Do tell me, when will ALL of you get it? The Mayor of the City of Salisbury has completely screwed up the City so bad we have watched the Festival of Lights at Christmas completely disappear, the 4th of July Celebration had to be taken over by the County and now River fest has been cancelled. Even as the Jaycees and the Chamber of Commerce work so hard at trying to bring these events together with very little help from the City, sewage spills have drawn such bad press that this event has been cancelled.
I have tried for years to ask anyone, please tell me what good this Mayor has done for the Citizens of Salisbury and quite frankly Folks, I can't think of a thing! Developers have been on the financial award end of the City and the taxpayers have been completely screwed.
Let's not forget the City Council's involvement in their decisions favoring and rubber stamping anything and everything the Mayor has desired and this Housewife has taken this City into the dumps of society.
Our earlier Post about Gangs, that's a big deal Folks. Think about it. If it weren't for Salisbury News, (respectfully) none of you would be aware of the WWTP Sludge Pit. None of you would have been aware of these sewage spills. None of you would be aware of all the graffiti all over the City. The list goes on and on and while the Mayor had control of the Daily Times and what was said and or not said, everyone has been clueless and the Mayor and Council got away with it for years and years.
The Blogs have changed the way of thinking locally and it's no wonder so many people are coming here every day. Yeah, I agree, there's been a lot of very tough Posts on this Blog but you know what, we've had to fight fire with fire. I took all the risks getting the information out there for everyone to become educated. Many very good people, (the Dirty Dozen) tried sticking their necks on the line for all of you to try and educate you as well and for the longest time Mayor Tilghman bullied her way through and over these people.
Those days are now over and Ladies & Gentlemen, IT'S TIME TO TAKE BACK YOUR STREETS! It's time to recognize that Public Safety is Job One! No, grand $10,000,000.00 Fire Stations are NOT what I'm talking about. I'm talking about new Leaders that will wear the very same Uniform the people working underneath them are wearing. I'm talking about delivering the salaries promised and riding of Council Members that have flat out screwed those people protecting YOUR investment.
If you run a piss poor business, everyone from the top down cannot do their job properly if they're lied to and then told, tough luck! The Zoo does NOT need a $2,000,000.00 Animal Services Building. STOP ALL Developer Reimbursements! Get a Task Force to eliminate the crime and gangs in this City. If you don't see the writing on the wall, well, then you're just flat out stupid and or you just don't care.
Look at the West side of the City and see what this Mayor and Council are doing. They want OUT of Downtown Salisbury. They refuse to sign the contract for $1.00 for their half of the GOB. WHY? Because the Mayor wants to rebuild everything on the West side of the City and completely change the entire history of Salisbury. The land is cheap and if you write up enough of the Black people on the West side, they'll no longer be able to afford to keep up their properties and they're be forced to relocate. This Mayor is NOT stupid.
So you either protect this City and get her ass out of Office and don't even consider Gary Comegys or whomever they hand pick to become the next Mayor and you go with YOUR choice this time. It means voting and it means taking back the City and being patient because it's going to take many years to clean up her mess.
How many more of YOUR activities are going to be taken away by this Administration? How many more people have to die or get hurt in the 10th Most Dangerous City In America? How many more cars need to get stolen? How many more break ins and robberies are you going to put up with? How many homes are you going to allow having 5 or 10 people living in them illegally?
Just like Sheriff Lewis has stepped in to help fight crime in the City of Salisbury, now the County Executive Rick Pollitt has also stepped in to save the 4th of July Celebration. We need the MDE to come in and save our River, hopefully that will happen soon? In the mean time, River fest is toast, done, gone, over, thanks to Barrie Tilghman and the City Council. Enough is Enough!
I always seem to agree on most of what you post, but there is one sentance in this article that is completely wrong.
I am referring to the statement that this mayor is not stupid. For all it is worth,our mayor is VERY stupid!!!
I will be so glad to see her out of office. I feel sorry for her successor, as it will take them many years to fix what she has f----- up.
I don't care what anyone says, the majority of the council and the mayor's failure to provide the raises they were due has to have some effect on the morale of this city's police force. Wouldn't you be disappointed?
Joe, I hear there is going to be a GREAT event to fill in for the river fest. Someone told me that they were working on bringing the BOAT DOCKING CONTEST that is in Crisfield here to salisbury at Brew River. Its a Awsome event.
I suppose they didn't want to change the name to "Poo Fest" to reflect the current state of the river. I hope the police and fire will remember who was on their side and who was not. Louise promised that she would reward the fire and police with decent raises, and she hasn't. The mayor, Bubba, and Louise should be held responsible for the sad state of affairs in the next election. Look out for their stealth candidate!
This is one of your best posts -- please keep 'em coming and turn the spotlight on Bubba, too, so he won't become "R Necks Mare."
PS: be sure to get a fifth for the fourth.
The city firefighters know who isnt on their side.
I want my vote back bitch!!
Thank You for not even a COLA raise. Keep your fancy engines and trucks. Keep your oversized fire house and take care of the little guys doing all the work.
Joe, I don't know why you harp so much on developers' rebates. Governments do this. Try checking some of them out, on the other side of the bay.
anonymous 9:51,
Let's see, did the Police get their raises? How about Public Works? How about the Zoo Staff? How about the Firefighters?
In other words Barrie, shut up!
Excellent freakin' post!
Take it from the Salisbury410 terror videos:
It ain't safe around here, it's F....... Berry N.... Land.
I thought that was the most telling, and the most disturbing message, not to mention that it's broadcasted in broad day light!
Tilghman & Webster's arrogance, incompetance, too long obessession with solely selfserving policies have allowed the ideal environemnt where these terrorist groups to grow, take roots, and now move on to terrorize this city and the neighboring areas.
I had to fly out of SBY on Saturday and looked down on the river and a few ponds.
There were huge layers of scum across them clearly visible from the air.
You need to hop in your SBYnews chopper and get some pictures.
All kidding aside it was pathetic and if this pollution could have been avoided and it was not, then its truly criminal.
did anyone see on pac 14 mr pipps i think his name is trying to sell that pile, saying the hard rain weve had recently has made alot of run-off into the river and that is what has the toxic levels so high now the river couldnt be reopened. he was a bablin idot, and louise, well im not even gonna go there...
You can always come to Seaford, DE July 12-14? for our Riverfest.....just an idea
Lets remember that Frank Hamilton, GM at Clear Channel (you know that nationaly owned company that is destory radio), saved the Christmas lights in the Park as well as the fireworks for the city. What about him for mayor...
Frank Hamilton did not save the Christmas lights in the park and wonderful lady named Kim Hudson saved the lights for the park.
He may have assisted but lets give credit where credit is due.
However i am all for anyone to run for Mayor that will get Barrie out of office.
It is way past time for major changes in city hall here in Barrie town. Leave the two great ladies (you know who they are) and dump the whole lot of them as fast as we can!!! Oh, also, lets be sure not to listen to the same fools that gave us what we have now.
A. Goetz
Frank Hamilton didn't save the christmas lights, that was done by a woman named Kim somebody or other. Lets give credit where it is due.
we have one dog for a mare, you think we actually need another? roflmao nuck, nuck, nuck
C'mon y'all! Don't you see the opportunity here? With all those turds in the river, look at all the possibilities. If they have a boat docking contest, they won't need fenders as they can just let the turds keep the boats from hitting the pilings. If someone falls overboard, they won't need a PFD because they can just grab on to a floating turd to keep from going under. Later, after the docking is complete, a plinking contest can begin where contestants get into a conoe and go down the river with BB guns to plink floating turds. The one who plinks the most turds wins. Just think of the fun the water skiers can have skiing in and out of the turds. I don't understand why you folks can't see the good in this.
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