*Worcester County* –The Maryland Natural Resources Police (NRP) has charged a Rockville man in the Sunday morning, July 6, boating accident that occurred in Assawoman Bay at the Route 90 Bridge in Ocean City.
After consultation with the office of Worcester County State’s Attorney Joel J. Todd, NRP charged Scott Howard Shepard, 32, of Rockville with operating a vessel while under the influence of alcohol, operating a vessel while impaired by alcohol, operating a vessel while impaired by drugs, and/or combination of drugs and alcohol, operating a vessel in a reckless or dangerous manner, negligent operation of a vessel, failure to maintain a proper lookout, and operating a vessel at unsafe speed for conditions. Shepard was released on his signature. A court date of Sept. 26 has been scheduled for Shepard in Worcester County District Court.
Shepard was operating a 2007 21-foot fiberglass ski boat at 1 a.m. when he struck a bridge abutment on the Route 90 Bridge. NRP along with the Ocean City Fire Department and the U.S. Coast Guard responded to the scene in heavy fog conditions. Several Ocean City fire fighters, who responded to the scene in their personal boats, rescued all ten occupants from the water.
The following passengers were transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center; Brenden Shepard, 26, of Rockville remains hospitalized, Danielle A. Vollmar, 23, of Lansdale, Pa. was treated and released.
The following passengers were transported to Atlantic General Hospital and were treated and released; Kendel L. Droppa, 25, of Reisterstown, Holly L. Rudigier, 27, of Columbia, Jason R. Baumann, 31, of Silver Spring, Todd Newell, 26, of Rockville and Glenn Shepard, 38, of Deland, Fla.
The remaining occupants, Melissa Shepard, 27, of Deland, Fla., Blake Newell, 27, of Silver Spring and Scott Shepard were treated at the scene.
The Route 90 Bridge was closed to vehicle traffic until Maryland State Highway inspectors determined the bridge to be safe for travel. The Ocean City Fire Department, Ocean Pines Police Department, Worcester County Sheriff's Office, Maryland State Police, Maryland State Highway Administration and the U.S. Coast Guard assisted NRP with the incident.
Danielle was injured seriously enough that she has not been able to be on WBOC as a Meteorologist, in case you hadn't noticed. Many months ago I shower THIS ARTICLE showing Heather Zara from WBOC being arrested for a DUI by the Maryland State Police. Guess who the passenger was that had to take a Taxi home because she was too intoxicated to drive Heather's car home? You guessed it, Danielle Vollmar. Apparently the WBOG Staff is still playing hard and they haven't learned their drinking and driving habits will catch up with them.
We wish Danielle a quick recovery and very honestly Danielle, I can only hope you'll learn from yet another horrible experience and learn partying is NOT good for your health or future.
This type of publicity is not warranted -- she was a passenger.
Unless you have proof of what you say, you better retract it FAST!
(for both instances)
See this is why Joe's blog is good-why is this type of publicity now warranted? If it was anyone else WBOC, WMDT or The Daily Times wouldn't worry about who it was.
Actually I find it thankful that she wasn't driving.
Shouldn't be busting on her for NOT doing something wrong Joe.
Seems to me that in the car accident, Ms. Vollmar was acting responsibly---she was not driving, and made no attempt to drive to get home. As for the boar accident, again, she was not driving. She has done nothing wrong. Man, I thought my husband had a grudge against WBOC, but this takes the cake. If you're gonna do a smear job on someone, at least do it to someone who deserves it.
Joe does have proof, don't you remember he was there with his camera when daniel was a passenger and to the best of my recollection she was a beligerent drunk, nearly being arrested herself.
Drunk drivers get all of the attention. It's high time someone alerted the public to the carnage and mayhem caused by drunk passengers. Here is a list of their crimes:
Danielle has been on- she was on last night.
Did Davis Ruark think twice before he locked up MANY people for drinking and driving? I hope he has another job lined up because I don't believe he will be appointed in two years. I see you are having trouble posting real news so you must look for trivial news.This woman was a passenger not the driver. You are not happy with anything around here are you? Why don't you pack your bags and move across the the bridge? If you spent some more time at your business instead of spending all of your spare time throwing people under the bus just maybe you would be as successful as Bill and Karen Gordy.
I think the drunk passenger message is:
If you are too drunk to determine that the vehicle or vessel driver is also drunk, you are in a position to wind up dead.
Folks, if you love your loved ones, you need to teach them the sanity about what "Designated Driver" really is. It's not someone who is "less drunk" than you, as if you can tell when you're drunk!
When I was quite young, against my better judgment, I allowed myself (sober) to ride with someone I knew had been drinking, but I thought "wasn't that bad off." And my offer to drive was turned down.
All I can is, I'm really glad to be here today after the accident we had.
anon 9:53 - is that Rick Jordan wife?
anon 10:40
You drank from the Wicomico River again didn't you?!
If you can't say something intelligent or even remotely founded.......shush! Bashing Joe on his own site to defend the likes of Gordo is highly ineffectual. We all know how he works now..thanks to JOE!
Now...go away...bother somebody else.
anon 9:53 - is that Rick Jordan wife?
No his wife is the poorly dressed big old one.
This is probably good news for Jennifer Walker. What is up with Ms. Vollmar rockin' the eyeglasses? Is this new. She sure LOOKS smarter. But, then again, we wee all young once, and hopefully she learns from this.
excuse me, that should read "we were all young once,...."
Come on Joe. For crying out loud, this is unnecessary.
I like many of the stories you bring to the public, but stuff like this shows you simply have a grudge on someone and your credibility suffers.
Danielle was a passenger on the boat. That could have been you or me on that boat.
Pot Calls Kettle Black!
Isn't it interesting how Joe gets arrested and WBOC is all over it on the News but God Forbid one of them do something, it's not news worthy?
If you don't like it, scroll past it or don't come back to his blog. It's that simple. Again, one can only hope that Danielle learns from this 2nd mistake, (that we all know of) and makes some life altering changes. She may not like what's being put out there now but in the end she may look back at all of this and realize one blog may have saved her life and a massive hardship on her family.
Joe's arrest was for something he did wrong, although perhaps unintentionally. She did nothing wrong. Why is being a passenger the same to you as committing a crime? The "pot calling the kettle black" quip implies that the two deeds were much the same and therefore merit the same amount of publicity. In what world????
Please, do you really think she was that innocent? She was not merely a "passenger." Everyone on the boat had the opportunity to choose to stay off of the boat knowing the driver was drunk and if they were too drunk to make that decision, then they are also responsible. Why should only the driver be identified when they were all partying together?
Anonymous said...
If you spent some more time at your business instead of spending all of your spare time throwing people under the bus just maybe you would be as successful as Bill and Karen Gordy.
10:40 AM
Gordo and his wife successful??? HahaHa!!
The only thing Gordo is successful at is maintaing a wife while he goes on free vacations to Indianapolis at the tax payers expense and bangs some Hooters Whore while he is there. His wife must be a brain dead idiot to let that happen year after year.
Hey Gordo... are you going to Hooters while you are in Baltimore this week?
Joe should change the name of this BLOG...SMEAR THE FAMILY! He consistantly degrades family members of people he doesn't agree with. Oh but he doesn't want you to talk about his wife.
6:44 YOU my dear wouldn't make a good pimple on Karen Gordy's ass.
You forgot the hickup at the end of your comment.
Who are you Joe? I have never heard of you in my entire life. All I know is you are personally attacking a young lady (Danielle) who most likely you do not even know. I can guarantee that everyone on that boat that night was traumatized. So for you to spew hatred at a young women only displays a weakness of character and an all over ability to suck at life.
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