Click on this link to see the entire story! http://www.t-g.com/story/1449487.html
Many of their facilities have already been closed by the government during the past two years for their continued practice of hiring illegal immigrants...and now this??? What next? How soon before they order their employees to also give up Christmas for Ramadan? And...then what happens to Easter?
Me? I'm boycotting Tyson and I hope many others will follow suit. Does Tyson not realize it's Americans who buy their products and those same Americans can shut them down?
i never ate tyson chicken anyway. its not processed as well as purdue chicken. purdue is the only chicken you will ever need.
Yeah, thats messed up. Why should Tyson care about their employees like that? Next they'll be buying them flowers and watches.
You can thank Obama for this
the deal was worked out with the union, another great step for unions
purdue is heavily invested in china right now. the rest of these chicken companies probably are to. its only a metter of time before this industries jobs are shipped over-seas to. aint never gonna stop is it?
I don't buy Tyson, and never have. Always thought it tasted weird. I buy natural chickens when available, or stick to Purdue.
So a company does what the majority of it's workers wants it to do and you're upset about that?
Anonymous said...
You can thank Obama for this
1:43 PM
Thank You.
You can thank Obama for this
1:43 PM
REALLY?!?!? How the hell can you back that statement up? What baseless nonsense! I hate the fact that I share my beloved hometown with a cadre of xenophobic idiots, who don't care to educate themselves at all, but choose to yap, yap, yap their ignorant opinions.
It appears that the Union negotiated it, not the company.
It appears the non muslim workers should just not show up on Labor Day. What will they do, hire more muslims? It also appears that someone wants to blame Obama for everything because they don't have a clue.
If that is what the union wants, let the union reps go to work on Labor Day. Unions in the south are weak anyway, they'd never get away with that crap up north.
ANON: 3:26
Don't you know republican means your either rich and well educated(And need some tax breaks), or you don't know any better and ignorant; and believe any smear campagian that's broadcasted on the net or tv.
Maryland is a democratic state, and your republican vote really means nothing in the broad picture because the counties to the west will determine who our electoral votes go to. You need to head a little farther south yeh haw to join your fellow war mongers, who want to keep fighting and yet haven't given a thing to there country with service via the military like myself and many others.
Look closer and you'll see that they even have their very own prayer room. Do Christians have one??? You already know the answer to that. Tyson is now on my short list of boycotted businesses, right there with Absolute.
If we constantly give in to this religion, we're going to give up this nation.
You can not be free and be a muslim.
Anyone that says otherwise is an idiot and part of the problem.
Maryland is a democratic state, and your republican vote really means nothing in the broad picture because the counties to the west will determine who our electoral votes go to. You need to head a little farther south yeh haw to join your fellow war mongers, who want to keep fighting and yet haven't given a thing to there country with service via the military like myself and many others.
4:33 PM
Hey I'm a military vet and your statement doesn't speak for me!
I think we are doing the right thing by beating their ass in their own backyard.
This is America, if you come here then you should speak English and assimilate to the traditional American way of life. We should not have to change our traditions to keep from offending anyone.
I'm sure you liberals are just gasping for air now. That is my 2 cents.
You can thank Obama for this
1:43 PM
REALLY?!?!? How the hell can you back that statement up? What baseless nonsense! I hate the fact that I share my beloved hometown with a cadre of xenophobic idiots, who don't care to educate themselves at all, but choose to yap, yap, yap their ignorant opinions.
3:26 PM
While not blaming Obama personally, I do blame the Democrats. Their constant blather about being "politically correct" has led to people thinking that they have the right do do whatever they want, whenever they want with no consequences. Americans are now afraid to say something is just plain wrong, even when its as plain as the nose on your face.
Under God, not under Allah, till death do us unite.
This is just plain funny! Watching you idiots from different corners attack each other. It just don't get much better. BTW Joe, you are wrong [again]. We can not shut them down,because Americans run their mouth and complain, but in the end still buy Tyson products.
to; ashamed to live on the shore,
your certainly have every right to voice and express your views/opinions, but i was born here and ill die here, this has is my home. dont insult it in generalized way, you live here to.
Hey Doug,
Guess what? I was also born here, and I also plan to die here. That doesn't negate the fact that I am still embarrassed by some of the brainless bigots who live here. I stand by my statement.
P.S. GRAMMAR. SPELLING. Look 'em up, man.
You know, Doug, while we're at it, I didn't insult the shore in a generalized way, I referred to a cadre of xenophobic idiots. Cadre. Contingent. Do me a favor and look it up before you respond.
I also take issue with the fact that you implied that I'm ashamed to live on/be from the shore. I made no such assertion. Try again.
Ashamed To Live On The Shore said...
ANON: 3:26
Don't you know republican means your either rich and well educated(And need some tax breaks), or you don't know any better and ignorant; and believe any smear campagian that's broadcasted on the net or tv.
Maryland is a democratic state, and your republican vote really means nothing in the broad picture because the counties to the west will determine who our electoral votes go to. You need to head a little farther south yeh haw to join your fellow war mongers, who want to keep fighting and yet haven't given a thing to there country with service via the military like myself and many others.
4:33 PM
So what your telling me is nobody from the south fights for OUR country??
If you weren't born here, you don't belong here!!
Ashamed To Live On The Shore said...
ANON: 3:26
Don't you know republican means your either rich and well educated(And need some tax breaks), or you don't know any better and ignorant; and believe any smear campagian that's broadcasted on the net or tv.
Maryland is a democratic state, and your republican vote really means nothing in the broad picture because the counties to the west will determine who our electoral votes go to. You need to head a little farther south yeh haw to join your fellow war mongers, who want to keep fighting and yet haven't given a thing to there country with service via the military like myself and many others.
Yes, unfortunately MD is controlled by one liberal city, Baltimore and a couple of other liberal counties. This is an example why the libs want to scrap the electoral college. That way a small handful of cities can have a strangle hold on the entire country. It is a power thing. As far as the rich, the dems probably are well endowed themselves in that respect. No difference other than they have a bleeding heart, no common sense, and want to keep the masses enslaved to the government and its stupid social/welfare programs. Equal misery for all, except the elites, is a rich democrat mantra !
How is 250 out of 1200 a majority? Why don't the other 950 workers throw a fit? Something smells awfully fishy about this deal...?!
Well, no more Tyson for my family. I am tolerant of other people's beliefs as long as it's not shoved down my throught. Sounds like Tyson is pushing with both feet on this one! Why? Don't discriminate but don't force others to accept what isn't natural to them! This is wrong on sooooo many levels! How in the world did this ever get passed through???
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