This is an image of the Cockatoo Cage in this piece of sh!t Store. The flies were everywhere and the baby mice were eating them. You know what Folks, IF you should happen to go into these Pet Stores and see the mess like this image and you purchase an animal, expect to have serious health issues with it because this is NOT how you run a business, OR A ZOO! I hope the Health Department sees this Post, goes up there right away and shuts their damn doors immediately. If this is what helps these animals, well then it's been worth all the hassle gain all this attention over the past 3 years in order to make a difference. Then again, look at the Deer in the Salisbury Zoo! They don't give a sh!t either.
If you're wondering just where this place is, remember that strip joint they were trying to open on Rt. 13 in Seaford? That's the joint.
You should see the pet place in the Laurel (think it's the Johnny Janosik flea market). The long red buildings. The cages are always full of feces and other disgusting things and the animals look emaciated most of the time. Maybe the health dept should pay a visit to them too. :)
If you're considering purchasing a pet store animal at all, take the time to research where the animal came from. You may find something even more horrific than the scene that greeting you in the store.
Yes, that pet place in Laurel at Johnny Janosik's will bring tears to your eyes (out of sadness). It is completely disgusting. The place in Seaford is also completely disgusting. The place in Salisbury at the Twilley Center is not much better. The poor fish are all diseased and when you ask them about it, their standard reply is that they're being medicated. Same for the poor puppies there that seem to always have colds-they're on medicine. Yeah right.
If you are interested in getting a pet, please save an animal's life by going to the Humane Society or SPCA.
I have been to all these places mentioned and everyone is so right.....the one in Laurel is so sad, I always want to take the puppies home because the just look pitiful. I am a sucker for a puppy. The other day we were in The super Pet one in Twilley ...there was a large fish on the floor flapping for its life and until a young boy said something they just we going to let it die..it might had been better off.
In my own oppinion I find the Seaford Pet Emporium to be an exceptional pet store. The animals all seem to be very healthy, and the staff is an impressively knowledgable group of people. And as for the 'supposed' mess...most of what is in that picture appears to be food ans such, not actual excrememnt. I have owned birds, and I can see that this is not a truly contaminated cage. I think that you are an intolerable fool for posting such a null add.
What a stupid moron. I can see myself that there is nothing more than food at the bottom of this cage and a toy. At least it shows that they are definitely giving this bird plenty of food, as apparently he wastes a lot of it. I have been to this pet shop many times and the animals appear to be very well cared for. The owner actually takes the puppies home with sometimes. He also puts toys in their cages. Something other pet shops rarely do. You want to see a horrible pet shop, head a little further south and check out the one in the flea market. THAT is a sad pet shop.
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