GO HERE and view the videos shot right here in Salisbury. There are several to choose from but my favorites are titled, "Automatic" and "Poose."
I need to WARN YOU, do NOT turn your volume up too loudly and or do NOT watch this around children!
Here's what I'd like to know. After you view some of these videos, do come back here and tell me if the City of Salisbury has enough Police Officers on Staff and or how MOTIVATED they are by the Mayor and Chief denying them their pay increases that they were promised?
When I sent the link to Mayor Barrie Tilghman, here's what I got back immediately.
"Subj: Automatic reply
Date: 7/2/2008 3:44:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: btilghman@ci.salisbury.md.us (Barrie Tilghman)
To: Alberobutzo@wmconnect.com, Alberobutzo@wmconnect.com
As a result of the tone of your most recent e-mails, subsequent e-mails are being automatically forwarded for evaluation, review and documentation."
That was from years ago! You remember, that's when I sent her an e-mail and said she was a waste of good sp{rm. Any arguments now?
Why don't we all forward this to Her Highness, BPT?
Here's the Mayors address. sbymayor@ci.salisbury.md.us
Here's the link.
I just sent it, thanks - good idea
This was taking at the salisbury Commons on dykes rd. behind royal farms off os south division street.
Joe, this is a true embarrassment on all of Salisbury. This material is available for anyone that searches for salisbury on you tube. We need this eradicated immediately.
Lousy at rapping, too.
Hey LISTEN to the end of that automaic video and you'll get an ear full. Not the cussing part but the WARNINGS to Salisbury residents.
If you think this is bad take a look at Myspace.
We have gangs in Pocomoke bragging about "thuggin & Druggin" brandishing automatic weapons.
Some of the guns are supplied by the police dept after they have been confiscated from rival "unapproved" drug dealers.
Why do you think I am so harsh on the open corruption in Pocomoke?
it will never cease to amaze me the stupidity that lurks in the crevices of americas darkest corners... like ive always said, let them all just keep killing each other, its a self fixing problem.
and obama wants our guns...
who cares about the warnings, these little normals are nothing but talk... its amazing, these little puxxies would start crying if you held a gun to their head... panzies.
"This material is available for anyone that searches for salisbury on you tube. We need this eradicated immediately."
Hey anon 4:44-- the same freedom of speech that allows us to chat openly on this blog applies to those kids too, y'know.
HAHA I AGREE WITH ANON 5:37 tell them to come outside of the city to a real part of southern MD those MotherF**kers would not dare step foot in places outside of the city in wicomico county, such as (westside/bivalve) area.
They may have their gats but that aint Sh!t compared to a pissed off farmer with a high powered rifle<3
still think t.v. and music dont have an affect,
they probably didnt have much up-bringin eighter,
education is right out the window here,
they say children are the future,
and one day this could be called for jury duty, (our peers huh)...
i wonder how many babies this crew has,
one day well all be paying for them,
and the cycle continues.........
basically, all saw were some kids doing their hip-hop. Gangster Rap is pretty popular (lets ask the corporate big-wigs, why that is the case and why they keep marketing it).
I remember that I loved to play the coyboy in the black hat or the klingon (trying to kill Kirk and Spock with a phaser) when I was a kid.
Those were the bad-guys of my childhood that were fun to play.
I know it is fun to bust on these kids but MOST of them are just play-acting. They are living a life that they see on TV, video games, movies, music, etc. There are a bunch of folks getting rich off of these kids buying the mp3's, clothes, and acting like gangsters.
And it is the few bad apples, who actually go to the dark side, killing, stealing, etc. that are helping the corporate guys sell more. because it is glamorous.
Lets try to figure out how to occupy these kids, and give them better role models to emulate (hopefully not a blogger)
Coming out of Corrections, the Public better take heed and realize Gangs do not make idle threats and statements. They just do it on their time schedule not the Publics. What is being posted is not even the tip of the iceberg. These post or like page one of a 1000 page book.
we need to go back to matt dillon days were the common man can carry a side arm and eliminate worthless animals such as these pieces of shit.this country be a whole lot better today if our ancestors would have picked there own cotton.
makes me glad I keep 300 rounds on hand
Actually this video is a little old. The fat rollie pollie is really from pokomoke. Just an FYI.
How funny is this one, how ironic:
Salisbury Mayor Asks for Tough Gang Laws
Now check out this one at University Village or University Park, the housing off Milford Street.
Added: December 23, 2007 (More info)
Huge brawl in Salisbury University in MD
Anonymous said...
This was taking at the salisbury Commons on dykes rd. behind royal farms off os south division street.
4:27 PM
Yes this is you subsidized welfare housing on Winterborn Lane off Dykes Road. I wonder if someone can get this to the owners of that property and get the wannabe thugs evicted. I hope the police can use these video's if they haven't already.
Completely worthless to society. Nothing good will ever come from these punks.
It's a shame that decent people have to deal with such SCUM!
Is this the future of mankind? Let's hope not.
makes me glad i keep my 22 loaded... bring it little ninnies... bring it... y'aint seen hill billy till ya seen this one... git'r'dun
and to whomever wants to rehab them... hahaha, go live in fairy land too, and tell princess leia i said hello, and shake the smurfs hands for me too!
they are never ever ever going to amount to shxt... EVER.
its pointless, they are pointless, and yes, this is the future of a lot of america, and the truth is we are all fxcked.
Anonymous said...
we need to go back to matt dillon days were the common man can carry a side arm and eliminate worthless animals such as these pieces of shit.this country be a whole lot better today if our ancestors would have picked there own cotton.
8:31 PM
Anonymous said...
basically, all saw were some kids doing their hip-hop. Gangster Rap is pretty popular (lets ask the corporate big-wigs, why that is the case and why they keep marketing it).
I remember that I loved to play the coyboy in the black hat or the klingon (trying to kill Kirk and Spock with a phaser) when I was a kid.
Those were the bad-guys of my childhood that were fun to play.
I know it is fun to bust on these kids but MOST of them are just play-acting. They are living a life that they see on TV, video games, movies, music, etc. There are a bunch of folks getting rich off of these kids buying the mp3's, clothes, and acting like gangsters.
And it is the few bad apples, who actually go to the dark side, killing, stealing, etc. that are helping the corporate guys sell more. because it is glamorous.
Lets try to figure out how to occupy these kids, and give them better role models to emulate (hopefully not a blogger)
7:03 PM
Another F#cking liberal moron heard from. It's people like you that keep us from making laws to put these wannabe gansters away for good. I wonder what you would do if one of them illiterate thugs put a cap in your ass.
I say put them all away for good and throw away the key. Maybe the hillbilly's need a hunting season for wannabe rappers.
Smile!If they reside in Salisbury Commons that means we are paying their rent!Dont that make you feel all warm & fuzzy inside?
There is nothing wanna be about these shit bags. Where is the NAACP and the liberal treehuggers speaking out about the racial slurs. Oh wait that only applies if your white. They are a self cleaning society. They will kill each other and hopefully only cause minor damage to the law bidding society that protects them.
Anon 7:03: That is such a crutch! You can't always blame other people for the way they act! They know right from wrong and still CHOOSE to do the wrong! They have no respect for others...PERIOD!
If you think they are playing? Ask your kids who go to school with them. They are pieces of crap and they also take away from the quality of education your kids get.
this country be a whole lot better today if our ancestors would have picked there own cotton.
Ahemmmm, this country would have been a whole lot better if Vespucci and Can't find his way Columbus had stayed where they belonged. How does that feel?
If your people weren't so lazy they wouldn't have had to have slaves. How does that feel?
Now that we are paying for the history written by YOUR people...quit your crying and DEAL WITH IT.
blutojthetotmom said...
Smile!If they reside in Salisbury Commons that means we are paying their rent!Dont that make you feel all warm & fuzzy inside?
11:26 PM
yes it is low life subsidized housing. Thank the liberal democrat you voted for. Vote Obama and we will get more of that.
To my mind, you shouldn't link to these videos. It just gives these HOODLUMS (to be kind)more validation. "Hey, look at how many hits..."
ci never seen so many white folk whacked out over a few words. boo!
This is not an isolated incident.Go over to Parsons rd(just of Nanticoke)And the one Apartment complex backs right up to Pemberton Elementary school !!!!! WHY WAS THIS EVER ALLOWED TO BE BUILT SO CLOSE TO A SCHOOL???????? Those children play outside on the playground with only a fence dividing the properties.NO ONE PAYS ATTENTION.UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS.THE POLICE HAVE NO CONTROL....PERIOD.NOT ENOUGH MONEY/BUDGET CUTS/FREEZE ON HIRING/HAVE TO SPEND MONEY ON IMPROVEMENTS ON "TOWN COUNSEL STREET"(ISABELLA)!!!!!!!
The kids in the video...my god... they are at best in their early teens!Where are the parents? Where were the parents of all the kids at the "Brawl"? I have 4 grown children that if I EVER,EVER knew that they behaved in this manner would have my hand print across their behind,no matter how old they are!I agree with other comments;A RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS.I lived in Montgomery Co. and moved down here for my kids to have a safer life.I am a single Mom who would of never dreamed of having a gun.I do now,a 9mm Ruger and a 12 gauge shotgun...I will defend what's mine.
Four years ago, my daughter moved into Salisbury commons, which was advertised as middle-income housing; supposedly, not Section 8 housing. It didn't take long before it became housing or Section 8 families. Hers was one of the few white families there. Before too long, it became downright dangerous for her kids to go outside; they were picked on, bullied and even physically assaulted---by blacks. I'm not being racist; I'm simply stating the facts. She got out as soon as her lease was up. The property manager was a black woman with obvious contempt for the white residents; what some of us would refer to as "reverse racism." Racism is racism, period, no matter which race is harrassing another. You could smell the marijuana smoke as you walked by people's apartments, and see when a mother would leave her older kids outside with an infant loked in the house while she went to the store (or maybe to visit her drug desler?).
As for gangs in Salisbury---too true. Ask my grandson, who while walking from the WiHi football game to meet his mother at the now-defunct PitStop for his ride home when a gang of thugs jumped him and threw him to the ground for no reason whatsoever, breaking his wrist. Look out for those red or white bandanas, folks. Dey be gangstas.
amazing how some of you people think this is fixable...
its just not.
and to the woman who is worried about them smokin marijuana, YOU WANT THEM TO SMOKE MARIJUANA... they will be relaxed, less angry, and def not gang banging!
its the alcohol and other shxt that is the problem, not the marijuana
Please make sure Sheriff Lewis sees this !!
On one hand, I'm sure they are happy with this post. It got what they wanted to say out there and gave them free advertisement. Good thing is though, it just put their faces I'm sure all over the Police Depts board so they know who they are now. :)
Its not just Salisbury anymore-Crisfield and Pocomoke both have Section 8 housing areas that are riddled with drugs and violence.The "kingpins" of Crisfield actually have made threats against the police chief there which CAN NOT be tolerated.
I agree with the previous commentor who asked"WHERE ARE THEIR PARENTS"?
BTW,the comments about "picking cotton" are just downright inflammatory.Not all black people are reverse racist gangbanging thugs just as all white people arent racist peckerwood rednecks.
these are just dumb kids that think they can rap.. not bloods
nate, i quess thats why the prisons are bulging at the seems, because its just words huh. this is a way of life, and it sucks...
Since many Americans are required to submit to a drug test for employment, the same employment that funds section 8 housing, welfare and food stamps, the government should require that anyone receiving any type of assistance be required to pass a drug test as well......I would much rather my tax money go to the cost of a drug test than the pockets of low life lazy pieces of sh** that know very well how to "work the system".
Never will happen-drug testing would be ruled by uber liberals as "intrusive" thats why they also cannot tell clients not to have more kids.
blutojthetotmom said...
I agree with the previous commentor who asked"WHERE ARE THEIR PARENTS"?
11:39 AM
Birth Certificate(if they have one)
MOTHER = Crack Whore
FATHER = Unknown
Anonymous said...
these are just dumb kids that think they can rap.. not bloods
12:37 PM
Think what you want to think, but these slugs are shooting and killing each other, thats all they know and it is a rite of passing to spend time in jail. Sad but true, you liberal morons need to get your heads out of your ass and realize what is going on in your neighborhoods and this country.
Can my family join the group of "leaving heres...?" Sheesh!
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