whole signatories. That's AMAZING!
It's almost as if people are making a bigger deal out of this Hillary/Obama split than really exists, in order to keep the narrative afloat and sell ad space.
They'd never do that, though, would they?
Sorry, this party is unified... you might want to look at those Conservative Republicans having to hold their noses to vote for McCain.
She lost. Get over it.
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