DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Willards Builds New Firehouse For $1.2 Million
Hey Joe, just thought I would let you know about another local FD that voted to build a new building the other night for the bargain price of about 1.2 million. The Willards fire dept voted this past Monday to add on a building to their existing building that is the same size if not a little bigger than the now standing building. This FD currently houses 2 engines (one older and smaller), a tanker, a full size rescue truck, a brush truck and a traffic control unit. It also has medium sized kitchen and a meeting room, radio room and two bathrooms. Their ambulances currently are housed in another building they built a while back along with offices in the renovated old firehouse on the same lot. The new firehouse will make them able to house their two ambulances and the rest of their equipment and maybe a new piece in the future and also house their new utility vehicle. So tell me why again Salisbury had to spend so much money?
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So tell me why again Salisbury had to spend so much money?
Since you asked, I'd be happy to give you my opinion.
Because we have a lying, coniving worthless piece of human flesh for a mayor and 3 wannabee criminals leading the city and fire department straight to hell. I think that sums it up.
OBVIOUSLY, a wanna be fireman from the east side of the county. Hell Willards could scream a fire out over the radio. You bunch of retards, have no concept of a fire station. That building will be nothing but a local get away from the bearded wife club, and how we can solve all the problems of the county. Stick to running your 75 or 100 calls a year.
Dint you already have this conversation with yourself?
Those three wannabe criminals are actually real criminal. Which 3 criminals are you talking about? There are 3 on the city council and 3 in the fire department? So that would be 7 total!!
whos been contracted to build it.
How about the pertinent details - size, type of construction, site cost and work, etc. - so we can make a valid comparison.
Anonymous said...
How about the pertinent details - size, type of construction, site cost and work, etc. - so we can make a valid comparison.
7:00 PM
NO VALID COMPARISON needed. The bottom line is that the Salisbury Fire Department did not need a $10 million dollar fire station. They could have gotten away with a new substation at a fraction of the cost.
Nor does willards need a million dollar fire house. How many calls do they actually run a year? You could shut them down and let Pittsville and the Salisbury boys running Powellville split the territory
7:00 --
If no comparison is needed, then why does what happen in Willards warrant any attention re: Salisbury.
I'm waiting, genius!
Anonymous said...
7:00 --
If no comparison is needed, then why does what happen in Willards warrant any attention re: Salisbury.
I'm waiting, genius!
8:43 PM
This doesn't make any sense so I commend you for accusing someone else of being a genius!!
I do agree that Willards doesn't need a million dollar station either. If anything maybe a single engine house and that is all. Pittsville should be where the main fire station is for the whole east side.
Why does the tax payers of Wicomico County have to pay for Paramedic staffing in Willards, Pittsville, Powellville and Parsonsbugr. I could go on and on and say the same for the West side of the County but this isn't about them. Come on now, take that staffing and put it in Pittsville to cover the entire east side of the county. Our elected officials are raping the tax payers by proxy by allowing this to happen. The County pays for 8 Paramedic for those 4 stations alone. Can someone justify that for us?? 95% of the small call volume only requires the service of a basick Emergency Medical Technician and not an advanced Paramedic. Wake up Wicomico and clean house during the next election.
Anon 5:47 I believe Anon 4:10 was talking about the criminals running SFD this time. The 3 on the council are to stupid to be criminals. Stupidity is their crime.
Anonymous 854 it is about the county and our tax money being mis manage. Why do we not have a county run Fire and EMS service providing a better service than what we have now. At the time Egos and "Thats my fire district keep out" is what the customers get. Willards wont call for Pittsvilles ladder truck, they would rather bring Berlin in because willards is mad at Pittsville. Makes alot of scense.
This could be a topic to itsself.
How in the world can anyone compare Salisbury to Willards. Its apples to oranges!!
And joetalks about the Salisbury Truck 16 going to kill someone... have you people seen Pittsville hunk of junk? Its 50 years old!!
Can't make a valid comparison. Willards won't be building on a cranberry bog. Their building won't be cracking and settling before a piece of equipment is moved in. The floor tiles won't be buckling up in a commercial kitchen that won't be used for fundraisers or anything except slopping the 3 hogs that run the place.
willards needs a new building to park that new command excursion i see !
joe, get the town of willards and pittsvilles monthly bill spreadsheet and see what the taxpayers are paying theses emts and paramedics ! wow ! alot of carryover time here too .no wonder some of them can afford $250,000 dollar homes and new harleys.
Pittsvilles truck may be older but is in better working condition and has not injured a couple of people.
Pittsville's Ladder truck is NOT 50 years old. It is 32 and I happen to know for a fact that the truck passed the yearly inspection this year and every year it has been in service here and in the city of Crisfield. Paperwork in hand for proof.
When that tird Truck 7 only gets used a few times a year on real fires, of course it will pass annual inspection. Changing light bulbs on security lights does not put much strain on a ladder. It didnt get used much in Crisfield and certainly does not see action in Pittsville. Like someone else said your comparing apples to oranges. When Truck 7 responds on maybe a few calls a month, Truck 16 is usually responding to calls in triple to quad that number. So say what you want about your truck, i will say this, A nice truck has been due a long time in the city, and finally its coming. Not to mention the fact we have people that know how to use it...
Ok boys, its time to stop the arguing you all know when push comes to shove you will work together if necessary. This is not a pissing contest.
The difference in all these FD's is ALL are funded by county funds, including SFD which draws from yet another source of tax revenue. The other fire departments that don't have money to piss into the wind have to actually raise their money with carnivals, dinners, casino nights etc. Actually, I enjoy the events put on by the fire departments, they are a good time, affordable for a family to participate and we get a return on our investment through our fire departments. You folks in the city get what for your investment?
Now quit your pissing and moaning and go polish those trucks.
A Butler style building addition to the existing firehouse on property already owned.
Yep, that sounds like Salisburys building. What a bunch of idiots!
After reading the various comments on here I got in touch with a member of Willards FD and asked them about their new building. From what I gather the whole building is going to be new, they are going to build the new building essentially over the old building and the old tore down. Someone else asked what company was doing the construction and they said it is Blades construction.
Just out of curosity can someone tell me why Pittsville should be the fire dept to run the eastside of the county? I don't quite get that. As far money for paramedics, most of the companies on the eastside use what the county gives and what money they raise, the town contributes little to no money for paramedics. I believe Willards gets about 3-4 thousand dollars from their town each year, once again something I was told so the number may not be exact. Bottomline is if Willards, Pittsville etc or any other VOLUNTEER company wants to spend the money they make on bingos (various types basket, regular etc) or from community donations or grants etc... They can spend their hard earned money any damn way they please. I live on the Westside of the county and seems to me this is jealousy run a muck.
People want to talk about Willards spending a million dollars on a new building, well someone tell me what you think you would get for half that. You people must have no concept of what things cost nowadays. Half a million wouldn't get you jack sh*t. So how do you think a million dollars is alot of money?? I guess you could build a nice pole shed for half a million.
anon 5:36
You are an ass biscuit!!!
Coming from Willards....YOU sound like a complete backwoods, bare-foot redneck with no concept of complete thoughts or the ability to form educated opinions!! You can kiss our collective ass!! Moron
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