Well, you Idiots voted this Housewife into Office, (OVER AND OVER AGAIN) you Idiots get what you deserve!
There were thousands of FREE City of Salisbury bottles of water being loaded into coolers and given away, as if it were some kind of trophy. Woo, Hoo, Momma, we got us a bottle of water from Salisbury!
I know of a few curbs and pot holes that could use some serious attention, but the City would rather spend YOUR money giving away free water and purchasing a Booth to show off what? Gangs are growing faster than growth itself? The river is loaded with human sh!t? The Plaza is falling apart at the seams. The City is rated the 10th Most Dangerous City in America and now they want to try to become an All American City?????
Yep, you've got a Housewife running your City and what cracks me up the most is, YOU voted for her!
No disrespect towards any other Housewives who respectably take care of their home successfully.
Were those bottles filled with river water?
Did the Mayor really use $2,000 of City funds to have a big tent there? Do you have any pics of that and her there?
It was probably more than $2k. They had a block of 30 tickets at $40 a piece plus the fee for the tent then the cost of employees attending, bottled water, city owned vehicles used to transport employees and setups. Yep, I'd say it cost more than $2k. Even the zoo had a city owned van down there.
Anon8:10--thanks for this input; the public needs such specifics. We know Barrie's way of operating and the actual facts (not Barrie's spin) help us to know what is going on in Barrieland.
I would say, too, that City employees would have much preferred that money be spent for them than all this for the crabfeast.
While racking up the cost, don't forget the amount of time lost away from doing real work by all the employees involved in putting this together, then spending time hob-nobbing down there.
Just who are they really marketing to down there?
What a waste of money. It was just a way for her and Bubba , See, and Gordy to have alcohol, and get it paid for by the City. If they had bar tabs , they would be questioned, but since they could drink all they wanted, they had it made. I wonder if they drove City vehicles to and from the event, and if so, were they driving under the influence??????
What a waste of money. It was just a way for her and Bubba , See, and Gordy to have alcohol, and get it paid for by the City. If they had bar tabs , they would be questioned, but since they could drink all they wanted, they had it made. I wonder if they drove City vehicles to and from the event, and if so, were they driving under the influence??????
I spoke with a few city employees that took vacation days to go to this event. They said they loved the blog but couldn't say that openly for fear of losing their jobs. They also said they were told to not blog from work, which I agree with and they were told to not blog from home. I would fight that all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary. Imagine going to work everyday where your work is not appreciated, you don't get raises not even COLA raises and being having mandates on your personal time and life. Does the name Dachau or Auschwitz sound familiar to anyone?
i hope the beer was colder than that un-iced water.
I emailed the Mare about this. My email to her stated: I would like to know why you ook some of my hard earned money hat I have to pay taxes with and spent it on labels for water at the Crisfield shindig. I really don't like paying taxes so you can just take money, when your heart desires, and spend it on such frivilous things as labels for water and a tent to put it under. Also why do you use city vehicles to go to this thing. And why did the zoo need to have a tent there. The zoo, at this point in time, should be ashamed to let anyone even know that it exists, why wasn't that money used to do something about the deer. All of this money YOU spent could have done something positive for this city, but no, you had to go show your behind, once again, when in fact, you should have been worried about how to deal with Salisbury's situations. Thanks for nothing.
Now this is the answer I received from the Mare: I do not know who you are since you declined to include your name, however, I will say that yesterday we gave out water to a number of State elected and appointed officials who collectively have helped us receive millions of dollars for the City of Salisbury.
Well, I say, I'm glad that maybe some of those elected and appointed officials helped us receive millions of dollars BUT somebody has got to be responsible and know when and where to spend that money and obviously the Mare isn't.
Those elected officials did not need Salisbury's water. They could have had all the water they wanted. It was available at the Pepsi tent with other soft drinks. They could have taken as many as they wanted, as often as they wanted. After all, it was part of the $40 ticket price.
Nice try Barrie, once again, you failed and did so miserably.
As that poor animal in the zoo said just before it died from the antler
problem........the buck stops here.
Wasted money true...no raises true...city employees get the shaft every time raises come around. Another hush hush issue is that Salisbury's drinking water won the MRWA state competition in Ocean City in May and took 2nd place at the convention in Hagerstown. They will be taking their water to the Nationals in DC next year. Mayor won't let this accomplishment be brought up; kinda weird isn't it!
Wonder why she won't let this information be publicized?
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