A student currently enrolled at the Eastern Shore Criminal Justice Academy (located at Wor-Wic) advises me that on 10/1/08 a new law will take effect requiring all drivers to use hands-free cellular devices while driving. The exception, of course, would be drivers under the age of 18 who operate on a provisional license who are prohibited from using cellular phones of any type while driving.
Did anyone already know this?
There a bill proposed for 2009 but no bill has been passed yet.
I think this student better stay in school and learn the current laws. My luck, he would pull me over and give me a ticket for no reason...
As 12:54 stated, this was proposed in the last legislative session but was not passed.
For more information check out...
It will explain it all.
I thought you were going to say that under 18 was exempt because they have so much important bussiness to talk about.
You tell Mr John Moses to start teaching them a little more...lol...
No such bill was passed. They were proposing it, but it didnt pass. Even now with the kids, its a secondary offense so they cant be stopped solely on that.
Barry C
Never made it out of committee. The law student better go back to remedial Laws for Stupid 101.
I am in that class and have not heard of such. I wonder what recuit told you that.
Dave Stitely said...
Never made it out of committee. The law student better go back to remedial Laws for Stupid 101.
5:08 PM
He's not going to law school, going to cop school. That would be remedial Laws for Stupid 000.
Its a shame our law makers did not pass the bill into law it never really made it out of committee.Ride around Salisbury and pay attention to all the people on cell phones and how they drive. Their driving was not good before cell phones and now it really sucks!
quality versus quanity...
Bob, being a retired deputy and someone who has aspirations to be an elected official, I would hope that you become more informed before you run for office. I bet Joe H. new that.
It is a shame that our lawmakers feel it more necessary to discuss and pass legislation on what the state dessert should be rather than important items such as this that are causing crashes. When the codes begin being put into the crash data so that we can distinguish crashes contributed to by cell phone use, I think people will be astounded. Maybe then common sense legislation can be passed. I mean really, how many people think it is okay to text message while driving? How many people have seen some dumba$$ sitting at a green light oblivious to anything around them because they are so engrossed in a conversation on their cell phone.
I hate cell phones. They are ruining america
I knew a girl who was hit by a car in college as she was crossing a street... as she regained consciousness she heard the driver say "I gotta go... I just hit someone."
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