Today I confronted Chief David See in reference to their selling off one of their vehicles completely loaded with all the equipment necessary to impersonate a Fire Chief. For a little more than a thousand dollars you can purchase a surplus vehicle from the Salisbury Fire Department and its no wonder one of their very own paid professional Firefighters didn't think he was doing anything wrong.
See responded with, "We all can't be perfect like you Joe." He then went on to say, "We're human Joe, so we let one slip away from us."
OK, Dee, Dee, Deeeee See, SLIP? What else has SLIPPED away from you? You see, this thing had all the lights and the whole nine yards, SLIPPED?
I also questioned See about VOLUNTEERS riding to scenes or to the Fire Department with emergency lights in their trucks and so forth. It turns out they are NOT legal unless you are a Chief. Chief See said NONE of his people in the Salisbury Fire Department have them! However, I came to learn about a memo from Chief See Dee, Deeee last year allegedly stating if they were caught with such said lights they would not help defend them. Apparently it says nothing about their demanding they do not use them. Don't make me get my hands on that Memo Chiefy because I can and will if I have to.
I guess that one SLIPPED away from you too, eh? I should add, I have purchased two undercover/unmarked Police Cars from the Ocean City Police Department. It's very easy to get your hands on them but when the SFD flat out sells you a vehicle with everything already on it, well, what can I say?
Sheriff Lewis mentioned today that this arrest was the very first of its kind for the Salisbury Fire Department. As this may be accurate, that's only because the crimes were never reported, right Deputy Chief Gordy? They let that SLIP away too.
$1000!?!? I'll take it. Tell me where!!
Call Chief See, I believe they'll have around 5 FIRE TRUCKS for sale coming up real soon too, AT YOUR EXPENSE. Some may still be under warrantee too!
Apparently alot of things have "slipped away" or atleast they want it too slip away.
How about the city using $3 as the price of fuel for the budget year.
Joe in all respect there are good and bad of all kinds. Please don't let only a couple bad ones destroy the image of our volunteer fireman in WICOMICO County. I spend up to 20hrs per week at the department I am affiliated with. On the red light issue yes volunteer chiefs also have the priveledge to use these in emergency situations. I use mine about 8 times a year and when I do traffic without a doubt yeilds a safe right away. Keep in mind these lights in some of our depts get used only on priority 1 calls (traumatic incidents) I hope this clears up the misunderstanding someone has led you to believe about the use of the red lights.
OKAAAAY....what about all of the other vehicles out there like the Sheriff cars using our tax money on personal business???
I am in shock that they have no plan in place to sell their retired vehicles. It would seem appropriate to send them to an auction at least to get the most money. Don't you know lots of little towns would love to have them as a donation and then the city could have a tax write-off!!! This reminds me of when they got rid of the poor horses. Unbelievable this town!!! And I have lived here all my long life and am disgusted to the core with our officials. Spice
Jersey Rd by Overbrook Dr she's a beauty!! I'd love to get my hands on that. MAN!! Radios, antennas, lights, sirens..I'm getting the works and paint it all black maybe replace the lights with LED's.Make it look more modern.
How about the city cooking the books by 1.5 million? The city does what it wants because no one, and I mean NO ONE will take on the job of investigating and enforcing the law. This is Barrieland, its her way, her law and that's final.
They sold an engine to a vollie from station 2 several years back for 500.00 in a closed bid auction. It was worth more than that in scrap.
The chief lied. There is a career Asst. Chief with emergency lights in his vehicle. He probably uses them to safely get hom from the Turtle after quinching his thirst.
Anonymous said...
The chief lied. There is a career Asst. Chief with emergency lights in his vehicle. He probably uses them to safely get hom from the Turtle after quinching his thirst.
11:12 PM
Quit talking about Bragg, the homewrecker. He hates cops anyway. I don't think the PD would hire him because of his criminal and juvenile background.
The use of emergency dash lights in Maryland has been legal for volunteer chiefs and ambulance captains for quite a long time now. Under a new revision to the law, each department may choose which OFFICERS are allowed to have them in their personal vehicles. These lights work for moving traffic so that the officer can reach the scene or the firehouse in a timely manner.
In Delaware, all volunteer firefighters and EMS personnel are authorized to have BLUE dash lights in their vehicles. These work quite well for moving traffic, and people in Delaware actually yeild the right of way to their first responders. The penalty for abuse of these lights is very severe.
I think that it is time for Maryland to catch up with her neighbor to the north. Reaching the scene or the firehouse in a timely manner could mean the difference between life and death.
Firefighters in several other states use all sorts of emergency lights. Go to PA, VA, or NJ, for instance, and you will see plenty of permanent light bars mounted on personal vehicles. It's not an uncommon practice all over the US. I know for a fact, in PA, every firefighter can use lights. FD officers use red lights and firefighters use blue. The law there requires you to yield for red lights but the blue lights are "courtesy" lights where you drivers don't have to yeild but should out of courtesy. Again, there are penalties for misuse.
i would like to say good job to burt wagner and his crew for there going to california to help fight the states biggest fire and to try to save peoples homes. good job burt and crew.
1) It's spelled "warranty." Not warantee. Idiot.
2) In Maryland, the Fire Chief, the 1st Asst. Chief, and highest ranking EMS Officer can have red lights. No sirens though.
Just wanted to check your facts for you since you can't seem to bother with that tedious task.
The Chief said...
1) It's spelled "warranty." Not warantee. Idiot.
2) In Maryland, the Fire Chief, the 1st Asst. Chief, and highest ranking EMS Officer can have red lights. No sirens though.
Just wanted to check your facts for you since you can't seem to bother with that tedious task.
11:54 AM
Gordo, you wouldn't make a pimple on a real chief's ass.
I don't know why anyone from the Fire Department even associates with Joe. He is always taking the whole department down because he doesn't like David or Bill.
OK smart ass. Why don't you do a Maryland Case Search File on one William E. Trego with the Salisbury Fire Department. Once you do and see what's there, go ask See & Gordy why they're about to promote this guy to Lt?
Yeah, I have a problem with Management but NOT with the Firefighters. Unless you want to be MAN enough to put your name up here and we'll see who dislikes whom?
Enjoy the Case Search File, I think you'll ALL be floored.
joealbero said...
OK smart ass. Why don't you do a Maryland Case Search File on one William E. Trego with the Salisbury Fire Department. Once you do and see what's there, go ask See & Gordy why they're about to promote this guy to Lt?
Yeah, I have a problem with Management but NOT with the Firefighters. Unless you want to be MAN enough to put your name up here and we'll see who dislikes whom?
Enjoy the Case Search File, I think you'll ALL be floored.
1:10 PM
He has been a Lt. for some time now.
Anonymous said...
The Chief said...
1) It's spelled "warranty." Not warantee. Idiot.
2) In Maryland, the Fire Chief, the 1st Asst. Chief, and highest ranking EMS Officer can have red lights. No sirens though.
Just wanted to check your facts for you since you can't seem to bother with that tedious task.
11:54 AM
Gordo, you wouldn't make a pimple on a real chief's ass.
12:06 PM
Nah, that might be Fatso Hoppes. He tries to impress people with his knowlege(NOT)by acting like a walking dictionary.
The remarks about the pimple still fits though.
Where's his EMT Card?
Why is he sleeping with a paid mans wife
Lets really have some fun.Do a Md case search using the names of all Salisbury Fire Fighters and see what you get.
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Case Information
Case Number: 5H00048060Tracking No:081001274793
District Code: 02Location Code:03
Document Type: WARRANTIssued Date:07/15/2008
Case Status: ACTIVE
Defendant Information
Defendant Name: COX, DAVID WAYNE
Sex: MHeight:603Weight:250DOB:10/21/1980
City: SEAFORDState:DEZip Code:19973 - 0000
Court Scheduling Information
Trial Date: 09/02/2008Trial Time:01:00 PMRoom:01
Trial Type:
Trial Location:SERV CTR,201 BAPTIST ST SALISBURY 21801-0629
Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
Charge No: 001Description:PERSONATE POLICE OFFICER
Statute: PS.3.502.(b)Description:PERSONATE POLICE OFFICER
Amended Date: CJIS Code:1 1769MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 07/13/2008 To: 07/13/2008 Victim Age:
Charge No: 002Description:PERSONATION: UU/UNIFORM
Statute: PS.3.502.(c)Description:PERSONATION: UU/UNIFORM
Amended Date: CJIS Code:1 0604MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 07/13/2008 To: 07/13/2008 Victim Age:
Related Person Information
(Each Person related to the case other than the Defendant is shown)
Agency Code: ZVAgency Sub-Code:2201Officer ID:W272
Event History Information
Event Date Comment
WARI 07/15/2008 080715;ZV 2201;2;ARR;D08021053-5
WARS 07/16/2008 080716;D08021053-5;
INIT 07/16/2008 080716;00000000.00;ROR ;100; ;2094
The complete case file must be obtained from the District Court in which the case was last heard.
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