Monday night, Gary Bubba Comegys interrupted himself to accuse Tim Spies -- by name -- on PAC14 of mouthing an obscenity at him. I was sitting on that side of the room, and nobody heard a peep out of Tim or saw a thing. From that distance, even if Tim were mouthing something, it would be hard to make it out. Why would Gary be staring at Tim Spies to begin with anyway?
Folks, council chambers smacks of Intimidation Central. First we have Barrie Tilghman falsely accusing Tim Spies of all sorts of things in the paper during last year's campaign, every bit of it false as others confirmed. Then we have Louise Smith yelling out G.A. Harrison's name instead of just saying, "Sir, you need to stop." Or "Members of the audience must control themselves."
Remember that poor lady who snickered that Louise singled out when everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, in the room couldn't help cracking up during Louise's ridiculous grandstanding easel routine about the audit? Louise drew everyone's attention to that woman as if she was the only one who laughed, like she was trying to create a riot. But that lady stood up to her!
But wait! I forgot Louise Smith calling MY name out on PAC14 to order me BACK into the room! Louise, you are NOT my mother or my teacher, and I'm not an 8-year-old in short pants. I will leave a public meeting any time I damn well feel like it. This IS still America, the last time I checked.
But it doesn't feel like it in those chambers. What citizen is going to want to come even watch, let alone speak, for fear of every smirk, cough or fart getting their name yelled out like they were criminals?
But let me get back to Gary. Why is he picking on Tim Spies? Because Tim nearly beat him in the election? A little more of that Barrie-style retaliation we've heard so much about -- hell, EXPERIENCED first hand!!!
Tim Spies, a Navy veteran of Operation Desert Storm, registered nurse, former police officer, former firefighter, community worker and leader, member of Mensa (that's the group for really smart people, Gary), and all around good guy, is just living his life, still attending meetings and giving back to his community.
So what does Gary lie-about-blocking-handicap-ramps-and-text-messaging-in-meetings Comegys do? Try to smear Tim some more? And who am I going to believe based on these credentials? Dee, dee, deeee! No, this is all about intimidation of citizens and political opponents. No wonder it's hard to get good people involved and to run for office.
People, don't take this lying down...fight back! Just SHOW UP!
Pretty soon, they'll start calling that room the "City Council TORTURE Chambers."
OH, NO! I've gone past my 5 minutes! Sorry, folks!
Great post, Joe! Gary is just another despicable FOB who will do anything to discredit his opponents. Lies flow from his mouth like the poo flows down the Wicomoco River. If people are foolish enough to make him "Ya Nex Mare," then the people with good sense should RUN as fast and as far as they can from what used to be a wonderful little city. I am old enough to remember it pre-BPT, and it was nice.
There are 5 people sitting at that table and Gary is the only one that sees Tim Spies moving his mouth? I seriously doubt Tim Spies would conduct himself in this manner. Gary on the other hand, falling down drunk at public functions, doesn't pay his child support, files bankruptcy, lies about parking in handicapped zones in a council meeting, lies about text messaging while council meeting is in session. Votes for a big fat raise in the volunteer fire fighters pension plan, which benefits him since he will draw from this plan.
Which one do I believe? Definitely not Bubba.
I agree 100% joe, i was there i heard nothing and since when is Bubba a pro lip reader..
I gotta' a nice crispy Ben Franklin here on my desk that says his fat ass won't make comments like that outside the GOB. It's hard to eat corn on the cob with no freakin' teeth!
have any of these people ever had an i.q. test done? they seem very stupid, and very uneducated.
Overheard at the crab feast just an hour ago: some guy was talking to Bubba about Joe's blog saying someone was going to announce their run for mayor, and Bubba replied "Go ahead, let them run!" and laughed. Salisbury, are you going to let that guy get the last laugh?
Bullies and Intimidators are the biggest cowards!
Did you also see that Bubba the Democrat wouldn't go in the Democrat Clubs tent? Wassamatter Bubba, you skeered of all dem folks? You skeered they might ask you why you singled Tim Spies out of the crowd? Nah, you jes skeered period. PUSSY
If I had something to say to Joe or Tim Spies I would and have spoken with one of them. Yhe bully tactics will bite the council in the ass but til that day we the citizens are not going to be fairly represented. I know people get tired of watching the council fight but I don't care it is what we left the mother land for DEMOCRACY. This is the process and the anonymous calls to Louise and the stupid remarks made to Shields are more hot air and crap than the mayor's promises. Bubba choke on the words you spewed about the poor having to spend 85 cents when you can piss away money like a drunk perv on a $2 hooker. Hey puppets get of the stage your time is costing us money and once again we are shamed by your actions.
If Tim did not say anything, or mouth some comment, he should have chalenged Gary as to exactly what he was refering to. And then asked him outside to settle the issue. I'd bet he would not come out. Who does this guy think he is
anyway, besides being close to Barrie?
A. Goetz
I be Bubba n I knows what peoples lips be sayin' when I seez em movin'. I be knowin' dat you all not be likin' Bubba cuz you all be thinkin' that cuz I work fer state roads n dont do nuthin' all day that I be steelin' from da gubment. I knows dis cuz I can tell wut movin lips be sayin' AND wut peoples heads be thinkin'. I gotta go now cuz da mare wants to tell Bubba how to vote on da next thing she wants. OK bye
I hope Tim does run and whomps bubba's butt. As a relative unknown he only lost by 131 votes or so after the last election anyway against a sitting vice president of council.
Since then, Bubba has voted for a 14% tax hike, both water and sewer hikes. We've had multiple sewer overflows, fines from the MDE and more fines expected. We don't have one single person that know's hands on that can run the new $80,000,000 WWTP?
I also bet we don't get a timely audit or budget in time for next years election, just like the last election, they think the voters will vote for a pig in a poke. Literally, a lot of SHIT has went down since the last election.
Bubba couldn't win a blue ribbon at the county fair as a prize hog, hmmm well I may be wrong on that one.
I don't care if Spies did it or not.
An elected official should rise above it.
It's still an intimidation tactic. Even if they are wrong just once, they have smeared an innocent person.
Gary has lied more than once, he's been dishonorable, so anything he says, even when it is the truth, cannot be trusted.
That's just MY opinion. Agree or not.
I trust Gary Comegys like I trust Barrie Tilghman. I don't trust her any further than I can throw her, which ain't very far in my condition.
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