The first thing I want to know is, why is Gary Comegys trying to come off as a Salisbury Firefighter on a current Website? Nevertheless, the main topic I'd like to bring to every one's attention is, just how does this guy get ALL the free time off the SHA? That is his full time job, right?
I mean, it begs to question, there must be something in it for the SHA to allow one of their own employees to take off time from his main job to take photo ops, MML Meetings, you name it, the list goes on and on, day after day.
GO HERE to see his personal Website with all the photos begging for the question, were ALL these photos taken on weekends or after 5:00 PM?
You Local AND State Taxes hard at work.
I think you might be reaching on this one just a little bit, Joe. I could have twice as many photos just taking a vacation day.
I THINK I read all of his website. It did NOT say he "graduated" from SU, only attended?????? Inquiring minds want to know. It would appear to me that anyone in his position would be a college graduate.
They most likely would rather know he's out and doing nothing than have him in the office and have to put up with his pompus mouth.
I say "YUCK". His web site is sickening - already running for office of Mayor. He is not acceptable as a Mayor - too tacky. YUCK !!!!
What a complete and utter load of crap! He doesn't give a rats a$$ about public safety and police salaries are NO WHERE NEAR COMPETATIVE! The police dept is not fully staffed and certainly not with highly trained and qualifed officers! It's staffed with all the crap that can't get hired anywhere else! I have more than a few words for that @#$#@%&*@#$%!
Thanks Gary! you certainly took care of public safety this year! No raise, no cost of living increase yet cost of living has gone up more than 30%. It's a shame we all can't vote to double our salaries like you! Karma!
Joe, I recommend you take down this link. Some people going there from your blog might believe his crap. His is one of the worst websites I have ever seen as far as grammar and sentence structure is concerned. And his slamming of Campbell and Cohen is b.s. Also, his so-called accomplishments are a joke, and his use of the word "serve" when referring to the commissions/committees to which he was appointed is a joke! In order to serve, you have to attend!
As for the pics, barf! Wonder how long it took the photog to touch some of them up? Why didn't he have the triple chin removed from the one that comes up first?
To everyone reading this: If you agree that this man would be devastating as mayor of Salisbury, find everyone you can, especially those who don't have computers and have to rely on the Slime and local TV, and get them to vote in the next election for someone who CARES about the city. Let Barrie=Gary know that you want your city back!
There are so many grammatical mistakes in this one web page, it just cracks me up! I disagree with the post that says you should take the link down--leave it up so the citizens of Salisbury can see what a big dummy this guy is. Gary, you need to fire the person who wrote your page for you, they obviously don't understand grammar or punctuation. A total joke.
I didn't think that __it could be piled that high.
I can tell you for sure he is not a current SFD firefighter. He like many before him use the SFD membership label for political benefit.
Mr Comegys walked away from the SFD in 2002 when Station 2 went to war with the City. He claimed to have no part in it and bad mouthed Station 2 . Well at 1 am in the morning while on a call he was part of the movement and by sun up he was in Barrie's world.
Soon after, he joined Station 16 and dropped by for a few hours each week to show his face.After he was elected he was never seen again. While he was there you could he him and Gordo in a constant huddle planning strategy for the council race and agreeing on trade offs if he were elected.
Well history has shown a cushy relationship between Comegys and the SFD. Millions have been funneled through the SFD and Comegys stands poised to run for Mayor with Gordo as the campaign manager. Get the picture.
I can not tell you how many hours that his SHA truck sat at Station 2 during the day over the years. I can tell you that he has been on the hot seat several times and an SHA supervisor has saved his large behind. He hides his truck behind his house on most days and can be seen cruising around checking on SFD doings anytime. The funniest thing I ever saw was when Bubba's boss called Station 2 one day on the speaker phone. When asked where he was, Bubba replied at my office. The man on the other end asked if he was invisible because he was siting at his desk and wanted to know why his truck was at station 2. He had photos and times of previous infractions.
Well the State has proven to be soft and allow this to continue, so we should expect no different in the future.
Amazing!!!! Gary really thinks he is qualified to be mayor?? If he gets in, guess who will be running things in the background?
A. goetz
If he doesn't get in maybe Gordo Corleone will retire and take his lazy good for nothing son with him. Take Hoppes fat ass with him for good measure.
Anonymous said...
I THINK I read all of his website. It did NOT say he "graduated" from SU, only attended?????? Inquiring minds want to know. It would appear to me that anyone in his position would be a college graduate.
8:31 AM
I doubt very seriously that he has any college education and you are right, most people with a cushy state job are required to have a minimum of a bachelors degree.
Anonymous said...
If he doesn't get in maybe Gordo Corleone will retire and take his lazy good for nothing son with him. Take Hoppes fat ass with him for good measure.
5:16 PM
Don't worry.... with a new mare comes a new fire chief and fatass hoppes is history.
Fatso, be worried.... be very worried!
Ask Norman Conway what he thinks about Gary. When Norman was chief he didn't let Gary ride the fire truck.
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