You See, for quite some time now I have been developing what I believe to be not only a fantastic business relationship with Rick Pollitt but a personal one as well.
I happen to appreciate this man with the highest regard of respect and support. However, this morning even I have to admit that I'm a bit disappointed.
Ladies & Gentlemen, believe it or not, Salisbury News has surpassed the Daily Times in readership and this can be proven very easily. As I've said in the past, just ask any one of your friends, if they have a computer there's a VERY strong chance they're a reader of Salisbury News.
That being said, County Executive Pollitt chose to write an article about the Liquor Dispensary System in today's Daily Times and I know Rick is a strong follower of Salisbury News, so he has to know many people have dropped their subscription and now rely on Salisbury News.
That being said, we never received a copy of this message to provide to all of you and for once, (should Rick forward it to me) we'll be a day behind the Daily Times, LMAO! Quite frankly, it does hurt a bit. Not much, but a little bit. LOL
So come on Mr. Pollitt, GET WITH THE TIMES and recognize the fact that ALL information should be divided between ALL parties and leave it up to us to print it or not. Fair is Fair!
I should add, even Mr. Pollitt told me, ( in fun) that if Salisbury News added a Comics Section to the Blog even he'd consider dropping his subscription too. WELL? ;-)
Okay, Joe, I mostly have no problem with your blog, and you do cover a lot of very interesting topics and you can pick and choose the things you want to cover. And I am not a Daily Times apologist, but in reality, you are not part of the "news media". You would not get media credentials for this blog. There is a difference. I can see why Rick posted first to the Times. Whether you agree or not, they can and do get media credentials when they're needed. But keep doing what you are doing. Its very interesting.
In the old days, you would be considered part of the "underground" media.....
While a Worcester County Judge recently stated that he DOES recognize sbynews.com as Main Stream Media, I beg to differ. The only outlets that have refused to recognize me as such is Chief Webster and Barrie Tilghman. Heck, even the Governor recognizes us as such.
That being said, more people are coming here every day than those who go to the Daily Times and so you know, Mr. Pollitt just sent an apology letter stating he messed up. Jim Fineran has been out on vacation and this would not have happened if he were around. It's no big deal and we were simply having a little fun at his lack of recognition and he got it. Perhaps you should too, respectfully.
His Editorial will be Posted in just a few minutes. By the way, who cares about credentials locally? I could see it being important if it were the White House but I don't report from there.
RE: 9:46 POST
You have got to be kidding!
Where have you been?
Doesn't the sun rise in the east and set in the west?
Salisbury News IS NOT TABLOID!
Salisbury News Is Real!
The Daily Times is now TABLOID as
they have gone the same route as MSNBC, CBS, Moveon.org.
And one last thing. . .are you aware of how many good reporters they have lost over the past 24 months? And take a look at their stock and diminished sales circulation.
By golly, I'll have to call former Daily Times reporter Joe Cacchiolli myself and inform him about this posting.
Joe Cacchiolli????
I don't even remember that name. When was he there?
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