Incident: Impersonating a Police Officer
Date of Incident: 13 July 2008
Location: Sharptown Road at Cross Road, Mardela Springs, MD
Suspect: David Wayne Cox, 27, Eldorado, MD
Narrative: On 13 July 2008, a deputy of the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office stopped vehicle operated by David Wayne Cox for speeding on Sharptown Road in the Mardela Springs area. When Cox was stopped, he was operating a 1999 Ford Crown Victoria, gray in color, equipped with emergency lights, siren, antennae, and other equipment commonly found in police vehicles. As the deputy approached Cox, he displayed a gold badge to the deputy identifying himself as a Dorchester County Deputy Sheriff.
Upon further investigation by the deputy, it was determined that Cox was not a Dorchester County Sheriff’s Deputy, instead he was found to be a member of the volunteer fire police program in Dorchester County. On 16 July 2008, Cox was arrested by members of the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office and his vehicle was impounded at the Sheriff’s Office. It was later discovered that Cox had additional police equipment in his vehicle which included handcuffs, a mini Maryland State Police badge and a Maryland State Police ball cap. A search warrant was executed at Cox’s residence in Dorchester County and more items were recovered which included a firearm, Maryland State Police patch, Maryland State Police Tie Tack and Maryland State Police stickers.
Cox was taken to the Central Booking Unit at the Wicomico County Detention Center where he was processed and taken before the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Cox was released on personal recognizance.
The Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office will be holding a Press Conference relating to this case at 1100 AM on 17 July 2008 at the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office. Anyone with information about this case or the activities of Cox in relation to him impersonating a Police Officer is asked to contact the Wicomico County Sheriff’s office. Additionally, Sheriff Mike Lewis asks that you check out our new web site at www.wicomicosheriff.com for any questions about how to handle yourself if pulled over by a law enforcement officer.
Innocent until proven guilty, of course...but I've lived my life judging what's in a man's eyes. Those eyes even scare me a little. Not cool what is alleged here...so not cool.
Joe, do you think See or Gordy will be there?
A similiar situation occured in my home town. A gentleman was riding around impersonating a highway patrol officer. He was handing out "citations", and actually collecting cash from the people he was pulling over, saying that they could pay it now for a lesser fine. People like this are sick, and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
The Deputy that caught him should be given an award. He's the best! Thank you Deputy. That man is to be RESPECTED!
can anyone say"the hill-side strangler"
something that is boggling me is, this guy was doing this with the car, the lights, the fake badges and the whole deal and no fireman ever thought this activity was worthy of reporting to a supervisor or boss? or did the supervisor/boss know like everybody else all along?
doesnt seem to me like very good supervisory skills or judgement was used at all here. the saying goes,(the buck stops here i think it says)>
I dont think anyone ever suspected, he was breaking the law with his vehicle. Its known by many he is a "fire police" which means you can have the lights for traffic control. However your not allowed to run them to the call or more importantly pull people over. I do believe everyone at the SFD is in disbelief and shock of his actions.
There is nothing illegal with having a firearm in your home.
He needs help.
anon2;24 read anon 6;13 from last night when this story broke, seems to me alot of people new alot more than he just had lights on his car.
Are you sure that picture is not a picture of SFD Lt. Cropper? Looks like it. Something fishy here!!!
111 that would be Deputy Cordrey thank god Depty Cordrey was the one to stop this guy
he probably had one of those new stalker radar units you hear the sheriff rave about. i bet if everyone had a stalker unit, more speeders/criminals would be caught!
Thats a back aching for a lash if I've ever seen one!
Thats one sick dude...of course it will be overlooked like all the other wrong doings by city officials.
Joe, how bout a list of all the criminals in city/county govt and what they get away with?
Only in Salisbury (South Park) can stuff like this be gotten away with!
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