Mayor Barie Tilghman is furious over my having the "heads up" on a recent spot inspection at the Chesapeake Inn Motel last week. Word on the street is, she blew another gasket and is demanding to find out who leaked the information to me.
You have to wonder, why? What does it matter? Each article gained very high praise by Salisbury News as to how they were handled and the mere fact the facts were exposed.
Tom Stevenson handled himself professionally as well as Susan Philips. However, I will say to all of you, the Salisbury Fire Department refused to back up Code and Compliance and even after numerous calls to the Fire Station when they were needed, no one ever showed up. They were asked two days in advance and one individual is claiming he simply forgot.
Do you know why that's not true? Because we called in while the Thrift Inn Motel Sweep was going on to ask for backup and they still refused to come out. That's right, you pay $10,000,000.00 for their new Fire Bunkie Station and now they're too god to do their jobs, just like the 5 minute rule with the City Council. Pay them more, get far less.
Anyhow Mayor Tilghman, don't get your panties in a twist over me knowing so much. You're going to get blown away in a Court Room in the near future with even more information I know of that hasn't been exposed and boy, let me assure you, you're going to look like you belong behind bars.
Besides, you should see what I know about the Salisbury Police Department! Lord knows that if I say a word about any of that the people I respect most would be suspended, demoted or even fired, right Chiefy? I have to be careful because the Chief knows I have Intel Information weeks ago about the recent murder in Salisbury and was sweating bullets thinking I was going to expose what I knew.
So Barrie, go to a plumber the next time. They're the best place to take a leak.
Or, as is this case, the truth shall keep you from either running for re-election, or keep you from getting re-elected.
So, Joe, you've respected the line between inside knowledge and allowing the authorities to do their jobs, again. How's that working out? You're still persona non grata, and the public has to wait for the information to come thru msm. Unless there is clearly a danger to the public by releasing the information, it would seem that there are no benefits to holding back. Especially when we're talking about a murderer at loose.
I firmly agree. The next go around I believe I'd expose this information. Keep in mind though, the Chief if furious and threatening to fire the person who leaked this information to me and the IDIOT doesn't even realize, his Officers couldn't get their hands on the kind of information I had anyway. It was far too deep for his people and he knows it. He just likes throwing his weight around and thinks he's scaring everyone. I even heard they were talking about putting Officers on a pollygraph and one of them said, the second one of them refuses that's grounds to be fired.
Look you Idiots, pollygraph each and every one of them there! Then what will you Idiots do when not a single one of them turn up sour? Stupid Non Brother Fu(kers! Please do it. Show these guys how to lose the last ounce of respect they might have left for any of you 3rd floor Idiots!
Some details of the murder just shouldn't be released, especially if it's details only the murderer would know. That could blow a case.(no pun intended).
My question would be, "Could this be an All American City serial killer in the making?"
pollygraph isn't 100% correct all the time. so what's their case? you can acuse anyone of anything? they should at least have the right to have an attorney present like any other citizen.
9:06---That very same thought about a serial killer crossed my mind as I watched the news last night. Scary!
Polygraph isn't even admisable in court so why use it at all. You must remember, a person is only as good as their word. If their word is no good why are they in law enforcement? Just because the chief gets caught twisting the truth to suit the mayors needs doesn't mean everyone does or will.
Screw that, if city wants loyal employees they should take care of them as administrators, and the council should pay them equal with every other agency LIKE THEY PROMISED! They have the I GOT MINE mentallity and the men and women under them are tired of it. That's why the almost a dozen officers looking to leave. You treat your employees like Sh#% they will look at you as Sh#%. It's sad when employees have to give up their vehicles and change houses and scrape for money all because they want don't want to pay those officers just like the rest of law enforcement around her.
Anon 1138 said...Screw that, if city wants loyal employees they should take care of them as administrators, and the council should pay them equal with every other agency LIKE THEY PROMISED!
Let me remind you, once again. It was not the entire council that cut your raises. It was in fact, Gary Comegys, Shanie Shields and Louise Smith. Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen offered ways of funding the pay increases and fought to get them. Once again the vote was 3-2. Put the blame squarely on the shoulders of those it belongs to, not the ones that fight tooth and nail to do what is right. Now they only have 5 minutes to fight for us, thanks to Louise, Gary and Shanie.
yeah we'll when the men and women get told/promised that "We know that there is a problem" and advise that it will take 2 years to fix the problems I don't care who you want to blame for it when it doesn't happen....I blame the entity...why....cause the entity let their people down. if your fighting for the raises the city promised it's employees and you don't have the pull to get the promises made accomplished...then don't make the d@m promises in the first place. Some people depend on the people in charge delivering on promises.....OOPS guess that was the a dumb move.
don't come and stand before good men and women that work their hardest to do the very best and promise them solutions and relief...IF it aint in the bag. DON'T promise something you can't provide, it's makes people who's lively hood depend on the city being good to it's word distrust the people in charge from then on.
As we go to the polls next spring, we'll remember who on council voted for what. We all know who is for the police men & women, and fire men & women.
Alas, Shamie is the only one up for re-election. Commy may run for mare, but that's not a given. If we could only get some "goodies" in their place. But, to replace Commy means that he resigned or was elected to a higher office.
Debbie is up for re-election as well. Before you know it, it will be time to hit the streets.
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