As you can clearly see, the materials collected both in his vehicle and at his home showed this guy just isn't mentally right. Considering he was NOT a Police Officer, having this material around isn't going to help his cause in Court.
Sheriff Lewis was showing Chief See the Badge Cox was sporting around with. I heard through the Grapevine that Cox is already claiming he knows of 30 other people who have them, NOT! If I were Cox I'd start shutting my mouth and say nothing to anyone. Then again, he could make every one's job easier by continuing to make the States Attorney's Office job that much easier.
who knows what this could of escallated to. this officer did a good job, (he deserves a bottle of aged scotch).
(hell be arrested by delaware soon i quess).
and they just let him walk right out the door.
Sheriff Lewis looks pretty disgusted too....
I heard Deputy Cordrey investagated this case. no wonder this guy was arrested with Deputy Cordrey investigating this case. Deputy Cordrey is one of the best Deputies Sheriff Lewis has working for him GREAT JOB
with his experience, he's probably a senior deputy on his squad. excellent work. wicomico county thanks you and all who helped bring in this loser!
Deputy Cordrey is one of the best Deputies Sheriff Lewis has working for him GREAT JOB
Thank you Mrs Cordrey, I"m sure your sunny boy is just great.
Anonymous said...
with his experience, he's probably a senior deputy on his squad. excellent work. wicomico county thanks you and all who helped bring in this loser!
5:16 PM
This loser was hire by 3 losers, Gordo, Fatso and Sea. Things will never change until these 3 are gone...HISTORY!!
See what happens when you hire people from out of the area and when you are desprite for firefighters.All thanks to a 10 million dollar firehouse thats moves like there is an slow motion earth quake underneith it.
Shoot your eye out kid
Its bad enough for the adm. to give us a black eye but for FIREMAN to do it is even worst.
I must have been asked a dozen times today about this whole issue and they have said they have a total different view on the SFD.All I can tell you is what I told them,I had no idea that he was doing what he was doing.We where told by him he was a fire policemen,that is why he had the lights in his car.We even made fun of him because of his car being set up that way.The good thing about all this is it has opened the eyes of alot of firefighters.Like they say (never judge a book by it's cover).If we knew what he was doing we would have reported him.Its a very sad day for the SFD.Hopefully you all can understand.
Joe if you have time please post what you should do if you are pulled over by a policemen?
Hey Shamie, still think there's no crime in Smallsbarrie? Heck, it's our own employees in positions of importance COMMITTING these crimes. Now if we can just get as good a case going against several others who shall go nameless for now. Think the mare will give out one of her special awards for this one, NOT?! Oh, that's right, it was the COUNTY SHERIFF's office that made the arrest, LOL!
I had deputy cordrey answer one of my calls and i think he's really a great cop. he is on the ball and solved the case quickly. he needs to be recognized for this. he told me that he used to be a detective but he still needs to be one.
501 Deputy Cordrey is a credit to the uniform.
Joe FYI he has a pretty interesting MYSPACE page to. Go to www.myspace.com/axe28
This guy has definitely gone over the edge!! Thank god for those county mounties for a job well done!!!
They had to have seen this coming. Didn't they check this guy out before they hired him? Don't blame the troops on this one. It goes higher than them.
This man is a volunteer in Dorchester County at Station 16. Maybe that's where the confusion of his being assigned to station 16 in Salisbury comes from. As his fire badge clearly states, he is affiliated with the Secretary Volunteer Fire Company. I do believe he is the Vice President and also a fire line officer such as captain. Can you imagine seeing a man just put out across the news walking into your house to put out a fire...... The officers at Secretary Fire Company need to place him on leave or suspend him pending the outcome of the trial.
Sorry, but I don't see anything illegal in these pictures.
Anon 703 said, ...If we knew what he was doing we would have reported him.Its a very sad day for the SFD.
Who would you have reported him to? See? Gordy? Hoppes? SPD Chief Webster? Barrie Tilghman?
I know your intentions are good, which I appreciate. The fact remains, you have no one you can report anything to and expect results. I'm very sorry for the situation at SFD. See will be gone in 2009. Vollies need to shitcan Gordy, Hoppes and Gordy, Jr if you expect to see anything change.
Good luck.
There is nothing illegal in these pictures. The only thing that can be questionable is the handgun. If that is properly registered then there should be no reason to seize that or any of the other materials. He has the right to possess those items. They lay it all out on the table like there are baggies of drugs or something.
It nice how the word fire is "flashed out" of the pic Joe. Let’s work on those photo skills.
Bottom line is the man is innocent until proven guilty.
hey 9:39
what police academy did you go through? Cox didn't either therefore you cant act as a police officer in any fashion! did you not read he was in possession of everything a police officer utilizes when on duty? don't question the real cop's judgement. he's a wannabe that got caught. he even tried to say he was white? must have been to the beach alot lately cause he looks like a #1 male to me. in my opinion, the law did the fire dept a favor.
"who knows what this could of escallated to. this officer did a good job, (he deserves a bottle of aged scotch)."
I agree Anon 235-Walker Blue!!!!!!
I believe that eventually this nutjob would have followed through and under the guise of an officer either kidnapped,or killed some female out on a lonely road alone one night.Gerard Schaefer and Edmund Kemper are just TWO textbook examples of serial killers who at one time or another impersonated a law officer (driving former patrol cars,flashing false badges,etc) to lure a victim.Thank God that Cox was discovered before that could become the case for him.
716 he use to be in WBI(when Nelms was Sheriff) until he was forced to leave by a couple of idiots in WBI (Not by Nelms) Sheriff Lewis needs to take cotrol of WBI so good deputies like Cordrey are not forced out due to other agencies.
I think the Maryland State Police
badge is illegal to have if your not a Trooper
i enjoy reading about any arrests made by any agency but i've seen this cordrey guy's name a lot lately. so he was a detective too. wow. i bet he would be excellent on the ACE team that sheriff lewis installed. in my opinion, an agency needs to use their best people to do the most difficult jobs.
well said 1042
Anonymous said...
i enjoy reading about any arrests made by any agency but i've seen this cordrey guy's name a lot lately. so he was a detective too. wow. i bet he would be excellent on the ACE team that sheriff lewis installed. in my opinion, an agency needs to use their best people to do the most difficult jobs.
10:42 PM
I hope this post isn't from Cordrey... to phoney and to convenient. Someone know's a little to much here to give Kudo's to a stranger.
1155 get a life Cordrey is well known around the county he has helped many citizens in wicomico county sounds like you are a hater or criminal
how the ell did he get the badges, hat and stuff? you cant buy that chit! who the ell is giving this stuff out??? their a$$ needs to be burnt big time!!!
From the daily rag:
This is also the first time an individual with the fire department has been arrested on a criminal offense, Lewis said.
A paid lieutenant at Station 2, a paid psycho captain on B shift, a volunteer deputy chief's son on numerous time. The list can go on and on.
U Need to check out COX"S myspace he also has maryland state police chit on it LOL!!! what a wanna be is address on myspace is stated its is SEAFORD DELAWARE
Anonymous said...
U Need to check out COX"S myspace he also has maryland state police chit on it LOL!!! what a wanna be is address on myspace is stated its is SEAFORD DELAWARE
10:21 AM
What's the address?
it is now been made private so if you are on his friend list u can't view it
there are pics of a maryland state police car and the state police chopper also looks to be a photo of the back of a a state police t-shirt LOL!!!!!
Dave's address is listed as Seaford Delaware because that is his address. Although he lives in Maryland, his mailing adress is in fact Delaware due to the location of his residence. I understand that he may have done some really stupid stuff but until you know all of the facts, don't crucify the guy. Most of the items pictured are legal to obtian. I also believe that it is very legal to own an obsolete polie badge in the state of Maryland. I have never been pulled over by this man but I do know that all in all, he's an arrogant a$$hole but still a very good Firefighter/EMT. For those of you that don't know the story behind Mr. Cox, he bought the car after a fatal fire that killed his best friend and roommate. He never mentioned a word about wanting to be a police officer before that fire even if it was a dream of his. That fore took a toll on him and it may not make the things he did right, but it also may help to explain them a bit. He's got too much pride to say that and will never admit to it, but it remains that it could have been a contributary factor. That should be left for the authorities and the psychiatrist to diagnose.
cb said...
Sheriff Lewis looks pretty disgusted too....
4:16 PM
Wouldn't you be disgusted if you had to sit by that bald headed troll david see. His personal hygene is disgusting!!
lets see if the fires stop now.
"You dont have to post this but I hope you did not use photoshop to blur out where his id card said Fire Sheriff Deputy. Try to maintain your integrity while you report the news. I know you are not a journalist but you will lose the trust of the people if they notice you trying to skew things to make your stories look better."
If you'll look at all of the pictures you'll notice there's a blur in each one of them. Quite frankly, I had a spot on the lens that screwed up a lot of my pictures the same way. It happens, sorry. However, I would NEVER attempt to do something like that, so you know.
I've seen that silver back crown vic on the bypass
sihbuqI love deputy cordrey. He is so cute. I want to have his unborn children.
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Case Information
Case Number: 5H00048060Tracking No:081001274793
District Code: 02Location Code:03
Document Type: WARRANTIssued Date:07/15/2008
Case Status: ACTIVE
Defendant Information
Defendant Name: COX, DAVID WAYNE
Sex: MHeight:603Weight:250DOB:10/21/1980
City: SEAFORDState:DEZip Code:19973 - 0000
Court Scheduling Information
Trial Date: 09/02/2008Trial Time:01:00 PMRoom:01
Trial Type:
Trial Location:SERV CTR,201 BAPTIST ST SALISBURY 21801-0629
Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
Charge No: 001Description:PERSONATE POLICE OFFICER
Statute: PS.3.502.(b)Description:PERSONATE POLICE OFFICER
Amended Date: CJIS Code:1 1769MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 07/13/2008 To: 07/13/2008 Victim Age:
Charge No: 002Description:PERSONATION: UU/UNIFORM
Statute: PS.3.502.(c)Description:PERSONATION: UU/UNIFORM
Amended Date: CJIS Code:1 0604MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 07/13/2008 To: 07/13/2008 Victim Age:
Related Person Information
(Each Person related to the case other than the Defendant is shown)
Agency Code: ZVAgency Sub-Code:2201Officer ID:W272
Event History Information
Event Date Comment
WARI 07/15/2008 080715;ZV 2201;2;ARR;D08021053-5
WARS 07/16/2008 080716;D08021053-5;
INIT 07/16/2008 080716;00000000.00;ROR ;100; ;2094
The complete case file must be obtained from the District Court in which the case was last heard.
I am in no way taking up for Cox. What he did was wrong.
I served with Cox in the Secretary Vol Fire Dept for many years and went to high school with the guy.
They make an insanity plea for cases just like this.
Ever since the fire on Oct. 3, 2005that took the life of his best friend and room mate, Cox has not been mentally stable. That fire really screwed him up.
Yes, he pretended to be a cop but he didnt hurt anyone.
Its sad that you all have no idea what you are talking about. That badge that Dorchester co is claming they did not issue was indeed issued by them along with serval other people in Dorchester co. Fire co. Have seen them myself it was a class given by Dorchester Co. Sherif office for Vol Firegihters. He never claimed to be a police officer. he does not claim to be white and what the hell does colar have to do with it...He walked because they don't have anything to hold him on because. He has no pass record and is a excellant fire fighter. When this goes to court there will be alot of people eating crow. I can honestly say the people running there mouth dont know him at all. The one badge by the way is plastic kind you get in a gag gift box from spencer. but it will all come out in the end. He has a storg support group.
Anonymous said...
Ever since the fire on Oct. 3, 2005that took the life of his best friend and room mate, Cox has not been mentally stable.
11:22 PM
So Cox has been employed by the City of Salisbury Fire Department for over 6 months now and he has been mentally unstable since October 3 2005????
If that is the case then why is the city paying big bucks to that quack psychologist to evaluate every new hire?? Someone needs to go back and re-evaluate why the fire department is using that woman as a psychologist. What a friggin waste of tax dollars.
Joe, you should dig deeper into this fire department psycologist scam.
Most all the city firefighters are unstable. Half wouldnt pass the psych test if given to them. 1 already went out on psych medical retirement.
Anonymous said...
Most all the city firefighters are unstable. Half wouldnt pass the psych test if given to them. 1 already went out on psych medical retirement.
1:13 PM
Many of the firefighters are losers that cant get a job anywhere else. look at rick hoppes. who would hire his lazy fat ass.
I think the city should require them all to get a psych test. I also think drug testing should be mandatory for the volunteers.
The material that I am viewing in this article is nothingmore than memoribilia or momentos. It is not until items are used in the commision of a crime that it becomes and issue. I know a lot of retired and former Law Enforcement Offices and States Attornies that carry their old badges on them at all times. There are people formerly with this county that carry thier old badge(s). We don't know what he retain these itmes for but no one can truly predict that these items would have every been uses in illegal transformation. I don't approve of illegal gun carriers but I am not familiar with the specifics of this case. My opinion in this case, is the people whom I know, who carry badges have worked for the underlining Agency. But this person was never a Police Officer in any capacity, makes the whole situation questionable. What Fireman uses a handgun unless he is a Fire Marshall in an offical capacity.
Joe can you do an update on this case/arrest of Salisbury Firefighter David Wayne Cox. This guy was rehired or re-instated to the Salisbury Fire Department and clearly looking at this case and the weapons, badges, guns etc. this guy is a mental case. Not only was this guy re-instated he has been rewarded with premium Overtime Compensation and get this. He has been reward with the position of acting lieutenant. This guy has security clearance to patient information and employee information. This guy gets to make decisions, good or bad, on a persons life. This is the type of person that should not be representing the City of Salisbury or the Salisbury Fire Department. The blame goes to Jim Ireton, Rick Hoppes, John Tull and Jake Day. Why Jake Day you ask? Because Jake Day was quick to support the Confirmation of Rick Hoppes as the Fire Chief when he got elected to the City Council. Jake Day certainly knew about the corruption in the Salisbury Fire Department and with Rick Hoppes and John Tull. Now lets see what happens after Jake Day is sworn in as Mayor of the City of Salsibury on Monday November 16, 2015. Coincidentally this swearing in will be held at the new Salisbury Fire station on Cypress Street.
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