While MANY controversial things are about to come down on the Humane Society, Gary Comegys has chosen to break away from his involvement within the Humane Society BEFORE it reflects his recent announcement to their Staff that he will in fact be running for Mayor of the City of Salisbury.
While an ongoing investigation continues by Officials on many of the day to day practices at the Humane Society, ALL of it would reflect Gary Comegys knowledge while he was the head of that Board, (much like Ron Alessi or Rae Sharma) and before the hammer comes down, he chose to bolt out of there.
Now I know many of you are going to ask, what's going on at the Humane Society? I'm sorry I cannot inform you of everything going on there as this is an ongoing investigation and I do not want to interfere. However, I will say that there are very capable professionals looking into matters there and a positive outcome is in sight.
Allegedly Gary recently went into the Humane Society and sat in Linda Lugo's Office going through files and then made his announcement. Keep your eyes out for a Shred It Company at their location too.
The cat is out of the bag and in my opinion Comegys is well aware of several allegations against the Humane Society and is hoping it won't reflect on his time as President there. In my personal opinion, Gary should have stayed with the ship and made the positive changes having knowledge of what was going down but like everything else in his life, he's running from the problem instead. Look up his Maryland Case Search Files and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.
Perhaps in the near future I'll be able to provide evidence of what is going on at the Humane Society. I have been sitting on this information for more than 6 weeks waiting for someone to do something about it and I'm told they're in the process of getting it done. If I'm not satisfied that the proper action is being taken I will in fact expose the information I have and believe me Folks, no one wants that to happen. My hope is that these Officials take this very seriously and make some immediate changes and completely revamp the entire facility.
It doesn't surprise me one bit that Gary Comegys has bailed out and believe me Folks, the evidence I have is severe. As usual, Gary claims to be involved with these groups as a figure head only and neglects to take on any real responsibility. Sound familiar Barrie? Maybe we'll even hear Gary say, I take full responsibility? NOT!
I heard they've been euthanizing animals incorrectly. True?
Something must be going down and he's getting out before the sh** hits the fan!!
I hope the controversy with the Humane Society is over some issue that has nothing to do with animals--cinder blocks in new enclosures were too expensive, some people working long hours without paid overtime, etc. As we see from 6:55, the speculation is already starting. In the rush to make Gary Comegys look bad, collateral damage to the Humane Society's reputation is resulting. If the details of the investigation are so secret, the very existence of the investigation should have remained a secret also.
I am actually confident that the humane society will "come clean" with any questions or investigation, I have volunteered there a few times and for what they have to work with I think they are fine from what I have seen. As far as Comegys is concerned:
THIS IS A CALL TO ARMS FOR ALL CITIZENS. His on going excuse and bullshit machine will plow its way into the mayor's office (not worth capitalizing) if we don't vote and campaign. We must do something to stop the embarassment and shame brought to our city and homes by these puppets called council members and the pimple must be popped.
He wasn't going to most of the meetings anyway was he? When the oversight committee isn't doing their jobs can you expect any better? I'd like to see roll call records of all these committee's and who shows up and who doesn't.
It would prove wonderful karmic justice if this "fat pig" finally got put down because our local animal population issues. This guy is the absolute worst.
Does this have anything to do with the $15k that is missing?
Will he be quitting all of the other boards his name is on such as the Zoo Commission?
He was going regularly to the Humane Society meetings. He never goes to the Zoo Commission meetings.
yeah 8:48....you political/government crooks would love to continue doing your dirty deeds in secret......I would SO support public hangings for the likes of such crooks....
Gary doesn't even care about the deer at the Zoo--what a shyster that Gary is. Him as our next Mayor--no way!!! He looks like a baffoon, he certainly acts like a baffoon and he IS a baffoon.
I do not want this man to represent me or this City.
Come on Joe, take a lesson from Paul Harvey. Tell us the rest of the story. Who is investigating this mess? I hope it's Mike Lewis, no stone will go unturned if it's him and his deputies.
Well, this doesn't surprize me at all. As has been said, he was on the zoo commission and I saw him thre once, then never again. If they find money involved and missing, I think some heads should roll. Isn't there some way we can stop this shreading of documents that will prove to be evidence when it comes to that?
A. Goetz
Hey, when the going gets tough, Bubba ("R Necks Mare") Comegys disappears.
Hopefully this will be the end of Comegys -- a good riddance, but long overdue.
Did the Humane Society place a GPS tag in his ear before he was turned loose?
The best part of this news:
The only way Comegys would be planning to run for "Mare" next year is if he knows Barrie is not going to run.
Two questions:
What did Bubba know and when did he know about it?
I am 8:49 and am not a crook, politician, elected official, board member, worker, relative, volunteer or anything else even remotely connected to the Humane Society. My point was that saying an investigation is occurring without revealing the nature of that investigation leads to speculation about euthanizing animals incorrectly, missing money, etc. You can see evidence of that on this blog today. Of course, investigate ANY and EVERY action that looks improper. When that investigation is done, fully report it to the public and take steps necessary to correct the problem. Just don't do the all- heat-but-no-light form of reporting: "Something about the Humane Society is being investigated, I can't tell you what, so why don't you just make up some guesses for hundreds of people to read."
I no longer wait to hear results of LOCAL investigations-that is what a lemming would do....I fight my battles much further upstream where the waters are far less muddy and "distracting"-who knows, your file may not actually be shredded if you get it into the proper higher authority's hands. Hmmmmmm.
Why would the person that is behind the building of a dog park be interested in doing something for the children in the area.I can tell you why becuase this person is Linda Lugo!
Joe likes to stir shit even when he has no credible information, so if you want to read trash just continue to read the Salisbury News and Joe will go down before the Daily Times. At least they do print credible information. Maybe that it why Salisbury News is so quick to get the news out. They post it before they can confirm half of their so called news. Imagine if the Daily Times used the vocabulary they use on this blog? Boy would our kids be getting a great education.
Bubba = Barrie = bum
I believe that any orginisation that recievs county funding if they are profit or nonprofit should be audited since the landfill circus!
bubba + barrie = a crumbling infrastructure and a nice town run right into the ground.
is this how bubba will react when as mare of the city? a problem arises and he's nowhere to be found thinking he still works for SHA
Credible information? From the Daily Times? Is that what you call that half page of lies Barrie Tilghman spewed about Tim Spies? Credible? I think not. Is that what you call the most recent pack of lies spewed by Barrie Tilghman? Remember the one the Daily Times had to correct? They are as far off the mark from being credible as you are ANONYMOUS
Isn't it odd that he is VICE President of the city council and President of the Humane Society's Board of Directors where the Humane Society also gets funding
Yes Linda did lobby for a dog park. To be placed in the City Park, not in the County, so she won't have to be responsible for it.
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