Ladies & Gentlemen,
I received the following two letters recently in which I was truly honored to agree with. Today we have received some of the finished products and I wanted to share with all of you not only how popular this Site has become, I wanted to share the beauty of this unbelievable Artist and how all of us have inspired one and other.
Christine, they're breathtaking! I'm sure you'll be receiving quite a few on line offers for these paintings. Follow this Post and let's see what people think.
Good Morning Joe,
I am an artist living in California (formally a bartender at Gunnings Ocean City...20 odd years ago!) and have enjoyed reading your news blogs as a way of staying in touch with that side of the world! I would like to use some of your excellent photographs as inspirations for some paintings I would like to do. You can see my painting style on my web-site www.chenrystudios.com.
If you would be OK with carte blanche permission or would like to know which I use, I would be happy to accommodate.
Thanks Joe, and I really enjoy your blog, wish some-one over here would do as well!
Christine Mac Shane-Henry
Hello there Joe,
I have been quite busy this week getting ready to put on a mini art show here in Oroville CA. We are central to where a large number of the fires have been and in an effort to replenish the local firefighters' equipment etc, I am hoping this art show will be of help. I particularly loved the one you took of the OC guy hauling the hose and hope I did it justice. I will be adding more to this series of "daily paintings".
In writing up our business plan, my business partner Jackie and I decided to opt for a local cause for our 10% to charity. So we thought of the firefighters as it would directly affect the community without too much administration!!! Heaven forbid! So we will be offering giclees of the paintings for those looking to purchase them. They can contact me through the web-site.
Happy to get your input...
Christine Mac Shane-Henry
C.Henry Studios
Solar City Productions
Nice work Christine. Are you related to any of the Salisbury Mac Shane's? I know a few, I used to work with a server named Christy Macshane.
Thank you Tim, Sorry, no relation unless they fare from Australia!
And Wow!! Joe! What a spread. I am honored that you have been so generous in promoting this venture. Thank you so much.
Thank you Tim, but no, I am not related...unless they are from Australia too!
Wow!! It looks great Joe! Thank you for your generosity in helping to promote this venture. I'll be scanning the site for photos daily!
These are an honor to the fire service, great work, if your ever back this way, stop by station 16, we would love to meet you.
I will definitely put that on my travel plans!! Thank you!
Great paintings Christine. Are they in water color, oil or some other type of painting? Just curious. I served in the Corps for more than 22 and was stationed a couple of times at Pendleton, so I was in Ocean City a good bit. A nice area and the beer was good too!
A. Goetz
Now thats what I call NEAT! What a nice thing to do. Joe, talk about coast to coast coverage.
Please do one of Bubba Comegys playing fireman!
Yeah, he could be one of the Poster Children for Jerry's Kids.
Good pics joe thanks for sharing. I am a firefighter in the SFD and I can assure you that most of the good people in the SFD can't stand David See, Bill Gordy and Rick Hoppes. We are praying that something will change in the near future. Many of us are ready to jump ship instead of going down with it.
Anonymous said...
Please do one of Bubba Comegys playing fireman!
3:40 PM
I can assure you that bubba comegys has never been a firefighter and never played one on tv. On tv he played the roll of an a$$ and a good one at that.
Great work!
The paintings are done in acrylic and I use a fairly generous brush and paint style as I go for the feeling or energy of the painting more than straight realism. Glad you are enjoying them.
Ironically, I worked in Ocean City at the Gunnings there before it was burned down! I really enjoyed the summers there in the 80's!!!
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