The Wicomico County Sheriff's Office is please to announce its new Website, www.wicomicosheriff.com. It is now operating and LIVE! The new Site contains information on wanted individuals, a daily calls for service listing and crime statistics. It also has a history of the Wicomico Sheriff's Office and Frequently Asked Questions section. The goal of the new and updated Website is to make citizens aware of what's going on in Wicomico County and your community.
The best thing to hit Wicomico Sheriffs Office, thanks for the new website, luv it, and thanks for doing a great job
Joe, I have no clue who did this WEB Page but they need a raise.FANTASTIC. Hardhead
Did tax dollars actually go to someone for that thing??? Looks like it was developed using 1995 technology.
Cheesy photo show intro that goes way to fast to read the text on a broadband connection. Also the use of frames on the main page will lower search engine rankings.
The sheriffs department doesn't need animated stuff, they just need quick access to the information people are looking for.
Oh well, to each their own I guess. In my opinion the website does not represent the fine operation Mike Lewis runs.
11:34, i double that.
I love the new look and sound. I hope they have more stuff that I like (videos) instead of the OLD TIMERS CLUB site i always saw. Welcome to the 21st century.
Now we need the HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD at the jail to establish a WEB SITE breaking down the classes of prisioners being hld,felons,sex crimes, etc.His money laundering and where the profits from the inmate services are put.You might be suprized.
2:25, i like your style.
The website is better than what they had but rather amateurish in layout and design. It looks more like a myspace page than a governmental website. Sorry.
11:34 Ahhhhhhhhhh said like a true hater. Personally I think the website is 100 times better than the old one and kicks the city's websites butt. Very cool looking, thanks Sheriff Lewis!
Great job Deputy Advnet
I'm not a hater, its just as 3:34 said it's amateurish in layout and design.
sheesh, nobody ever happy.Change is always difficult and some can't adjust. I perosnally could care less as long as it gives me what i am looking for. The SCHEME is kinda cute. he he
Hey Joe, This is probably going to blow up, but I got to ask... Is Lewis planning on taking over SPD, and Fruitland, etc., and having a county wide department? The reason I ask is that I looked at the website, and their are an awful lot of comments regarding the "power" they have over city agencies, and the training they get compared to, as well as how it has been recommended so many times before. As well as comments on here from (I'm assuming) deputies talking about a county wide agency, and smashing their brothers at SPD!
I have to agree with 3:08, it feels like a myspace page!
IF Mike Lewis and WCSO did go county wide the last thing they would be foolish enough to do is smash SPD. The smartest thing to do is take those neglected city employees that are already trained and give them what they need, for example, RESPECT, better wages and benefits, better working conditions. They would be working for one of the best men in the nation in his field, they have not one thing to lose by working for Mike Lewis, they've lost it all working for Jack n Coke.
While we're dreaming about a county wide police agency lets make this a huge dream. Lets dream about the dissolution of the city charter and taking Salisbury back into the county. Imagine the money saved there by unloading a lot of that weight at the top. Now that is something to work towards. No more padding the books, no more lies, deception, FOB's, TIFs, developer reimbursements. Best of all NO MORE BARRIE TILGHMAN and her henchmen.
10:31....BEST comment I have heard on here yet! Very respectful!
Have you seen the city's page? HA! The city's page looks like they put it together blindfolded!
I think the new web page is awsome! Thanks for the new site Sheriff Lewis! Looks great and very useful information!
- Alisha S.
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