This is yet another Flea Bag Motel that has completely fallen apart and obviously has people packed in the rooms like sardines.
This evening another fight broke out hospitalizing another person who was obviously beaten pretty bad. There was more to it once I got to the scene. The trash cans were overflowing like mad and there was a make shift tent set up just off the parking lot. It turns out, the Hispanic women make all their meals for the men in the morning and the evening in that tent.
There's water and electric run to the tent and quite frankly I don't know if it's legal or not? All I can tell you is, we may think these conditions are horrible but I'm told this environment if far nicer than where they come from.
Obviously these Motels are a magnet for Hispanic workers who can't afford any place else. While WE may not like it, it's a way of life for these people and they're not complaining. As for the person who beat the crap out of this guy, no one was talking, which is quite typical in these situations.
I should also explain that this is not an all year round situation. These workers come her to pick vegetables for a short period and then they're off to another part of the country. That doesn't mean these Motels shouldn't be up to code.
Notice the cover on the pool not being secure. I'm sure if I had gone upstairs and looked into the rooms they would have been similar to the Chesapeake Inn and the Thrift Travel Inn posted last week.
The Fire Department will no longer go on a call out there without Police Backup, it's just too dangerous and I certainly can't blame them. They're out numbered twenty to one, at least!
I'm sure the EIGHT patrol officers are doing what they can for the FIVE THOUSAND residents of Delmar MD & DE. If you want to be a Delmar COP, Apply. Starting pay is $29,500.00 with an attractive benifit package. Free employee health care. Family coverage, averages about $108.00 a week. So apply, fight crime, and qualify for State Aid. PS; If you carry a gun for a living, You just might have a dangerous job.
Hey Joe, way to violate federal HIPAA regulations. You cannot show a patient's face or any identifying items of a patient. I've copied and pasted your pictures for the authorities. And don't claim I can't, because you broke the law. It's almost like you plagiarizing stories from best of Craigslist and other sites and not giving proper credit.
Joe, that entire place over there is a dump. That is bad, Thirstys contributes to the problem and I have watched deals happen right out from behind the food counter. Delmar is going down hill my friend. Its a total shame because there are some new nice homes that have recently came in the area and the trash is plauging our area. Sucks my friend, but what can you do but keep the police on their rears.
Barry C
If he were violating HIPAA rules, then wouldn't every journalist, newspaper, TV, etc... be doing the same? I thought HIPAA only related healthcare workers, emergency responders, insurance workers or others in the health field, not journalists covering the news. Joe posting news shots on his site isn't nearly the same as an EMT posting pictures of the accident he/she responded to as an official responder.
These people are packed into rooms like this through their brokers. Yes, there are people brokers in this area. You need a crew to do work, you find the broker. He negotiates a price per hour per person. For example, you need drywall hung, you pay the broker, who is a legal alien, $12 per hour per man, he in turn pays the workers $7 per hour per man. He then finds them a place to stay charging them $10 to $15 per day per person, he then charges them for transportation to and from work at $20 or more per week per person. He packs 5 to 7 people per room collecting $50 to$70 per day, while the room might only cost $250 a week, he's made one hell of a profit on the backs of the illegals. They in turn are happy because they're making more money than the could in their own country. At the end of the week when he is paid by the contractor the broker has made $200 to $320 per week, per man just off his salary, then there is approximately $90 to $105 a week for room and transportation, per person, the broker charges these people. He's making more money doing nothing than these people are working like slaves. These folks end up busting their humps for less than $200 a week. The alternative, stay in their own country and starve or enter this country legally and get paid full wages.
We'd like to know who these Brokers are?????
In this country these people are known as headhunters, personal managers, and agents.
It's done every day of the week, all over the world, and Elvis is the most famous victim of such a person.
if there illegals get them the hell out of our town and our country. wheres the state police, wheres the wico-mico sherriffs dept, wheres the i.n.s., these are the people that are tax dollars pay to enforce"our laws", do your jobs.
Oh, by the way...WE (the tax payer)are paying for the patient's bill. I've heard these guys make $1,000.00 a week...not after taxes; because they don't pay taxes.
they also steal construction jobs, they should leave befor something bad happens to them.
That dump is a haven for druggies and gangs...has been for years! It needs to be torn down and replaced by something worthy of the decent citizens in the area! When a dump is allowed to remain in the neighborhood, one shouldn't wonder that it attracts roaches and other vermin!
Thomas Augustus Littleton
SFD said...
Hey Joe, way to violate federal HIPAA regulations. You cannot show a patient's face or any identifying items of a patient. I've copied and pasted your pictures for the authorities. And don't claim I can't, because you broke the law. It's almost like you plagiarizing stories from best of Craigslist and other sites and not giving proper credit.
9:14 AM
cruggly said...
if there illegals get them the hell out of our town and our country. wheres the state police, wheres the wico-mico sherriffs dept, wheres the i.n.s., these are the people that are tax dollars pay to enforce"our laws", do your jobs.
11:01 AM
Cruggly, poor grammar. Get a better education next time. I bet those illegals spell better than you do.
Deport these illegal aliens. They cost the taxpayers way to much money. Yeah they are humans and I DON'T feel sorry for them. Many of them will steal you blind. Can we go to their country and get free medical care, food stamps and welfare?
NO!!! Blame that on your liberal congress and senate.
Nor can we purchase a piece of property in their country either!
sfd 9:14--If you copied Joe's pic to the authorities, then YOU are the one breaking the law. In more ways than one. Too bad I'm not licensed to practice law in Maryland yet. Joe, do you have an exclusive attached to your photos? If you do, and he is using these photos in any way, go after him. And if you don't, you should.
Seriously? deport them? They take the jobs that most of those who are legal don't want! I hate paying for the people who use food stamps to purchase their food, but are wearing brand new name brand shoes and have gold teeth! I understand the need for them to pay taxes, and I agree they should, but thats a government problem, not a mexican's problem. Do they cause trouble?, sure sometimes, but let me assure you that our legals on church street are causing a hell of a lot more trouble!!
Go ask the owners of Hebrew Insulation about their illegals, Haitians I think they are. Go ask D&D Drywall about their crew of low paid "sub contractors". Go ask any of the chicken companies who their brokers are.
Let's not be too hard on sfd 9:14! Maybe the poor, ignorant S.O.B. thinks you are a doctor!
Someone that stupid can harm no one but himself, so have a laugh on him, for he is a clown.
It is not Donna's fault that she found a sub contractors to work for cheap. More power to her.
First of all let me tell you something. This is the first time I have ever heard of your "little blog". Get you facts straight! There was not two fights two days in a row. Fights happen all the time in all places. The garbage that you are showing is from all week. It gets picked up on Mondays. I hope you have never went over on your garbage after a party or reunion...humm. The tent does not have electric running to it or water. Why don't you snoop some more and find the real facts! The "hispanic" woman; not just "a" woman ( little predjudice)lives in an apartment that has cooking facilities..oh didn't know that huh? The tarp is off the end of the pool so we can drain it...is that okay? The board of health said it was okay. The fire chief said he was sending back up with the rescue people..another fact you got wrong!!! Please come to my flea bag hotel. We have done alot of work in all the rooms. We are up to code also if you care to do some digging.I guess it is just easier to print "inuendoes" instead of truths...........
Anon 448 said, It is not Donna's fault that she found a sub contractors to work for cheap. More power to her.
I guess it's not her fault she hires illegals through a broker either? Illegal is illegal. If she wasn't so greedy trying to take every job in the area maybe she could pay a decent wage, not her, she bids low, pays low. You know what they say about getting what you pay for.
Actually, what Joe did was an invasion of privacy. That person who is being transported has the right to deny his face being shown all over some asshole's blog. Maybe you should stick to being a "wannabe" lawyer instead of an internet lawyer. Either way, if those pictures were sent in to report possible wrongdoing, then the person sending that picture cannot be charged. Dumbass hick.
The police are at Dunkin Donuts. Please do not disturb them....they are drinking coffee and having a donut or two.
OH NOOOOOO a fight. OH MY GOD, I am sure glad Salisbury News was not around 25 years ago. There was at least one fight at the bus stop everyday. They would have worn them damn cameras out. OMG NOT A REAL FIGHT.Oh my that guy was bleeding to death, Where was the State Police Medics? THANK GOD those Salisbury Police were there because according to this news site the police are often unavailable.
hey 751 we know you can't read, that's obvious but damn man, look at the pictures those are not SPD cars, that is a Delmar police car. No reading required, just look at the photo.
Wow-Delmar isnt a small town anymore
"If you want to be a Delmar COP, Apply. Starting pay is $29,500.00"
Not bad pay, when the only job requirement is being smarter than the dumbest dog catcher in Wicomico county.
Just because they raided a few high profile shit holes here in Salisbury doesn't mean there aren't a whole lot more. Now we need the county to step it up at some of these same type rentals throughout the county. If they ain't legal their ass needs to on their way back to Nuevo Laredo.
Anonymous said...
Seriously? deport them? They take the jobs that most of those who are legal don't want! I hate paying for the people who use food stamps to purchase their food, but are wearing brand new name brand shoes and have gold teeth! I understand the need for them to pay taxes, and I agree they should, but thats a government problem, not a mexican's problem. Do they cause trouble?, sure sometimes, but let me assure you that our legals on church street are causing a hell of a lot more trouble!!
4:13 PM
Obviously you haven't been on Church Street in a while. It is loaded with Illegal Aliens from South of the Border.
By the way, if you are concerned about Americans not taking the same jobs they do then tell the employers to pay better salaries. You get what you pay for.
As long as they are legal I don't have a problem with it. If they are illegal they are illegal, they need to go. they need to go threw the process.
DELMAR a town too big for one state! That's what the sign reads!! Big city , big crime goes hand in hand !! They couldn;t act like heathens where they came from , so they come to America to terrorize.We in turn sit on our asses and do nothing!!!
It's not D & D Drywall anymore. They changed their name to Top Finish Drywall. How is everyone so SURE her subs are illegal? Could they just be using work Visas or actually be here legally? I don't know the answer but it is rude to assume what I am not positive of....
Obviously you haven't been on Church Street in a while. It is loaded with Illegal Aliens from South of the Border.
By the way, if you are concerned about Americans not taking the same jobs they do then tell the employers to pay better salaries. You get what you pay for.
10:35 PM
I'm concerned that my taxes pay for a bunch of lazy americans on social services yet walking around with gold teeth and better clothes than the average working class citizen!! We all have to start somewhere! When my husband had cancer and we had two small children at home, I worked 2 and 3 jobs to try and stay off food stamps and if that meant long hours and minimum wage I did it, yet we have drug dealers and prostitutes making a heck of a lot of money everyday and abusing social services!
"Not bad pay, when the only job requirement is being smarter than the dumbest dog catcher in Wicomico county."
WOW!!! Just another person that has NO freaken clue what police work entails. Nothing else to say because what I want to say is not nice.
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