While I passed this booth several times yesterday, the Mayor seemed to be Crazy Glued to the seat, yet no one was really talking to her or giving her ANY of her so desired special attention.
I believe the Mayor knows my original quote about her has proven to be exactly right and perfectly on target. You remember that letter/e-mail, don't you Mayor Tilghman?
Heck, even her own Husband wasn't willing to come and be next to his pride and joy.
Did you see the news story where Salisbury is now known as "Crack City" by the gangs and in lyrics, etc.? Barrie, you're so stupid when you failed to even acknowledge we have gangs. You're so stupid.
Geez Joe....I haven't even had breakfast yet, but I went to the Post, and what do I see.....something enough to make me not want breakfast anymore. Damn man, did you have to put Gary's ass on there...yuck, yuck, yuck!!! LOL!!
What's in the mason jar beside her? Who drove her home?
Everyone's avoiding Barrie--she's a pariah in every sense of the word. Such a frump.
she's nothing to clap about
Joe, didn't you say there was going to be an announcement by someone who is planning to run for mayor next year? Did it happen, and if so, who is it? As for the look on the mare's face, what's new? She always looks like she just sucked a lemon.
Hey Barry (I like to phrase it this way because you are a very "handsome woman").....if you think people are giving you the cold shoulder in this tent; just wait until you are not re-elected and have to stand in regular lines and such. Boy are the people going to laugh and point at you then (or just ignore you like the trash you ignored in our river all these years). I'd say you should probably get a new start in the "Douchebag Relocation Program" in Arizona, but truthfully I would really prefer an ocean to separate us in the future!!
It wasn't announced but, Doug Hampshires name came up a few times with a few comments after it. None of which were very supportive.
Thats the only place Bubba could sit, even the Democrats didn't want him in their tent
those slacks and flowered shirt sure make her look large.
Thank goodness for small favors -- no shorts!
How appropriate - She wears Flip-Flops
you put them all into a zombie state, you could cut that tension with a knife. they all look like their scared a meteor might fall on them from outter space.
I sooooooo wanted to drop off a five gallon bucket of "untreated sewage" to the Salisbury tent. The city dumps enough of it into our river. It would have been worth spending the night in jail just to see the look on her face as I dumped it out.
Anonymous said...
It wasn't announced but, Doug Hampshires name came up a few times with a few comments after it. None of which were very supportive.
9:32 AM
Doug Hampshire is a cut throat, pu$$y piece of sh!t. Speaking of flip flops that a$$whole was against Gordo one day and then for him the next. He sucks up to Gordo now because he gets to play an assistant chief around the station. That is what we need another lazy ass as mayor. He cuts grass for a living and he wants to be our mare. Dream on Alice, you're in Wonderland.
Actually I thought it was Frank White at first.
Looks to me like bubba and gordo called each other to find out what shirt to wear.
1204 calm down a minute before you bust a blood vessel. I think the Doug Hampshire referred to is Doug Hampshire, Sr not his son. A parent can't always be responsible for their offspring. I know his son and agree with you wholeheartedly. You forgot to mention how he (Jr) likes young girls, under 18, young girls.
He cuts grass for a living and he wants to be our mare
Last time I saw him he was working for the WCDC. Before that he was working at Mitchells Martial Arts helping with the day(care)camp. He also said he was a Marine just home from Iraq. This kid is so full of crap he stinks. Good thing he has a family with a good reputation or he'd never get a job anywhere. Makes you wonder why daddy didn't employ him at the family firm of Hampshire, Hampshire and Andrews.
Anonymous said...
1204 calm down a minute before you bust a blood vessel. I think the Doug Hampshire referred to is Doug Hampshire, Sr not his son. A parent can't always be responsible for their offspring. I know his son and agree with you wholeheartedly. You forgot to mention how he (Jr) likes young girls, under 18, young girls.
8:01 AM
No I am talking about doug sr. who used to work for his daddy and brother in law at HH&A, but now is cutting grass. He had a big one not to long ago and had to get bypass surgery. Funny thing is he still smokes like there is no tomorrow. If you no him so well you would know that he tried running for city council once before and got scared and dropped out. Doug and DJ are both losers!
Looks like he just came from the 'Jon'
He has t.p. stuck to his shoe...haha!
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