Comments have been coming in referencing people wanting to boycott the Gordy Tiger Mart Gas Stations for blatantly displaying Frank Kratovil Signs in front of their stores.
I was very busy the past few days, some of which involved some campaign discussions and the word is in fact quickly spreading from Republicans who are sick of the fact that the Gordy's would be so dumb as to put politics before business and take such a risk. Many people were saying they had bought all of their gas there and they stopped buying anything from them. Then once that discussion started people started agreeing and the word quickly spread, don't buy gas at a Gordy Gas Station.
How do YOU feel about such remarks going around? I know I have never spent a dime in their stores ever since I learned Bill Gordy was involved in the business. I'll not support a man who believes spending $10,000,000.00 in a Fire Station that's not even 1/4 as busy as a New York City Fire Station that would probably only spend about a quarter of that.
I look forward to your input.
I'll not buy from them as long as they have those signs in their yard. Do you know of a business that supports Harris that we can flock to instead?
And you never put up a political sign?
How about making lists of all the businesses in Salisbury that are owned by Democrats or Republicans, so we all know whom to boycott.
Me? I'll stay out of Home Dumpo for political reasons.
Appears to me that the sign may be on the state's right-a-way
I was pretty sure that I would support Kratovil, but an affiliation with Gordy is probably a dealbreaker ofr me.
I quit buying gas from Gordy's Tigermart the minute I saw Mr. Gordy pull up in a white /Government owned Ford, in the middle of a workday, sporting a Fire Department Emblem. He had the audacity of supervising some of his employees in front of the car wash at the Autumn Terrace Gordy Tigermart and then got back inside the Government owned car. Mind you now . . .gas is now $4/Gallon.
The whole scene just looks bad from my perspective.
i agree
I thought I liked Kratovil until I read more on him and then I see his signs on Gordy Tigermart property. The property of a thieving crook. Doesn't Exxon have ties to crooked Middle Eastern Oil?
I WAS using a considerable amount of fuel from Exxon of his and I have bought my last gallon from him as of yesterday. Now with Royal Farms so we'll see how that works out
I always bought from Gordy, either from Centre or Delmar location. I really just became tired of their price fixing and their political statements. I now give my business to the Shell up the street. I prefer to support the little guy. Sure they may be foreigners but are hard working and deserve a chance. Stop supporting Wawa/Gordy, shop elsewhere!
Does this post mean that I should boycott the Salisbury News simply because Joe Albero backs Harris? I hope that I am more open minded that that.
This seems rather silly, regardless of political affiliation. If Gordy's was seeling gas at 20 - 30 cents cheaper than anyone else, would you not buy there because of a sign?
There are bigger arguments to have. Did he support Gilchrest? Did you buy from him then?
If that sign is on State Highway property I think we can all guess who put them there. Yeppers that's right Gary Comegys in cahoots with Gordo Corleone. Two peas in a pod.
844 that sign might be on the state right of way out on Rt 13. Is the one out on Rt 50 SHA property also?
i think i would support anyone i choose to, how-ever i would never involve my buisness in my politics. pretty stupid thing to do. unless you got so much money you dont give a shit. by him putting these signs on his buisness property than i believe people do have the right to boycot his station if they so choose.(i wonder are his employs afforeded the same option, can they put up a sign for their candidate?).
Anonymous said...
If that sign is on State Highway property I think we can all guess who put them there. Yeppers that's right Gary Comegys in cahoots with Gordo Corleone. Two peas in a pod.
10:10 AM
Who do you think was Gordo's Campaign Manager for the last two elections? Yep Bubba! Gordo's reward was being an outsider from Delmar and being promoted to the third ranking chief's position in less than a years time on probation. Never in the history of the Salisbury Fire Department has an outsider came in the volunteer ranks and took over total control of the Salisbury Fire Department, both paid and volunteer. His other reward was a new car with all the gas he can burn and an open checkbook from the tax payers.
dan the liberal moron said...
This seems rather silly, regardless of political affiliation. If Gordy's was seeling gas at 20 - 30 cents cheaper than anyone else, would you not buy there because of a sign?
There are bigger arguments to have. Did he support Gilchrest? Did you buy from him then?
10:09 AM
Yes he did have Gilchrest signs up and he helped Gilchrest lose his re-election bid. Now maybe he can help Kratovil lose this election.
Just like Gordy is.
Every time I have passed Gordy's, I have wondered why a business owner would erect a huge politcal sign in the front of his station. Obviously, he is entitled to support whomever he wants, but surely he ought to know that many Harris supporters would boycott him. It just doesn't make sense from a business standpoint. I have gotten gas there a number of times, but the Kratovil sign has turned me off.
Joe has an opinion blog, Gordy has a business. I agree with 10:21 - I'd never mix my business with politics. Stupid thing to do, you're going to annoy at least 50% of your customers. Just the same as I personally don't like businesses that shove god down my throat (like Outten Bros). And I do believe he is getting favors for his support of Comegys, who else could get away with a sign that size right on Rt. 13?
Do you think he really cares if you don't buy your gas at Tiger Marts? I'm sure he gets enough traffic from vacationers who could care less who he supports! So you'd rather go to foreigners who get free taxes for a year and sell their business to a relative every few years so they get more free and the cycle continues?!
Go to other convenience stores- in the end if anyone is hurt it will be the hard working employees, working pay check to pay check. They are the ones that will be out of a job!!!!
Hey Dan, first off gordy's ussually 3 cents higher than the small stores like eagle mart, but lets go with your imagination....if osama or Hussain were selling it cheaper just up the road would you buy it there?
Do you support wasteful spending, more taxation and crooked politics, the very things destroying our city...roting our quality of life from the inside like a poision bomb. gordy and comegy are crooks....wasting our hard earned taxes so they can scream for more....their in it for their own benifit, not the welfare of this city. So Dan, you keep right on supporting your crooks of choice, and while your there tip him 20bucks, the profit he used to get from me each day, maybe you'll satisfy his greed and he wont have the erge to waste another ten mill on the next over priced fire house.
F#%K Bill Gordy and his worthless son. Both of them are thieves and have been caught, just not prosecuted appropriately.
A dangerous game, boycotting because of politics.
Anyone want to list all the businesses that put up Harris signs?
WOW! Look at all these comments on a Saturday already!
You can try all you want to bash Andy Harris and or the businesses that support him. Andy is not desperate and would NEVER put a retail business like this on the line on the Eastern Shore.
However, you'll need to create your very own Blog to get them posted because I won't do it here. This Post is a legitimate one and clearly people are not at all happy locally with the Gordy's.
Never Shit Where You Eat! That's what I always learned. Looks like the Gordy's still have a lot of learning to do.
Or they like to eat shit?
Does anyone know how the city/county purchases gas for vehicles/trucks etc. and from whom?
11:26 is right. It is a dangerous game that only serves to divide the community.
Divide if you must, but this makes you part of the problem, not part of the solution.
Oh, cut the bullshit! You want a resolution to the problem? Take the sign down and act like a responsible businessman. Till then, deal with the boycott!
I won't buy anything from the Tigger Marts. I have seen enough of this Gotti looking guy. He gets in bed with politians and gets his way on everything. He has ruined the fire department and is a huge supporter of the Mare and bubba. He's untouchable in the SFD and the political world, but I can take a bite out of his wallet in his business life. Money greases the wheel and I have a little grease as do others who are fed up.
they moved the sign because someone almost died from his political affilleation....they couldnt see the traffic coming because of the sign, the sign was moved to the cities property, now the city is liable
It's a free country and the Gordy's are free to support who they want. I will continue to shop there are they are the only place in town that gives free coffee to firefighters/EMT's/cops.
I don't know how he retains any employees. . . them knowing he's issued an official Government vehicle.
If I were him I'd be very ashamed to show up at his estalishments and then flaunting to his employees that he was moonlighting at the taxpayers expense.
I hope the word is spread about his inner workings and affiliations with the political establishment.
Everyone of the taxpaying public should know about this.
local medic said,
" I will continue to shop there are they are the only place in town that gives free coffee to firefighters/EMT's/cops."
You must be one of the Porqueena's?
You know, only go where things are free because you like the special attention. I can't believe that. I can guarantee you don't vote but claim you do.
Anonymous said...
they moved the sign because someone almost died from his political affilleation....they couldnt see the traffic coming because of the sign, the sign was moved to the cities property, now the city is liable
11:56 AM
It doesn't suprise me. The mare and bubba put up Norman Conway signs on city proprery at the corner of Main Street and Rt. 13 right in front of the Salisbury sign. I had a problem with that because I am a city resident and tax payer and I don't support Conway and I don't support Kratovil or Gordo. The city should not allow political signs on their properties and bubba and the mare needs to be run out of office for that.
Easy does it Folks! I'm not going to post the nasty personal comments.
Don't vote against Kratovil because Gordy has a sign up.
Stop and think about the people who want to crucify local pols because Joe supports them...or even just talks about them!
However...I don't shop there because of Gordy and the $10 million firehouse and other fire dept. control issues.
And for any Republican who hates waste to say they shopped in the King of Waste's stores until they saw the Kratovil sign, all I gotta say is...
10:24, you got it backwards...Gordo was Bubba's campaign manager for 2 'lections. But you got the reward thing down just fine. Yep, Gordo the campaign manager just switches hats and goes and asks the council for money and Gary and his two monkey followers give Gordo anything he wants. Your quote is below, dude.
"Who do you think was Gordo's Campaign Manager for the last two elections? Yep Bubba! Gordo's reward was being an outsider from Delmar and being promoted to the third ranking chief's position in less than a years time on probation. Never in the history of the Salisbury Fire Department has an outsider came in the volunteer ranks and took over total control of the Salisbury Fire Department, both paid and volunteer. His other reward was a new car with all the gas he can burn and an open checkbook from the tax payers."
10:24 AM
flaunting that huge sign just shows his true arrogence, local medic can afford to pay more taxes with all he's saving on the free coffee....
Theres still some AlQaida owned stores in town, being a free country n all that, maybe they'll give ya a free donut to go with your coffee, that way you can spread some of that support loco medic
Wawa gives free coffee to firefighters and cops. You'll see the FF's and SPO's there regularly.
As for blocking visibility, remember Bubba's sign with his loser buddies downtown corner of Mill and W. Main?
That one caused problems, too.
Bubba don't care. He hongry to be yo nex mare so he can text message with the old mare more often and give his buddy Gordo any toy he wants.
Yes he did have Gilchrest signs up and he helped Gilchrest lose his re-election bid. Now maybe he can help Kratovil lose this election.
10:26 AM
How predictable. Revisionist history at its finest.
And I guarantee you that this post wouldn't even be up right now, if that had been a Harris sign.
I already said that Harris wouldn't have put someone like him in jeopardy like this. Perhaps in the last week or two but IMO Gordy is out to do anything Anti Albero that he can.
Remember, he supported a REPUBLICAN until he lost. Then he pulled a old man Billy Duvall on everyone and switched parties.
I hear he does that a lot in his personal life anyway.
Joe, that's pure speculation on your part. You don't know that Harris would or would not use such prime real estate to place a VERY high visibility sign. For that matter, it's a decision that most likely would never cross his desk-- same with Kratovil.
The anti-Albero thing, I can't vouch for. You would most definitely have a better idea about that than I. I'm quite sure you've given him a reason or two to be upset at you... :)
Perhaps your right on my not knowing if he would or wouldn't?
However, the man switched parties because he's a follower ACTING like a leader.
IMO, he's a spoild little child who gets very upset when he doesn't get his way. I believe they call people like that traders.(sp)
One thing is for certain, by the number and tone of posts, B. Gordy doesn't have a lot of friends in and around Salisbury.
It inevitiably will lead to a death blow for Kratovil.
joealbero said...
I hear he does that a lot in his personal life anyway.
3:30 PM
Yes I have heard alot as well like supporting one of the Hooters Hookers in Indianapolis on his all expense paid vacation by the city of Salisbury.
I thought it was against the Police Dept. policy to accept anything free from a business!
Anonymous said...
I thought it was against the Police Dept. policy to accept anything free from a business!
7:12 PM
Who said they accepted anything?
Anonymous said...
One thing is for certain, by the number and tone of posts, B. Gordy doesn't have a lot of friends in and around Salisbury.
It inevitiably will lead to a death blow for Kratovil.
4:30 PM
About 95% of the members of the Salsibury Fire Department can't stand him. About 4% tollerate him to see what it can get them. Ass kissers!
It is obvious that there are a lot of people who don't like Gordo or his son. Why?
It is because of the Fire Department, plain and simple. He has abused his status in the community for personal gain. He gets what he wants because of his money and influence over his personal friends. His friends like him because of his money. His son got special treatment in the fire department.
People don't like it when a person behaves as if he/she is better than others. I agree with the post who said, He is arrogant! Bingo.
For the most part, people love the stores. That's because of the employees. They have great employees. Nice, clean stores with friendly employees. Now it looks like he is taking for granted the fact that we like the stores. Now he is shoving his political preferences down our throats.
Anonymous said...
It is obvious that there are a lot of people who don't like Gordo or his son. Why?
It is because of the Fire Department, plain and simple.
His son got special treatment in the fire department.
11:43 AM
How true is this... I see his son is hanging around the new fire station these days? What happened did they take him in the department again? This kid has been a member of the Salisbury Fire Department volunteers and about 75% of that time he has been on suspension. He has been on suspension longer than he has been active and he brags about that. Never in the history of the Salisbury Fire Department has this happened before until Gordy came along. Does this happen anywhere else.
The boy doesn't even have a valid drivers license. Check the Maryland Case Search, he has been suspended several times for getting tickets and Failing To Appear. Is this the kind of person you need representing YOUR fire department. I hope he doesn't drive any of their equipment. If it was a paid fireman they didn't like he would be fired for that. What makes that volunteer any different than the paid guys? They claim they are equal. It's time to CLEAN HOUSE!!
I was wondering if anyone else had noticed this. I had been averaging about @250.00 a month in gas there, but since the signs went up my business goes elsewhere.
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