Here's the latest example of your tax dollars at work - a full page piece of political progaganda in Metropolitan Magazine - courtesy of your friends at the Wicomico County Liquor Control Board.

Note that this is essentially a copy of those expensive postcards that we discussed in an earlier post. Remember that Haemel, Alessi & Co. keep bragging about the $400,000 that they give to the county government each year? Given that a full page ad in Metropolitan runs from $1,200 - $1,500 per month, how much more should be going back to the taxpayers of Wicomico County?
Add back the fancy postcards, full page newspaper ads, contributions to the pet groups of the board members. While I can only guess, these folks might owe us another $50,000 - $100,000!
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings
Technorati Tags: Maryland, Wicomico, politics, Wicomico politics, WCLCB, Liquor Control Board

Note that this is essentially a copy of those expensive postcards that we discussed in an earlier post. Remember that Haemel, Alessi & Co. keep bragging about the $400,000 that they give to the county government each year? Given that a full page ad in Metropolitan runs from $1,200 - $1,500 per month, how much more should be going back to the taxpayers of Wicomico County?
Add back the fancy postcards, full page newspaper ads, contributions to the pet groups of the board members. While I can only guess, these folks might owe us another $50,000 - $100,000!
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings
Technorati Tags: Maryland, Wicomico, politics, Wicomico politics, WCLCB, Liquor Control Board
I think it was last year that I read Montgomery county passed $23 million over to the county from their county run stores.
This same list is posted inside the WCLCB store out by the mall on Rt. 13 on a big poster behind the register. There is also a petition to allow them to sell beer at these locations by the register. My husband and I declined to sign it and after we left commented on how much you must be getting under their skin.
Does anyone REALLY read Metropolitan? It is given out free but appears to be tailored for the uber-rich with its advertising.And the society pages in Metropolitan were referred to once by a fellow blogger as a "Whos who of coke snorters and anorexic alkies in Salisbury Society" ROFLMAO.At least I know where to turn if I need a Viking stove or to remodel my stinky garage!
I will be taking some of those pages out of every Metropolitan I can get my hands on and tape them to some businesses with exactly, "your tax dollars hard at work," written on them. The money that place wastes on advertising could possibly pay for the new skate board park, or a good start on it.
You know you are a RedNeck when: you're the only business around and you still advertise LOL
Sell beer by the cash register? Sounds like one of them thar impulse buy's, umm huh umm "One FOR THE ROAD?" If the police sat outside of those stores over 60% would be charged with DUI. They have no more control than any business that sells alcohol to the public.
They would also catch people of age purchasing for underage people out in the parking lot (college town), been there, more money being passed around out there on a Friday or Saturday night than a Crap Shoot.
"Here's the latest example of your tax dollars at work" Please explain how this is my tax dollar. The WCLCB is completely 100% funded from money spent in their stores. This is a fact.
Secondly, are you for or against the system? You seem to want to money it provides the county but wish to do away with them at the same time.
Thirdly, It's not an advertisement. What are they trying to sell in the peice? Nothing. If you actually read it, it's a PSA about education and abuse prevention. It offers resouces to people and their loved ones affected by alcoholism. (When's the last time you saw that in a liquor store?) The only political propaganda going on around here is Delmarva Dealings and GA Harrison.
ps- anon 10:39, the petition was by the cash register, not the beer. They currently don't sell beer. Nor are they the only business around anon 8:10. If you want an independent liquor store in Wico. Co. check out Buster's on Nanticoke Rd.(although you will pay more there since they too have to buy from the LCB Stores)
That's my Two Cents
Two Cents, It isn't a safe place to hang out too far for the dispensary. If you are a county resident, why don't you ask to see the books and then you will better understand why they are hiding. Not pretty!
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