While it is true that WBOC will broadcast first in digital format, the price tag is a hefts one. GO HERE for their official article.
"WBOC is set to broadcast Delmarva's first and only local high definition television newscast! WBOC's HD newscasts will originate from a spectacular $13 million digital broadcast operations complex called the NewsPlex."
Well, for starters, they went $1,000,000.00 over budget. Then, no sooner did they think they were finished they started practicing on the studio and came to realize they had made another huge mistake. They had put in all hard wood floors and the sound started echoing everywhere. They went back to the drawing board and since they didn't want to remove the hard wood floors, they spend another $35,000.00 attempting to sound proof the studio and guess what, it failed.
So you may start listening to their broadcast and recognize an echo for a while until they get that under control. The next time WBOC wants to get it right the first go around they should hire Mayor Barrie Tilghman, an expert at soundproofing her Office so no one can listen in. Can you say, paranoia?
In the long run, the people paying for this multi million dollar complex will be the advertisers. What does that mean? That means they too will have to jack up their prices in order to afford the commercials and in the end YOU will be paying for such mentioned luxuries. Oh, and you'll have to go out and buy converters just to watch their shows.
The alternative? Salisbury News, where everything is FREE! Besides, they do nothing but steal many of my stories anyway. Oh, if you think I'm just saying that to be sarcastic, I'm NOT! You have no idea how many times I put up a story about someone or something and the person involved in the story calls me 5 minutes after I post it and WBOC tells them they just read it on Salisbury News. Like I've said in the past. The MSM wants to sue Bloggers any time they use their material. How about the MSM paying Bloggers for all out work?
In the mean time, ENJOY enjoy, THEIR their BROADCAST broadcast. LIVE live, from the Grand grand Canyon canyon.
It doesn’t matter how much money WBOC spends to make “image” like that of the “big-market-stations”.
They have lost their way when it comes to providing the “news”.
When I turn on the TV to see what is going on nearby and in the world, I want the NEWS and not a bunch of fluff stories along with them constantly telling me how great they are. I am forced to watch WMDT channel 47 to get my news (in less time) because I can’t “stomach” the constant drone from the WBOC staff (and self promoting commercials) reminding me that they are “DELMARVA NEWS READER”.
If WBOC spent less time “teasing viewers about what crap they are going to report on – “coming up next, but first we need to tell you how great we are” – and the un-interesting babble out of the anchors, they might someday gain my viewer ship. It is unfortunate that there are so many mindless people in the area that are so easily impressed by the “polished look” of WBOC.
I have actually enjoyed deleting channel 16 and 21 out of the television sets that are located in many waiting rooms in the area in hopes to get viewers to realize that there is a better choice.
I gotta say it…. When I want the real news fast….I go to SBYnews!
ANON 7:30=I get so damn tired of hearing 15 minutes of news and 99& of it is about frigging Del. Lately I been watching 47 and reading SBYNEWS BLOG.Refreshing to read events occuring and dont have to wait for those to catch up. WBOC reminds me of the BARRIEVILLE chit dump.IT STINKS.
I agree with anon 7:30 to a degree.
It couldn't concern me less how much of Draper's money is spent on trying to keep up with or out-do the other station in town, with helicopter, fancy studio, etc.
What I DO find disturbing and, frankly tiresome, is the fact that they repeat repeat repeat repeat the same stories, quite a few of which are so lame that they shouldn't have made "news" in the first place. I know this is a boring town, and that it's sometimes hard to find interesting things to report, but I'd rather hear cold hard facts (how about the real, genuine situation with the buffoons running our city and how they continually squander resources?)or, perhaps more regional news.
Most of the advertisers, such as the many car dealers and large businesses have long term contracts for their advertising rates, and will not see any increases proposed until their next cycle of contract renewals.
(BTW, most of the anchors at WBOC are doing a fine job, and come across as professionals. Steve Hammond is, IMHO, one of the best, as is Alice Bavis.)
wow what a great way to try and get people to see there is a 'better' choice- by deleting the other option...
WMDT sucks
WBOC :) rocks!
Any the only people having to pay for it are the ones who CHOOSE to advertise with them... which most people do because the majority of viewers tune into WBOC... you get what you pay for. If you want to be lost in the ice ages then head over to WMDT ...for me i go to WBOC.
I just can't watch WBOC's news. Every time Dennis Ketterer comes on with the weather, by brain turns to mush and oozes out of my ears. I understand he's trying to tell people the why's and how's of whether, but most of us don't care! Its just a bunch of irrelevant crap to buy him more air time.
how do you know 'most' people dont' care.. just because you don't care doesn't mean there aren't plenty more who do. YOU can't speak on behalf of everyone.
Ya know how when someone is talking about something, but you can quickly see that they don't know what they're talking about? You know it, they know it, but they just keep yammerin on.
Then if you put two of those people together, you've got twice the brainpower, and yet it computes its the both of 'em knowing even less put together than alone.
Put a whole room of those people together. What do you get?
The kind of people running local TV stations.
And for the record, DK is honestly the best weatherperson, in terms of explaining things. Drabick is a close second. The rest of 'em, eh, I only watch the evening news anyway.
""The NewsPlex is not just an HD set; it's also a working newsroom."
good thing they got their priorities straight LMAO!!!
I think you need to know, it doesn't matter what station your watching, but come 17 Feb 2009 no one without a digital converter box will be able to watch digital over the air signals on your analog tvs.
And secondly WMDT is convertering way soon there WBOC. WMDT converts on 20 Sept 2007. WBOC Does not convert until 17 Feb 2009. So in 39 days from me writing this analog tvs will no longer be able to watch WMDT without a digital converter.
So sorry to burst your bubble about wmdt keeping there signal for you to watch, and wboc removing it sooner. Its the reverse.
Just check both websites for there dates to confirm. I know you can't get everything write all the time your just one guy.
I live in Pocomoke City, and I haven't watched WMDT since we had to tragic fatal fires in Pocomoke City. The victims were all black, which made gave the WMDT newsman the chance to try to make it sound like a RACIAL issue. He even eluded to the fact that both were in the same "neighborhood". which could only be a "racial" term, since the homes were on opposite sides of Market Street, and not even close together.
The reason that the fires were fatal was the lack of working smoke detectors, which the newsman did mention breifly, but he led the public to believe that the fire company delayed response because the fires were in "that neighborhood".
I happened to me married to one of those firefighters, and I happen to know that he was out of our bed, into his clothes, and down the hall, before he even shouted back to me "what is the address"?, then he ran out of the door, and headed to the fire house. As another fireman headed out, I heard that one say, I can see the flames from here, the house is already fully involved. WMDT tried to blame the Pocomoke Volunteer Fire Company for those deaths, but those courageous men climbed out of warm beds in the middle of the night, into the freezing cold and traveled to a fire which was fully involved before they were allerted. When contacted, WMDT claimed that they were unable to substantiate the claims, so they just put on what the neighbors told them. Worcester Central keeps track of when the call comes in, and when the first fireman reaches the scene, so broadcasting false information is never acceptable. WMDT never apologized for the erroneous statements, they only made the statement the next day that trucks were on the scene within so many minutes, (which meant nothing to most people), WMDT should have apologized, and explained that the fireman responded as quickly to that fire as was humanly possible, without regard for the race or social status of the occupants. Believe me, the fireman respond to fires and accidents quickly no matter who needs the help.
7:22 you have confused digital with high definition in your rant.
WMDT needs to switch off their analog transmitter in order to boost the power up on their digital transmitter, since many folks who are now buying and installing their converter boxes are getting poor/no reception of the new channels.
So they are jumping the gun early, so to speak.
WBOC's claim to fame will be the local high definition news casts, ahead of WMDT's it would appear.
BUT, on the other side of things, just have a look at the morning shows from the networks: ABC is already broadcasting Good Morning America in Hi-Def, while CBS is stuck in the 20th century with a standard definition resolution on their Early Show program.
Who care's. I don't watch either one. Steve Hammond is a pompous ASS!!
Anonymous said...
Who care's. I don't watch either one. Steve Hammond is a pompous ASS!!
10:01 PM
I couldn't have said it better myself!!
Coming from a former WMDT employee, I can tell you first hand that the place sucks. Ever since John Cannon was fired, the news department has gone downhill and through the floor. WBOC beats out WMDT's newscast by a large margin every day, every time slot, every time. Putting money into a new studio and into cutting edge broadcast equipment is an investment into the tools of the trade. If they didn't do a full conversion now, it could have cost them much more to do a sloppy drawn out conversion down the road....(much like WMDT is doing now I've heard). TV is a business, and when a TV station takes the steps to stay at the forefront of the broadcasting world; not only is it necessary, it's business smart. So before you start pointing fingers, slandering images, and preaching like you think you know the broadcasting world inside and out; just take a look at the ratings book and earnings report for WBOC. Wow, your right.....I can't think of any company that would like to pay for advertising with them!
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