There was another armed robbery in City limits. Dykes road and So. Division St. Royal
Farm store. Occurred approx. 9:30 pm 6/30/08. They had a State Police helicopter all over the place. I don't think that anyone was hurt and the crook[s] got away. Just
another example of growth pays for growth. Subsidized housing etc. If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times, if you want to be a crook, do it in the City of Salisbury. The odds of you getting caught are slim to none. No disrespect top the Officers. Just figure out the odds. They've been fully Staffed at 84 Officers since 1984 and they've grown how much? I don't even need Bubba Math to screw that answer up!
Joe..some people in subsidized housing are not criminals...we agree with you...
True but sadly every neighborhood with subsidized housing is riddled with drugs and violence and it spills over into the surrounding communities.I would rather live on the moon than EVER live near a Section 8 tenant again.And the development out on Dykes Rd may look cute but its basically "projects".Take a look at the cars in the parking lots and tell me they have honest jobs.
Yeah wasn't that property out on Dykes road the one that was supposed to be for 55 and older residents? Isn't that the Hearne annexation?
Another case of decieve the taxpayer and screw the long time residents.
blutojthetotmom --all we're trying to say is don't judge ALL people living in subsidized housing as a whole. I work a full time job. Unfortunately my husband is permanently disabled and unable to work so we are forced to live on my income alone. That doesn't make us the same as the drug dealers and thieves in this city.
you got herion dealers livin all in there trust me...
I live on the other side of the baby momma condos and the trash the tenants throw from their cars and while on foot is unreal. If I could catch one in the act, I'd call the cops... for whatever good that would do!
People can have as many children as they want to have, as long as they support them. Cut the welfare payments, and do not increase them every time another child is born. Welfare is an incentive for mass reproduction by the least educated, least hard-working of society. Let them have kids, and let them pay for them.
anon 3:47
amen brother, responsibility starts at home.
Bluto: You seem to have all the answers of how cops should work. Get your butt on the street, where people like you would get eaten alive. You would fit in with a whole lot of cops on the eastern shore. Crying about money a when they don't even earn the little bit they already get!
Eat your words! Read the next press release from SPD! Great work!
Anon 257
I'm sorry if I offended you at all-subsidized housing is SUPPOSED to be for families like yours who truly are in need.Thanks to all the "poor on paper" recipients who take advantage of it,deserving people like yourself often languish on waiting lists.There needs to be rules and consequences so those who cause problems are tossed out.
And Anon 434 ....
I wouldn't risk getting shot at for the money that a police officers job pays.I gripe about the cops all the time but dammit they earn every penny they get and then some.
when i was young i picked water-melons in that field. god those were the days, wasnt being young fun, remember befor we all got bills!!!
No surprise here. Its just gonna get worse too. Thats what happens when nobody cares.
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