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Last years contest was a resounding success with an audience well exceeding 3,000 people watching as 16 of the Bay's finest Captains expertly maneuvered their workboats in THE "Boat Docking Contest of the Chesapeake Bay". Hosted by the Crisfield Area Chamber of Commerce, the afternoon long event was a treat for all ages, young and old alike, and featured several concessions including the Eastern Shore's summer, Sunday afternoon staple - hot softshell crab sandwiches and beer.
This year the Boat Docking Committee and Sponsors have raised over $30,000 in funds for the event, where prize money will be $30,000, thus, greatly contributing to the support of the watermen's' industry.
With over 20 of the Chesapeake Bay's finest at the Captains Helm, this Sunday's, August 31st event will be spectacular. The Contest begins at 1 PM, however come early and enjoy a "Taste of the Chesapeake" from our food vendors. Reserved Seating also available by calling the Crisfield Chamber at 410 968-2500.
I wonder where Brew River got the idea for their contest this weekend...
We actually traveled to Crisfield last year for the festivities on Saturday and Sunday. They had a couple of cover band concerts Saturday and Sunday night to go along with the Boat Docking on Sunday and Fireworks to close. All at very reasonable prices. We're going again this year if the weather holds out. We missed the street parade last year but we plan on attending that this year. We thought it started at 12:00 but starts at 11:00 and travels down the Main Street in town.
We loved it!
Joe? Have you ever been down there for this event? I know you went down for the Crab Feast in July. You planning on attending or have you heard much about the Hard Crab Derby? Just wondering. We're looking for something to do this weekend and we're sick to death of overpriced OC.
Heck yea we're going. Beats staying here in Smallsbarrie. I'll get me a good crabcake, a cold beer and enjoy it. They got this guy who emcees the Boat Docking contest that is hillarious. I think they call him tick or flea. Some kind of insect. He's funny!
I hope that the captains of these boats change to extra heavy props for this event due to all of the
crap that floats in our river. They should also check their sea strainers after each run to avoid mechanical problems and overheating.
Perhaps the Mare could have the name of the event changed to the
"Turdcutter Regatta" to honor the dumping of so much s--- into our river.
This event should be a lot of fun to watch, as these captains and crews are very talented. I would advise all who attend to avoid the
"prop wash".
Anon 11:30
Do not leave Crisfield without checking out at least one of a handful of new bars/eateries to Crab city.There is of course,the Tiki Bar on 10th Street as well as two new bar/restaurants,Alibi on 7th and Broadway, and Racks Sports Bar(formerly Harborside)on West Main near 9th.There IS some nightlife there!I think they will all have live music over the weekend as well.
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