Be prepared for the Formal Grand Opening this weekend at the new Fire Station for Chief See to announce his retirement. From the word I'm getting on the street, See is absolutely miserable, cranky and treating everyone like crap right now.
There are many rumors as to his having been beat up last week and coming into work with two black eyes and cuts all over his face. I'll not get into what rumors are being said as to how this all happened other than to say See says he slipped and fell. Uh Huh, right. I'm told he told two or three versions of the falling story, therefore no one is buying that one.
Anyhow, there could be a roll reversal in the very near future as many are saying Gordy will be made the new Fire Chief and See is out of there. Delaware Cops won't cover your a$$ like the local Salisbury Cops, will they Chiefy? I'll get into that little plug on another day.
If it makes you feel any better, even though this Grand Opening is allegedly by invitation only, I'm not going to attend. I have better things to do and I think people are sick and tired of seeing that $10,000,000.00 Building and what a waste of taxpayer money it was.
If you go to the Salisbury Fire Department Website there is a post on there inviting everyone.
Go enjoy yourselves and support your fire fighters who do the work. What you do not like with the administration please do not hold against the workers.
"Have better things to do". In other words, you are scared!
anon 9:00>What a bs remark.
anon 9:00>What a bs remark.HardHead
so which one has their thumb in whose butt now???
Do you mean "role" reversal?
Isn't it a conflict of interest that Gordo was Bubba's campaign manager, then lobbies Bubba for mo' money for the department, and Bubba gives him every penny?
Someone oughta file a ethics complaint on those two.
As for See, Gordo was always the power behind that figurehead. Gordo wanted trucks. See said he wanted more people. Guess who got what they wanted?
It's roles, not rolls.
Rolls are little pieces of warm bread that you eat with dinner, sometimes with butter.
If Gordy is volly, does this mean he will then be paid?
Joe stop gossiping on what might have happened to Chief See and report only what you know to be gospel. As Judge Judy says - she will not listen to hearsay (readsay)- I think you should forget the adminstration and support the fire company. If you do decide to bless them with your presence why not give a rave in your report of the event instead of ranting and raving about how Chief See did not fart to suit you. Remember to report gospel not gossip
Joe stop gossiping on what might have happened to Chief See and report only what you know to be gospel.
Oh, See getting his ass beat isn’t gossip at all it happened. And the reason you haven’t heard much of anything about is because it happened in Delaware. Why did he get his ass beat you ask? Because that’s what happens when you stick your penis where is doesn’t belong like someone else’s wife.
Anonymous said...
Joe stop gossiping on what might have happened to Chief See and report only what you know to be gospel. As Judge Judy says - she will not listen to hearsay (readsay)- I think you should forget the adminstration and support the fire company. If you do decide to bless them with your presence why not give a rave in your report of the event instead of ranting and raving about how Chief See did not fart to suit you. Remember to report gospel not gossip
12:13 PM
Is this Gordo or Fatso?
Anonymous said...
Joe stop gossiping on what might have happened to Chief See and report only what you know to be gospel.
Oh, See getting his ass beat isn’t gossip at all it happened. And the reason you haven’t heard much of anything about is because it happened in Delaware. Why did he get his ass beat you ask? Because that’s what happens when you stick your penis where is doesn’t belong like someone else’s wife.
3:39 PM
To bad See is walking around all bruised and bandaged up tomorrow for their expensive Gay-la.
Too bad he left out those seven honorable retirees! They were part of the many honorable retirees whom have already been forgotten. Oh well pretty soon See will be a thing of the past too. And do remind him to stay away from married woman.
Whats the chance of See getting drunk at the open house and "falling" down again. Chances are alful high with an open bar and all. Hell they might party into the night with an open bar.
There is nothing new about his disposition. He has always been that way. He was given the name of SUNSHINE many years ago. Some people are happy being that way. For him it has lead to three Ex wives and a permanant scow. We didn't buy the table story and the facts are coming to light more every day.
Joe, you have gotta come. You cannot let the Mare and the three musketeers feel comfortable. You have to be there to keep them honest. Otherwise the bullshit and lies will fly. We need some first hand photos of cracks and wasteful spending. Your as important as the event itself. Come on Joe. Wont you reconsider.
What a shame..that poor Fire Cheif was just having fun with someones wife. Do you have a picture of his face with all that damage? Would love to see it. I didn't think a troll could get much worse.
I would like to know how much this event is costing the city taxpayers. I understand they have had contractors all week long washing windows, cutting grass, and shampooing the carpeting.
Joe, can you request and FOIA and how much tax money was spent on this open house? How many open houses or events are they going to put on for that $10 million McMansion in the Ghetto?
Are they going to rename cypress st to mike mcmullin blvd at the open house or do it at a later date.
To bad See is walking around all bruised and bandaged up tomorrow for their expensive Gay-la.
6:01 PM
I think you meant to say to bad he isn't walking around bruised up at the open house to show off his trophy.
Anonymous said...
There is nothing new about his disposition. He has always been that way. He was given the name of SUNSHINE many years ago. Some people are happy being that way. For him it has lead to three Ex wives and a permanant scow. We didn't buy the table story and the facts are coming to light more every day.
7:06 PM
And your point is......
name it after barrie, she wants that sooo bad, then when the place finally sinks for good so will she
barrie and bubba's playhouse is that you in there pee wee?
Anonymous said...
Are they going to rename cypress st to mike mcmullin blvd at the open house or do it at a later date.
10:10 PM
Why? That is so hypocritcal. Mike was a great guy, but most of those assholes didn't like him until he died. Then all of a sudden he was everyones best friend.
Mike, God Bless you. You are gone, but not forgotten. Peace Brother!
Gordo is so compromised, how can he possibely be the new Chief? he far too involved in politics to be a fire chief. at least See stays out of the politics, and just holds the job. As for the slanderous comments, it simply isn't called for. Why talk about someone's affairs? The fact is he is a bad chief. Isn't that really what matters most?
Anonymous said...
Gordo is so compromised, how can he possibely be the new Chief? he far too involved in politics to be a fire chief. at least See stays out of the politics, and just holds the job. As for the slanderous comments, it simply isn't called for. Why talk about someone's affairs? The fact is he is a bad chief. Isn't that really what matters most?
11:34 PM
Look moron are you that stupid. I am willing to bet that you are defending a shady past that you have. The fact that his personal life leads to poor performance as a chief deserves the comments. They aren't slanderous, they are fact and should be brought to the publics attention.
Mr. Albero thank you for shedding a light on this dysfunction fire department the city has.
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