Mystery Man and candidate John Wade refuses to be forth coming with information referencing why he's been driving all around Princess Anne, the whole time without having a Drivers License. To me, it's all about accountability.
In one breath he claims to be running on "open Government policies" but in another he refused to answer what state his Drivers License is in. I'm not sure what it should take to get Police action on this matter but IMO they should do so before the taxpayers waste their time and money electing someone who is clearly breaking the law.
Yesterday Mr. Wade was seen as a passenger in the same vehicle I took picture of him driving in just one day earlier. If he doesn't have a Drivers License in the state of Maryland and or any other state I checked into, why was he driving. I have spoken to some Officers who have in fact seen him driving that same vehicle as well.
Then you have to wonder by way of comments made, does he live in the home going up for auction because taxes haven't been paid or does he in fact live in Delmar, Maryland on Executive Drive with his Wife? The convenience of having an address in Princess Anne didn't afford his Wife any special exceptions as they denied her request to run for Office there just a week ago.
Then I'd have to ask, don't you have to be in good standings with the Town or State you live in? Bankruptcy is yet another issue as well as foreclosures. Is Mr. Wade expressing his "open government" by not coming forward with such issues? The bigger question is, why hasn't the Daily Times done anything in reference to these issues? I personally contacted Eric at the Daily Times and presented my article to him and I have yet to see anything in their paper about this situation?
One can only hope that the citizens of Princess Anne are now familiar with this situation and they can make an educated decision. OR, is this yet another Race Issue like we saw in Washington, D.C, many years ago with Marion Barry? You remember how they voted the man back into Office even after his conviction, right?
Tuesday, (election day) is just around the corner and I can assure you that I will be keeping a close eye on this matter. I want to see if people truly care or if we're witnessing yet another Town falling for the same crap we've seen for far too many years here on the Eastern Shore?
What would YOU want to see done about this? Would you like the Police to investigate it? Would you want the Election Board checking into it? Do you think it's right to own a home in a Town you might be renting to two other people and possibly be living in Delmar, Maryland, yet running for Office in another Town? Do you think it's right to allow someone NOT in good standings to a point their home is going up for a Tax Lien Sale and still be able to run for Office? I'm dying to hear everyone's response to this.
I want the police to investigate !
I want him him to withdraw from
whatever he is running for.I want him to move to New Jersey. Of course , after he has paid his fines or spent time in jail.
Another poor excuse for a human in this country.
Joe, these are all good questions. Our election board has failed us. I can't believe the Princess Anne police have witnessed a crime and they're doing nothning about it. Doesn't that make them just as guilty?
Good question. IMO, if they have seen this man driving and he doesn't have a Maryland license, they should call him in and ask questions immediately.
I'll add, I have not once received a call from Mr. Wade referencing any of these posts. Obviously I am onto this man because if it were me running for Office and a reporter made false statements, I'd be up his a$$ so fast it isn't funny. Now don't get any ideas now Mr. Wade because I've already let the cat out of the bag. I've not received a single call from anyone on his campaign and like I said, when I asked the man where his drivers license came from her refused to answer.
Let's see how smart or stupid the people of Princess Anne are this Tuesday?
hes in delmar alot, i see you....
The illegal mexicans can get a drivers license in Maryland. What's this guys problem?
maryland sucks...
The Princess Anne Police have to be connected to this Wade guy if they refuse to investigate this before the election. After all, it is Princess Anne.
I believe if there's enough pressure on the Police Department they'll do something right away. You people have to make contact with them and force their hand.
I believe they're afraid it will look one sided if they do so before the election but right it right. The man has clearly been breaking the law and I for one would like to know WHY this man doesn't have a Maryland License?
Let me add, wouldn't it be funny if we called the Delmar Police and had them question him in Delmar, Maryland, where he truly lives with his Wife?
Has anyone seen him coming and going from his alleged home in Princess Anne?
Anonymous said...
The illegal mexicans can get a drivers license in Maryland. What's this guys problem?
1:22 PM
Anonymous said...
maryland sucks...
1:28 PM
Blame all this BULLSH!T on the dumbocraps you all keep putting in office.
This guy is a looser and so is Princes Anne, if they elect him. I have another question? How is this guy using a NJ vehicle, while living Delmar? Doesn't Delaware have similar requirements to MD that when you move in the state you must obtain a state license plate within 6 months or be fined and perhaps put away?
A. Goetz
Good question, Mr. Goetz. Those NJ plates either aren't his or don't go with the car he's driving or both, so he is not going to try to get MD or DE plates. Also, he has no license so he won't be trying to get his license switched to MD or DE.
The first step is for the election board to hold an emergency meeting.
My goodness this is crazy. The ladies that make up this board are all Princess Anne residents:
Agnes Dennis she owns the Allegro coffee shop downtown.
Barbara Long wife to Judge Danny Long
and Kelly Sawyers stay at home mom.
Oh and John Wades address is
8978 Executive Club Drive
Delmar,MD 21875
He resides with his new bride
Brenda Anderson she has strong ties to princess anne
Joe, Thanks for the great work A+++
I don't always agree with you, But this type of work is the reason I defend you and your work. You are a much needed resource and asset.
You busted this creep, cold. Wade should carry his useless rear end back to New Jersey. If you listen to the guy talk for a minute, you'll realize that he talks alot but doesn't really say ANYTHING.
First of all, the Princess Anne Police will I am sure check into it once they get a complaint. Like any othe ragency, they need "Probable Cause" to stop him or know he is driving with out a license.
With that said, I am sure he is being watched, but if they are smart they will turn this over to another agency to keep pressure out of the political side of this.
Think about it, if they get involved, he will cry wolf, they are picking on me. If he is innocent, then they are screwed for putting him though nothing.
No, I think turn this over to an outside agency if I was them. All infomration obtained that anyone knows is off the internet, why risk making a bad stop on unknown sources.
Now, if you have proof then that needs to be sent to the Princess Anne Police. If you have a complaint, send it to them but quite bashing a good agency when you dont even know if this information is getting to them.
No I am not an employee of PA, but know a lot of people there and know they are very good individuals.
Yhe Princess Anne Police are in a no win position. If they take action just before an election against a minority candidate they will be accused of being racist, and taking sides against a particular candidate. On the other hand if they do nothing they will be accused of taking sides and protecting a particulat candidate. An easy judgement call for those who are not in this position.
This guy is a graduate of the Honiss Cane school of politics.
Princess Anne is very close to Pocomoke City in more ways than one would care to ever know.
This is one of the most openly corrupt areas in the entire USA.
He is just trying to get his beak wet and his "seat at the table" of power.
I wonder why there have not been major investigations into all the goings on in this part of Maryland...
I will tell you why there has been no investigation!
Dont you remember the old govenor's line about hte Eastern Shore? It is the tiolet of Maryland.
The dont care what happens on the shore, the bulk of Maryland residents just use it like toilet paper. They come they trash it then leave.
UMES has always been a place to put students in Maryladn who could not make it at the real University of Maryland. They created this college for that reason.
So, who cares what happens to Eastern Shore, they will all retire buy up all the property raise cost of housing in the area.
Now that they are starting to retire and move here, the are now worried about crime.
GO figure.
just another black man trying to play the system and guess what...just like DC Ill bet he wiggles in. People around here are just too stupid to see through his transparent form of self preservation. good luck Frank your no angel but compared to this guy your top dog
The police will take no action and stir up the black political power structure. Wait until Obama becomes president and the tables are turned. Stnd back white man and apologize for the slavery you put us through. Now it is our turn to be first class citizens. Like the Indians, every black person will receive a monthly check to compensate for the inhumane treatent our ancestors experienced.I am a black lawyer and have political savy and can predict the future my friends.
Shouldnt someone runnig for office be driving a nicer car anyway???? lol. I mean does Princess Anne really want this badly imaged man representing them? I just dont get it! Perception is everything... and the way I am seeing this guy...... well you guys know, you see him too.
In my opinion the black man has been given more than any other person. The funny thing you cant handle it, you are like roaches, you move to an area and destroy it then move on to the next.
Look at DC you have taken the nations capitol and ruined it. White mans problem is to listen to you and let you get away with it.
Indians are a proud people, you are not you will take anything that is not yours and ruin it and be proud of it. What a shame to be such a waste, what a bigger shame that White people let you get away with it.
Its like having kids and feeling bad about them being punished so you spoil them, and most of you have been given everything and you have done nothing with it. Bill Cosby says it best.
So when the US ellects Obama, the country will fail and be like DC. Who will you blame then the white man?
I truly can not believe the majority of comments here. I have never seen so many immature, prejudice people in my life. It is the year 2008, come on lets please move on.
white man gets blamed for everything. NAACP, preference on job applicants if black, black miss america, black entertainment channel, black history month, and the best is the black poker stars tour. What would happen if we had the white entertainment channel etc...Ill tell you what... we would be black balled. Princess Anne is going to fall further in a hole then it already is if Wade gets elected. He only wants an entire black government and all will pay the price white or black if he succeeds
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