Ladies & Gentlemen:
I just received a telephone call from the BBC in Jolly Ol' England. It turns out they were on the Internet and Googled Hillary Clinton and Salisbury News came up as one of the Top Search Engine Results, hence the telephone call.
They asked a few questions about my input on this Election and then popped the question, "Would you be willing to go LIVE with the BBC in England for an Interview from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM your time TODAY?"
Of course WE have agreed to do so and GA Harrison will be joining me for this Historical Event right from 300 W. Main Street in Downtown Salisbury.
Watch out Hillary Lovers because the world is going to hear it all LIVE from Salisbury News. So tune in, (lol) to your BBC Channels and listen in.
Don't forget to tell them:
Do we have BBC here?
Before then -- how about more inside stuff from the Democrat derby in Denver.
Make that "demolition derby in Denver".
Have them send you a link to the interview. I'm sure it will be archived somewhere on their website.
Pretty fipping cool!
What channel is BBC on Directv?
I can't locate it.
Very happy for you and G.A., Joe, truly.
But please preface by stating you are Republicans and that you are just one side of the story.
I could be as smeary as McCain right now, but I'll be good. ;-)
Thank You 12:49 but think about it. Who really cares? The show is going live in ENGLAND, not the United States. I can assure you within 30 seconds they're going to kow where we're coming from.
Please tell them you're from Delaware, not Maryland. Please...
"Historical Event" - I'm sure they will be impressed!
is this BBC radio, or television? its an important distiction
Be sure to tell them you are speaking from Salisbury so the limeys over there can relate to their sister city.
so did it happen?
Update, please.
Good that England wants to hear from Joe and GA. It really doesn't matter who they say they back, as Joe pointed out its all going to Englander's, not our people.
A. Goetz
Too late now but on Directv the BBC is Channel #264,right next to A&E but its actually called "BBC America" so I do not know if thats the same programming-I know where it is because I love AbFab!
Nice Picture
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