The Wicomico County Sheriff's Office have arrested Duran Moss, the suspect in the murder recently at Runaway Bay Apartments.
I will continue to shop there are they are the only place in town that gives free coffee to firefighters/EMT's/cops.
Deputies McLaughlin, Bowden & Avnet found him and Moss tried to run but Sheriff's Deputies were able to detain him. He was found in possession of a stolen hand gun and a large amount of drugs.
Duran Moss comes from a family with a history of criminal activity. His Father, Nate Moss Sr. was arrested years ago for possession of a hand gun as well as drugs back in the Project Disarm days. The Son, Nate Moss Jr. was arrested for shooting a man in the face at a local Pool Hall.
Once again, GREAT WORK from the WCSO. Think about that Folks, these guys just took a possible murderer off the streets with a stolen hand gun, unbelievable. The streets are a little safer in the City of Salisbury once again.
great work Joe...beat everyone on this story...
great job sherriffs dept, glad no-one got hurt.
yeah glad noone was hurt especially the suspect. With him being all armed and dangerous, if he was caught with a gun he didn't try to hurt noone amazing. And just because u come fro m a family like that don.t mean shit thats whats wrong in the system. Nobody talks about his familw members that worked all thier lives, or that have been over there fighting this white mans war
OMG Edna, get a freakin grip on life. The SOB was sporting a hand gun, stollen, mind you and could have risked the lives of even MORE people. He is an alleged MURDERER and this WHITE MAN is very glad to see his ass behind bars, thank you.
By the way, I could give a damn what the rest of the family does. The majority have proven to be criminals. I'll not talk about the Black Mans War because we're all equal. Or did you forget were fighting a war for everyone?
Hey Edna, Maybe if durans mother Sherrie wasn't a crack hoe and his father a murdern bastard, Duran could have had a chance at a decent life. All that aside, he has chosen to live the life he does and will now get three hots and a cot. I'm glad nobody else was hurt including Duran.
Nice job by the boys in blue ( all of them) They have put alot of time and effort in trying to capture this guy.They could have easily ignored this guy considering he was wandering the west side like everyone else does. Keep slamming them over there, some people in the area do appreciate it!
The brother Nate III was caught with a kilo of cocaine and handgun charges as well.
Joe, can't wait until you give the details on this one.
edna, with all due respect mam, thats rediculous,
"especially the suspect"? Too bad he didn't pull the gun, and save some of our tax dollars Edna. Moss uses the system very well, just like others in his family.
1043 get off of our porch and put the paper bag down his family is nothing but a big piece of shit
heck edna, yous gotsit all rong girlfriend, mossy nose he cant use dat guns on da police'es he only useit for da gets some spendin monies and keeps dem adictts from takin hes tuff. you rights on da systim bein all scrude up, day otta be shootin da ones dat run, ever one nose only da guilty runs
eah girl, u gots ta gets somebodys to jus dat color on ya T V cause days other brothas in dat war too, day jus gots towels on dare heds steada due-rags
da udda brotha boots
Edna, do you believe that there were only white people killed in the September 11th attacks? Do you believe that if Saddam Hussein were to meet a black American, he would treat them any different than a white person?
And as for the family of Duran Moss and how we should cease our celebration of his capture on their behalf, that's just ludicrous. I am sorry for the sadness they may feel at seeing their relative behind bars, but I am NOT sorry for him being there in the first place. Where is your empathy for the family of the person he brutally murdered? How do you think they are feeling right now? The difference is that Duran's family will still be able to see, touch and speak to him. The family of his victim had to bury their relative.
There is no sympathy. NONE.
no i know there were plenty of all races on 911. His mom my mother is no crack whore she like everone else made a bad chose some bad choices are more life altering than others. Our mother has nothing to do with this. We grew up together so what i'm gonna rob and sell drugs? Negitive. But if u were not the gun or the bullet who knows who pulled the trigga
It is always sad when a murdering, thieving, drug-dealing, weapon-toting parasite is misunderstood by the public he terrorizes. What is this world coming to? Maybe, its senses!
Edna we all know who pulled the trigger. Duran did and hes going to go away for a long time. You should be thankful, your family member could have been next. And yes the mother made bad choices, So had my parents. I don't go around slinging drugs and shooting people, then blame "the system" like some coward. "The system" is the reason why he was still walking the streets. Folks complain the system is why criminals do what they do, actually the system allows them to do what they do more easily.
edna, your a morion.
I think I'm going to look up Edna Rideout's criminal history?
Edna, that's the whole reason he's in custody right now--to await a trial. That's how our system works. They can't put you on trial without charging you first--They've arrested him and given his charges. Regardless of who actually pulled the trigger, he had a stolen gun on him AND cocaine. I'm not sure how you feel, but I feel good knowing that that gun and cocaine are nowhere near my children anymore. He should go to jail just for that, let alone the murder charges.
yeah i think u should look it up. Thats y i put my name on here i have nothing to hide. You are hiding ur identity y. All i'm saying is regardless of what happens i feel sorry 4 the family i have kids if something happens to them i could not go on so i know how the mother must feel. Hey when you get that record hit me up so i can laugh at u dummy
Great vocabulary
Edna...Edna...Edna! Hooked on phonics, girlfriend, hooked on phonics! I personally know Nate Sr. I personally locked him up with a .25 pistol and he had already been convicted of a felony. When I locked him up, he had crack in his pocket. His other son - Nate - shot Fats in the face over a bet on a pool game at the pool hall on Booth and West. Nate Sr. tried to clean up the blood before we got there. I was on that scene as well. Fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, there Edna, so if you're Durans sister (or half sister) chances are better than average that you are a product of the same type of improper upbinging as Duran. Is Nate your daddy too? One of the real problems with the system is that there is no truth in sentencing. If there was, Nate Sr. would still be in prison today. I don't know about "Exile" but with "Disarm", 15 years mandatory with no parole upon conviction really meant 10 months, after which you sit on someones front porch with an electronic monitor around your ankle, selling crack just as hard as you can. If you speak as well as you write, you will likely never be gainfully employed. Do yourself a favor. Go back to school. Learn how to speak (remember the hooked on phonics advice). Learn how to look at things logically. Get a good job. Stop thinking the man is always out to get you. You just might make something of yourself.
Edna is this you, honey?
Sex: FHeight:509Weight:220DOB:06/27/1986
Address: 709 SMITH ST APT. 1
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801 - 0000
Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
Charge No: 001Description:THEFT LESS THAN $100.00
Statute: CR.7.104Description:THEFT LESS THAN $100.00
Amended Date: CJIS Code:1 0521MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 10/15/2007 To: 10/15/2007 Victim Age:
Disposition Plea: GUILTY
Disposition: GUILTYDisposition Date:12/18/2007
Fine:$0.00Court Costs:$22.50CICF:$35.00
Amt Suspended: Fine:$0.00Court Costs:$0.00CICF:$0.00
PBJ EndDate: Probation End Date:01/10/2010Restitution Amount:$78.49
Jail Term: Yrs:00Mos:00Days:090
Suspended Term: Yrs:00Mos:00Days:070
Credit Time Served:
And another....
Sex: FHeight:509Weight:215DOB:02/27/1986
Address: 709 SMITH STREET APT. 1
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801 - 0000
Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
Charge No: 001Description:THEFT:LESS $500 VALUE
Statute: Description:
Amended Date: CJIS Code:3 5010MO/PLL:Probable Cause:
Incident Date From: 09/13/2007 To: 09/13/2007 Victim Age:
Disposition Plea: GUILTY
Disposition: GUILTYDisposition Date:12/18/2007
Fine:$300.00Court Costs:$22.50CICF:$35.00
Amt Suspended: Fine:$0.00Court Costs:$0.00CICF:$0.00
PBJ EndDate: Probation End Date:12/18/2009Restitution Amount:$0.00
Jail Term: Yrs:00Mos:00Days:180
Suspended Term: Yrs:00Mos:00Days:180
Credit Time Served:
Charge No: 002Description:CON-THEFT:LESS $500 VALUE
Statute: Description:
Amended Date: CJIS Code:3C5010MO/PLL:Probable Cause:
Incident Date From: 09/13/2007 To: 09/13/2007 Victim Age:
Disposition Plea: OTHER PLEA
Disposition: STETDisposition Date:11/02/2007
Fine:$0.00Court Costs:$0.00CICF:$0.00
Amt Suspended: Fine:$0.00Court Costs:$0.00CICF:$0.00
PBJ EndDate: Probation End Date:Restitution Amount:$0.00
Jail Term: Yrs:Mos:Days:
Suspended Term: Yrs:Mos:Days:
Credit Time Served:
Related Person Information
(Each Person related to the case other than the Defendant is shown)
Agency Code: DEAgency Sub-Code:8270Officer ID:1126
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801 - 0000
Anonymous said...
edna, your a morion.
12:40 PM
Sweet, sweet irony.
3:17-- I was thinking the EXACT same thing!
Its really scary how easy it is to look up anything you want on someone. You can take the time to unlist your phone number and not let any of your personal details be public information, but at the simple click of a mouse, your name, address, birthday, time served, child's name, former boyfriends'/husbands' names, the square footage of your house, how much money you owe on it....anything you want can be displayed. The information age is incredibly liberating, but at the same time invades our privacy in ways that we sometimes don't even realize!
Grand dad, did you find that at http://casesearch.courts.state.md.us? I had just looked at the same thing before I read your post.
it was a relative of his that turned the info over to police that he had shaved his head and shaved the facial hair so they could do a composite picture of what he would look like without the hair. somebody in the family isn't so sympathetic
I am 12:33 and 12:44.
Thanks Grandad!
You've proven my point.
I'm laughing really hard now... I gotta go. I knew the name sounded familiar.
Excellent work Bowden, Avnet and McGlaughlin! You guys did an excellent job. Thank god for you guys. God bless america. You all should get a huge reward for catching this peice of crap and keeping us safe! Again, thank you.
Edna, you are completely a stupid idiot. Kiss our collective asses. Your family member killed a guy and was running from the police with a gun and drugs. I guess you won't be seeing him for a long, long time huh? Maybe in the future you should give family members advice like not to deal drugs or kill people. Yeah, he's a nice guy, just a murder, but hey no ones perfect.. oh yeah and hes running around with cocaine and a gun. But hey no ones perfect right you smelly ignoramous? Oh and lets see now, you do have criminal charges, wow what a suprise. Stop shoplifting also would be good advice for you. Get a job and stop sucking off the public teet. What's wrong with the system is that your buddy Moss wasn't shot on sight and instead it's going to cost us real taxpayers who don't get government checks to spend on crack hundreds of thousands of dollars to house this animal for the rest of his natural life.
noone cares about you or your kids. if you were gone tomorrow noone would ever think twice bout it. just like we wont even care to think about this piece of garbage while he spends the rest of his life in prison. so long!
sorry i live on old oc road but thanks 4 telling me maybe we can put another badass away 4 using my name i have a good job and 2 babies get real petty theft no sorry. And yes we were brung up in the same enviroment don't we do the same things. Some people learn 4rm others mistakes
if i'm not mistaken duran is still a dread head. So some family member was lying
thats why none of the moose family, sorry, the moss family are productive people of society. the only thing they are good at is helping each other evade the police.
And how long was this guy loose??
The reason they caught him was due to the fact someone called in a burlary in progress...that caller is the hero here.
How's that ole poop bag doin???? Did it bust when he ran??? I love it, a piece of crap with a bag of crap!
yes I did, Angela. It's just that easy.
It's not "the man" destroying black communities-its black on black violence and it has decimated once-thriving black neighborhoods across the country.
"Hey when you get that record hit me up so i can laugh at u dummy"
Should I... no, I think I've proven all I need.
God bless you Edna.
noone cares about you or your kids. if you were gone tomorrow noone would ever think twice bout it. just like we wont even care to think about this piece of garbage while he spends the rest of his life in prison. so long!
4:24 PM
Well, I would think twice. What a heartless thing to say. Do you, Anon 4:24, really mean to say that you wish her poor children end up without a mother? That you wouldn't care if they did? How does that help anything? Shame on you. I'm not implying for one second that you should feel bad for her brother, seeing as how he murdered someone, but for Christ's sake, don't bring the kids into this.
As for the name "Ridrout" Sherry is his mother the Rideout name and Moss go hand and hand...Rub either name in the database and it comes back so many times you will run out of time to read it.....All are known criminals. Thefts,Drugs,Murders..They should all be exiled to a far away land..hmmm Iraq!!! To fight the "white mans" war
12:15 please do not speak for "no one" or "everyone at SPD", I work with TM and appreciate the exceptional work he does. Put your opinions on you and don't drag the other officers of the department down with your very transparent remark. You stand alone on this one ANONYMOUS.
All I see is that he gave some fellow officers praise for putting a criminal in jail on other posts. I agree 100%, great work Deputies.
Just because he didn't want to be on a certain unit he's a backstabber? Grow up. You, or your spouse, or whoever let you write this garbage should be fired.
TM was giving praise to Deputies who did a great job and you put him down and be little him. That is wrong. He is a great officer who does good work.
Good to see. Just like the the old days when you step on one of us, you step on all of us. Looks like the cop bashers have bitten off more than they can chew on this blog.
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