Watching Ron Alessi stand in line for himself rather then sending one of his PEEPS to do it for him was a step in the right direction. After all, the man is used to being catered by the City/Zoo.
Then again, could the Staff be seeing and recognizing all those dead animals the TAXPAYERS have had to replace in past years and they're getting fed up and refused to run for food for him? Hmmmmmmm?
You know what irks me about the clambake?I work in Crisfield and all last week the police were opn the prowl pulling people over right and left.I personally have been stopped THREE times in the past 2 weeks and numerous tickets have been issues during this blitz.I understand they have a job to do and I respect that-heres my question-WHERE WERE THEY YESTERDAY?
Sure they were out on patrol but with the thousands of people attendign an event with free beer,do you think ANY of them were stopped?Do you think ANY drunk driving arrests were made?It would have been easy pickings with all the drunks reeling around Crisfield yesterday....
Several years ago,MSP and WCSO were lying in wait on Nanticoke Rd to nab people driving home from the Bivalve Turtle Races.
Is it because the clambake caters to a "different" class of drunks?Either way it royally sucks and I will not forget it when I have my next encounter with the local PD!
dont drink and drive, of course its who you are, always has been. thats why the scales of justice are cocked.
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