At the last Salisbury City Council meeting, the bankrupt and child-support cheat who is a member, Gary (“screw the handicapped”) Comegys, delivered another brilliant dissertation. This time he discussed the “line-item” budget format, in which there is a series of specific but separate appropriations. For example, in a particular department (public works, internal affairs, etc.) there might separate “line-items” for normal salary and overtime. To spend funds for a purpose other than that of the appropriation, the Council must first approve the change of purpose, which affords the Council – and the public – with insight about how the budget is being implemented by the City administration
Bubba favors the format that appears in the City’s FY09 budget, which only states a total sum for each department that may be spent for anything pertaining to a department – including a picnic and beer bash, Christmas party, etc. All that’s needed is the mayor’s approval, so that the Council – and the public – can be kept in the dark as has occurred under the administration of Barrie Tilghman.
According to Bubba, in the “line-item” budget format City personnel will spend the entire amount of a line item, regardless of need, simply to avoid not spending the entire amount. He offered no explanation why that is not just as likely in what he wrongly calls the “program” budgetary format that is being used in the FY09 budget over the objection of Councilmembers Campbell and Cohen. Apparently Bubba’s stellar career as a mid-level State of Maryland bureaucrat has infused him with special expertise and acumen in wasting public funds.
In fact, with the budgetary format that Bubba and the two other bobble heads on the City Council (Louise Smith and Shanie Shields) have foisted on the City, it’s much easier for the City administration to waste the appropriated funds by unneeded or absurd spending, because it’s not necessary to get Council approval to shift funds from one line item or another. The entire departmental appropriation can be blown on virtually anything – and nobody need know before it’s a done deal.
Bubba – career bureaucrat and Salisbury official (he’s a true “double-dipper”) – ain’t stupid, folks. He knows how to put his hand in your pocket and extract what you’ve worked hard to get, if you’re stupid enough to let that happen by electing him mayor next year.
How much more of the city's taxes will Bubba and the "bobbleheads" let Barrie Tilghman spend next year to "get even" with Stuart Leer?
Please post Bubba's cell-tel # so we can text with him during Council meetings.
Bubba don't know Jack, and Jack ain't voting for him
The TV part of the meeting was interesting. There may be a charter violation with that budget. Debbie Campbell made an amendment to help, but the "bobble heads" killed it.
Apparently, they are going to get 5 new fire engines but no more fire fighters or medical techs. And there is still funding for the America's best cities contest.
Here's a stupid question about this post:
Has Bubba's budget shenanigan been mentioned in the Daily Times?
Anon 8:37--too funny! On a serious note, Joe, aren't you afraid of being sued by Bubba? LOL! You have put up and excellent post showing why C & C are "smarter than the average Barrie" (and weasel and other rodent-types that are on the Council). As a matter of fact, Gary has a point: this "program" type of budgeting does usually result in departments trying to spend every penny so they can justify asking for an increase the following year. However, in a well-run organization with good department heads, this doesn't happen until close to the end of the budget year. Of course, we are talking about Salisbury here, so that isn't the case (well-run anything!). I.e., the legal department needing supplemental funds. Just be glad that supplemental funds require a 4-1 vote! Remember that, Mr. Pick and others, when you are in "SPEND" mode. I have run many businesses, large and small, and line-item appropriations are better all the way around! It is a small matter to have to adjust as you go based on need when you have overspent a small amount or in only a few areas. "Program" budgeting encourages overspending by everyone! They all want to get "their fair share" before the money is gone! Whew, long comment. Thanks for "listening."
The police officers are getting screwed this year, and don't get their raises....... bet Bubba and Barrie got hefty ones though!
Respectfully, you're confused.
Bubba wants us to believe that
a "program budget" is better than a line-item budget because the latter encourages wasteful spending. Sure, that's BS and it is just the other way around. In addition, it is intended by Barrie and the bobbleheads as a means to avoid having to come to Council during the year to get 4/5ths approval to spend for things not in the initial budget.
Wack job he is.
No more "pay" for Barrie and Bubba this year, but it's about time for the regular "salary review" -- recall that it was done "hush-hush" last time (until Pat Hannon blew the whistle) by a committe appointed by Barrie -- and it could happen in FY10's budget. Most likely it will be much smaller than the raises last time: 150% for Barrie and 100% for the Council
The name "Bubba" or "Boss Hogg" is perfect for Comegys but I think a good name for the Mayor would be "Barracuda".
Bubba constantly talks about his career in the State Highway Administration, so why does he never discuss his experiences in the Bankruptcy Court and the local Circuit Court? And has he ever seen a handicapped parking space that he didn't like?
Mr/Ms 9:54-
How about Barrie "Get Mad & Even, Too" Tilghman? Just ask Stu Leer.
Can somebody say what happened on the "attitude survey" and that pay raise that Barrie put in for Lore Chambers? Talk about wasteful spending.
9:46--thanks for the correction. What I meant to say is that Gary has a point (besides the one on his head), but he has it backwards! My brain was ahead of my fingers when I typed it. With line-item, people tend to stay within budget better, especially when they know it takes effort to get more funds approved. With the type of budget that has large pots to draw from, it's easy to overspend! Anyway, next time I'll have my coffee BEFORE I comment!
1002 what they did was give Barrie a big bucket of money to spend as she sees fit. Although council cut the $8000 increase for Lore and the 14k attitude survey and half of the all america city funding, those cuts are on paper only. Barrie can draw from that bucket of money and do as she pleases with it. She'll just have to figure out how to get money to do what NEEDS to be done after she spends it on what she WANTS to have done.
I can tell you about Lori's raise
as my husband got a very cold telephone call from no other then Miss Smith herself. She said that she cut Lori's raise herself. If she did, good job. I am just afraid there is someway they will make sure she will get it anyway
Wanda Disharoon
That's it!
Goes well with LOUWEASEL.
Love it!
Yeah, what triple-dipper Bubba says is a puker.
He gets paid by the city as a council joke, he does next to nothing as a State Hiway Loafer, and at some point, he'll get his juicy volunteer firefighter pension for his years stealing the glory from others.
Wanda D--Louweasel trying to gain favor for budget cuts is like Barriecuda saying, "I take full responsibility." Nothing but hot air and lies. There would have been NO cuts at all without Debbie and Terry pushing for them. And it still doesn't mean the mare won't spend as she pleases, including giving Lore the raise.
Wanda, why would she dare to call SJ? Shame you didn't record it, I'd love for Joe to put that up on his blog.
Time will tell if Lore's raise got cut.
Louise will attack and reprimand anyone that opposes her but she didn't dare go up against Richard Insley when he spoke out at the meeting while Joe Albero had the floor. Double standard? You betcha. Discrimination? Possibly.
What about the 5 fire engines folks -- Bubba should have a new "toy" for each weekday, so lets get 2 more!
Would like to follow up on 9:11 comment about 'there might be a charter violation' with the budget. If that this is even remotely possible I feel confident that the 2 ladies will be all over it. That possibility is about the only way to trump the mayor and the 3/5 council as well as oland,pick, and chambers.
I have no confidence in the status quo-government in the dark and shady.
"but she didn't dare go up against Richard Insley when he spoke out at the meeting while Joe Albero had the floor. Double standard?"
She also allowed Insley answers to a few questions. No "I'll get back to you later" crap.
The WEASEL can't reprimand or disallow Insley or any other SAPOA member, after all, THEY along with Ron Alessi, put her where she is today.
The WEASEL is going to screw up one day and leave herself wide open for a lawsuit. Hope she hires someone better than Wilber, she's gonna need it.
Can't help but wonder...What does the mayor "have" on weezie?
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