Date: July 5, 2008
Narrative: On July 5, 2008 at approximately 0120 hours, Wicomico County Deputies responded to a burglary call in the area of Rose Street, Salisbury, Wicomico County, Maryland. Upon arrival, deputies observed an individual who was acting suspicious in the area. Deputies attempted to contact the individual regarding the burglary complaint. The individual fled on foot from the deputies and deputies gave chase. After a brief foot pursuit, the deputies apprehended the subject who was identified as Duran M. Moss. Moss had been avoiding arrest since a warrant was issued on May 13, 2008 for First Degree Murder. Moss was also wanted on a warrant for Robbery through the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office. A search of Moss revealed a loaded 9mm handgun that was reported stolen in 2005 and approximately 14 grams of suspected cocaine. Moss was served two open warrants and additional charges of possession of a stolen handgun and intent to distribute CDS.
1. Wear carry handgun on person
2. Use handgun commission of felony
3. Possession of cocaine
4. Possession with intent to distribute cocaine
5. Possession of handgun after being convicted of crime of violence
6. Possession of firearm while being fugitive from justice
7. Possession of firearm after being convicted of crime of violence
8. Possess firearm during drug trafficking crime
9. Did while engaged in drug trafficking crime possess firearm
10. Resisting arrest
bye, bye ashole...
"A" level work. Most officers these days would have went to the home and taken the report. McLaughlin and Bowden are very proactive butt kickers. Good stop and great catch.
The biggest fish in Salisbury is behind bars... finally. Inspiring.
Great work deputies. That is how bold criminals are these days, commit a murder and stay right here and think you're not going to be caught.
Good work Sheriff's department.
Another fine job by the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office. WCSO continues to solve the crimes for the mare's rag tag police force. One thing to keep in mind, not all of the SPD officers are bad, just some of them. Many are still there because they can't afford to make a career change.
There are a few family clans that lived or still associated with the WEST OVERHILL area of Salis.Been in and outta jail all their lives.The problem is these same class of ppl are living all over Salis. now. Hence the 10th most dangerous city rating.
Sad part, one gets put away and others are ready to take his place.
Good work McLaughlin, Bowden and Avnet! Bad ass job! Good thing he didn't try to shoot you guys. Excellent work, thanks for putting your lives on the line.
2:47. SPD detectives and officers solved the case and got the warrant on Moss. Not to mention apprehended the last murder suspect on the same evening of the shooting of an INNOCENT women at the Bottle Factory.
Did you give a positive comment on that post?
Again, great work WCSO. I wouldn't take anything away from putting this POS in jail with more charges.
Mr. Moose, excuse me, Mr. Moss can hang out another piece of trash, Antoine Stephenson for the next ten years!! Great work WCSO. I would have applauded SPD or MSP if they had captured him as well. This county has plenty of fine law enforcement officers no matter what the jurisdiction.
bad boy, bad boy what ya gonna do when they come for you, bad boy, bad boy.
the mother of the person he killed works at the jail, so let's see what kind of treatment he gets. Hopefully he gets what he deserves, after a fair trial, of course.
McLaughlin and Bowden strong work guys, top notch police work
Good job, but there is still one out in the street that committed a crime and has gotten away with it, why'll someone else is doing time for him, go get him Mike Lewis, before he strikes again I am counting on you! I pray justice is served even if its just for the victim. He lied to your detectives then to the judge’s face!
Edna, theft. No big deal my ass. loser! I'm glad neither one of your children didn't get shot by this scumbag while he was visiting your house.
Thieves are just as bad as drug dealers.
Anonymous said...
2:47. SPD detectives and officers solved the case and got the warrant on Moss. Not to mention apprehended the last murder suspect on the same evening of the shooting of an INNOCENT women at the Bottle Factory.
Did you give a positive comment on that post?
Again, great work WCSO. I wouldn't take anything away from putting this POS in jail with more charges.
4:26 PM
Maybe the SFD detectives ought to join the WCSO and distance themselves from the mare and chief jak n koke. There isn't a need for so many police agencies in this county anyway. Dissolve the SPD and let the WCSO absorb the good police officers and the rest can take a job at the Salisbury Mall working security.
Anonymous said...
Good job, but there is still one out in the street that committed a crime and has gotten away with it...
12:22 AM
Now leave bubba and the mare alone... they will get theirs in the near future.
Excellent job McLaughlin, Avnet, Bowden!
McLaughlin, Avnet, and Bowden thanks for your service to our community. We appricate the work you do for our community daily.
Awesome work. Glad this asshole is locked up. Great job deputies.
Anonymous 8:43 AM, said
"Now leave bubba and the mare alone... they will get theirs in the near future."
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