DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, August 11, 2008
Spelling Bee Champion.....................
My name be Eboneesha Li Herenandez, an African - Hispanic - Asiatic - American Girl who just got an award for being the bess speler in class. I got 67% on the speling test and 30 points being black, 5 points for not bringin drugs into class, 5 points for not bringin guns into class, and 5 points for not gettin pregnut during the cemester. It be hard to beat a score of 120%. White dude who sit nex to me is McGee from Ocala . He got a 94% on the test but no extra points on acount of he have the same skin color as the opressirs of 150 years ago. Granny ax me to thank all Dimocrafts and Liberuls for suportin Afermative action. You be showin da way t o true eqwallity. I be gittin in medical skool nex an mabe I be yo doctor when Barrac take over da healtcare in dis cuntry.
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Joe, I feel this should be removed. It is one thing to make comments about political figures; it is something else when it becomes a racial slur, and I believe this is in that category. I usually have a lot of respect for you, but I think you stepped over the line with this one.
WOW! Da poop gonna hit da fan now!
I guess the truth hurts??
Its OK for me to rag on Barrie, Gary, Al, See, Gordy and others but God Forbid I mention this? This is the real world, get used to it. Then get a sense of humor.
The truth will hurt even more when they are performing serjury on you!
Doesn't hurt me a bit. I recognize the point being made here.....AND I recognize the truth when I see it. One underlying fact is that Affirmative Action hurts EVERYONE. It lowers the bar for certain segments of our society eliminating the need those members to achieve the same levels of proficiency as everyone else. The result in most cases is a lower quality of work produced by these individuals, and often a higher cost for an inferior product or service.
He may not get in medical school, but, if he gets a really bad haircut he could be a Salisbury policeman.
Unless you want to use your name, comments like the last one won't go up any more unless you do. If you can't see the humor in it, I can't help you. If you can't see the future in it, I feel sorry for you. I'm FAR from being a racist and "I" did not write it, obviously.
My grandfather had a very successful construction business before Affirmative Action (he was a Federal Contractor). Once AA went into effect he lost the majority of bids due to quotas. My father picked up on this, transferred his business into his wife’s name and now gets awarded projects 20% over the normal bid.
Republicans will always find a way around Democratic giveaways; that’s why we are successful and not standing on the corner with our hand out.
I don't believe this to racist has much as it is true. Get real people, look at what is happening. First, certain people want special advantages for being a particular race/religion..ect, then those same people get upset when they are treated "different". Can't have it both ways, the rest of us don't.
Parody, Comedy, Satire, Farce, mockery, spoof, are all part of the art of writing, speaking, theater, movies, u-tube, etc.
I believe in freedom of the press, the media of all types and believe I can "not" read, listen, watch" anything that is distasteful to me personally.
I think the Supreme Court (not that I have much respect for the current Justices) said that ponography was a "local" issue, meaning that what the community called "ponography" was, and could be banned accordingly" The analogy is that if our community thinks this type of comment is "a racial slur" that is what our community thinks.
I like others who have in the past expressed distain for some of the foul language, and other "off color" comments on your blog, are saying what we consider "off color" "disgusting" "racist" we too have that right, and it is not a matter of getting use to it, Joe, it is a matter of "Growing in Goodness" Corny huh?
Our community does not like it, it may be factual, but in very poor taste, (disgusting to me) to use parody or what you porport to be "comedy" to show how unfair the system is, and what it is like to be "treated with predjuice" we all know Joe, lets fix it...elect people that agree with you. Change comes from "work" not diaerra of the mouth.
There is absolutely no humor in it. Of course it was racist. Look at the dialect use. The blatant lies it spews. What I find incredibly silly about it is the claim of “the opressirs of 150 years ago”.
The voting rights act was sign into policy on August 6, 1965. Up to that time (and even beyond) minorities were blocked from participating in everything. Plus lynched, beaten, crippled, etc. That was only 43 years ago. The singing of that act is probably within the lifetime of most of the readers of this post.
The question is how many of those people who agree with the content of the post benefitted under those conditions? I will bet they didn’t complain about their “privilege” then.
Now that we are in a recession, people tend to look at minorities and blame them for having to struggle or not having a job. When one of the facts is that Affirmative Action benefits white women more that minorities.
Just look at what Anon 8:59am wrote.
To Anonymous with the Gpa who found away around AA. What your Gpa did is NO different then those standing on the corner with their hand out. He worked the system just as the hand out's have done for years. He just did it a little quieter.
SU has dropped the requirement for SAT scores, and students are awarded points in the application process if their presence will "add diversity to the campus." How is "adding diversity" an individual achievement that should be considered in the admissions process? Essentially, points are given for being born.
Joe, This makes me sick to read and I am very disappointed that you even posted it. Regardless of how you rag on the mare or other city individuals, what you posted here is dispicable to me. IMO, you of all people (your ethnic background), should so NOT be allowing ANY racial slurs much less this kinda ignorance be posted on your blog.
And you wonder why you get death threats? Joe, some people do not find humor in making light of ANYONE'S ETHNICITY, and I am one of them. To set the record straight, I am in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM, threatening you or whom ever wrote this. I am only saying that our actions cause consequences and I believe this was (COMPLETELY UN-NECESSARY) to post and in very poor taste. Some humor such as this may well be kept out of the public's eye so as NOT to cause even more decention and racism in our city.
I believe that a post of the same nature regarding YOUR ethnicity would have set you off big time and I don't think you would find humor in it much less post it. I completey agree with Susan, and I feel it was wrong to post it to begin with.
FYI, I am a married white female who is married to a white man who has lived in Salisbury for over 25 years. I read and enjoy your blog daily Joe, but I think this one went wayyyyy over the line. I truly respect all that you do for our city Joe but I fail to see how this kind of redrick would benifit what I believed to be a respectable and (FAIR) news blog.
Please consider removing this Joe. IMO, this kind of humor is not how we as citizens want to represent ourselves. Lets please leave this (NOT-NEWS) kind of predudice OFF here....so as NOT to even make light of.
Thank you for your consideration.
The same type of "point" system used at SU is used when trying to get your child into the PreK or other program in this area. So people it is starting with our children. It needs to stop.
Joe, you really have gone too far with this post. This is not funny and, who knows, you may get more attention than you want in the form of payback. Please remove this for your own safety.
So what if it is harder for blacks and other minorities to achieve? It just means they will have to work harder to pull themselves out of the ghetto. And that's the only thing that will save any poor underprivileged people: hard work. Affirmative action is going to have the opposite effect in the long run. Down-trodden people will find it easier to get into positions where they can will become complacent and comfortable. So, they will never achieve anything more than that.
If I was a conspiracy theorist I'd say that affirmative action is actually a racist plot against minorities.
What do you think?
Threats, threats and more threats. Not much has changed after all, has it.
Joe isn't going to take it down. Trying to avoid and ignore racism is half the problem. Instead of becoming "sick" and outraged why don't you use your brain and try to find some insights into why this was created, and why this was posted?
I, for one, Joe, enjoy your redrick.
A lot of book burners visiting today.
this is the truth of this nation today. we take care of everyone except the white and black middle class working men and women. we are being exterminated. go to your local store, go to get gas, take your kid to the baby doctor, take a look at your surgery doctors, look at your landscapers workers, go into the chicken plants, almost everywhere you turn we are being bombarded by this, why, cheap labor to make owners wealthier at the expense of the average working class family. this country has forgotten who it is, this is a dangerous road to travel. in case everyone has over-looked it, the economy here locally is in the shitter box. there is no work for a vast majority of middle class buisnesses. i know because i have owned one for fifteen years. the construction industry has died,(not that it matters because for the last four or five years it was taken over by ILLEGAL mexicans that built some of the most slapped toghter pieces of shit you have ever seen). the whole nation is so obsessed with being politicaly correct, dont affend anyone. im sick of it, im personally ready to explode and shove it right up the elites asses. this is our country, we built it, we defended it, we love it, and i think alot of us are going to have to die again to save it. all i want to know is where do i show up.
Joe, How'bout you print this post to poster size and display it in the window of your downtown office. What do you think would happen to your property? Would you be complaining about poor police service? You get what you get when you publish this kind of inciteful trash, so don't act all innocent when you recive harsh remarks.REALITY IS REAL
Oh shut up Robinson 11:16. I know who you are whenever you put up a comment, so bite me.
Go Cruggly, tell me when and where, I'm with you.
to those who don't find the parody / satire and / or joke. I hope those persons, never ever find humor when black comdedians make jokes about white men, nor do i hope those people find no humor in blond jokes, female jokes polish jokes, irish jokes, etc.
The joke had one simple point, things are being given to those who do not qualify. As to one example made in this post, person are given points just for their ethnic background to gain entrance in to ssu. Is that fair to a white male, a white male did not ask to be born white so he is pentalize by not having the right skin color for extra points. Is that fair???
Rascim is still around and will be as long as people keep referencing ethnic background. I believe when discrimation was declared illegal, it's intent was to help ensure you could not be denied because of your ethnic background, it was not put in place to gain you access just because of your ethnic background. Somewher along the way, the meaning has been change.
By the way who is going to give me my dues, over 2000 years ago my ancestors where born gentials, and where oppressed by the elite jews, who is going to give me my dues, we have been waiting more then 2000years........
Anon 1005
I think and sincerely hope you meant "rhetoric"
And while it may offend,dont think for a minute that any of it is not happening right now.Ever been an innocent victim of an overzealous AA policy?If not then you just do not know how it feels.
to the IDIOT 11:20, You still didn't answer the question. Got yer nerve up?
Years ago, I had an employee who was testing to get into either med school or dental school, I forget which. The minimum aceptable score for her, as an Asian, was higher than for Caucasians, which in turn, was higher than for blacks.
I think I'll get my medical care from Asians, I guess.
What is the big deal, we all get jokes emailed on a daily basis, some are funny, some are not. Either you read or you delete, If someone thought this was offensive they should of skipped it after reading the first line. Get over it already!
I think it is great satire. Seems to be a lot of thin skinned, chronically offended folks around today.
Guess which group is the latest affirmative action group in colleges and universities across the country (including SU)? White males. That's right--white men now get admission preference points in virtually all U.S universities because the gender ratio is approaching 60-40 women vs men. Boys are getting lower grades and lower SAT scores across the country, and fail out of college at alarming rates. So when you all complain about groups getting "special rights" and privileges, you better change the image you have in your mind to include white men. White women are rapidly becoming the group that gets the least number of breaks in this country (just ask Hillary about that).
If only there were a way to prevent schools/businesses from being able to tell what ethnicity the applicants are. Maybe just give every student in high school a number, so that on applications to college, they put down their number and don't tell their name, gender, ethnicity, etc. Just have the levels of classes they took and their grades. I'm sure there's not really a feasible way of doing this but if there were, it would get rid of all this Affirmitive Action and get people hired based on their merits and not their ethnicity
Joe, you're absolutely right. AA is a dinosaur that keeps people divided by race. People who feel that this is the answer to leveling the playing field are not in touch with reality. AA is unfair to everyone - including those it would appear to be giving the upper hand. I wouldn't want to be the beneficiary of a handout. That's just what AA is. A handout. When will people get off their asses and learn to do for themselves? But then again - why would they when everything is handed to them at the turn of every corner?
Also.....why wasn't it considered racism when Bill Cosby made these same types of statements relating to how people speak?
Many, many blacks were outraged by Bill Cosby's remarks. They thought he was disloyal in "calling them out" in front of non-blacks.
Someone needs to do a little research. The Asians actually score higher than most other students, without the need for any "extra" points.
It is now time for TRUE EQUALITY.
We should all be judged for the good or the bad, not based on race. That means I don't want extra points for my race, but I don't want the "other guy" to get extra points for his race either.
EQUALITY - unless the definition has been changed, does not translate to "affirmative action."
I don't want to see anyone hurt because of how they look, all should be judged on how they act.
Very good. That about says it all. That's about the way dis cuntry is headin.
Another result of No Child Left Behind act.
Dude are you serious? This is by far one of the mist offensive thing i have read! I think it is racist disrespectful and cruel to a whole group of people and it is people like you who keep racism alive for there to be a need for affirmative action. You dont deserve death but a reality check is in order! may god have mercy on your soul. LOVE GOD LOVE PEOPLE!
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