Did you know that the Wicomico County Liquor Control Board is using YOUR tax dollars to print some of prettiest, most expensive political ads you've seen recently?

The picture just doesn't do it justice. We also might want to ask who did the lovely print job. It couldn't have possibly been WCLCB chairman Stewart Haemel, could it?
If it was, I have to say that he does fine work.
Of course it doesn't really matter that most of the "information" on their little ad either distorts the truth or is an outright falsehood:
The Staff of Wicomico Wines & Spirits (Liquor Dispensaries) are not County employees and do not cost Wicomico County residents anything.
While technically correct, remember that all profits are supposed to go to the county. Therefore, staffing most certainly does affect the taxpayer.
The Liquor Dispensary System, stores and wholesale distributorship, was established by State Law and is directed by an independent Board, to benefit Wicomico County residents.
A warm and fuzzy statement that is so subjective as to defy debate. However, if the board was so concerned about benefiting the taxpayers of Wicomico County why have they refused to provide financial information until threatened with legal action?
Wicomico taxpayers benefit this year from a $400,000 contribution from the dispensaries, an increase of 60% from 2004.
I'm quite sure that they will get over the $400,000 mark this year. Of course they've been trying to make the public think that it has been at least a $400,000 contribution EVERY year. That is simply not true. What the current board really doesn't want the public to know is that contributions to the county taxpayer have DROPPED over 37% during the tenure of this Board!
This contribution is profit from operation of the stores and wholesale distributorship.
True, but the WCLCB again distorts the facts to make themselves look good. If they were actually concerned for the taxpayers of Wicomico County rather than WCLCB staff and board members the contributions back to the county taxpayers would be greater than they are. The postcard pictured above is just one example. Do we believe that the printing was done for free? What about newspaper ads attacking county council members? All of these "expenses" are paid for with money that rightfully belongs to you and I.
Existing locations and well staffed stores create a safe environment.
Possibly. Of course it also discriminates against some soul who lives in Bivalve, Mardela or Willards and has to drive all the way to Salisbury to pick up his bottle of Jack.
Hours of operation help reduce drunk driving & crime, and honor religious observance.
Prove it Ron! The stores stay open late on weekends, as would a privately owned store. If the WCLCB is inferring that privately owned stores would be 24/7 liquor marts / drug dens they are just lying to save their cushy posts. As for religious observance, I wasn't aware that the WCLCB was an arm of the Church!
The staff is trained to identify and confiscate false IDs and prevent underage drinking.
And how many times have Wicomico dispensaries been busted for selling to underage kids? In all fairness, the WCLCB staff certainly aren't trying to violate the law. I've personally witnessed them turning away young people who may have been legal, but didn't have proper ID. I've also witnessed the staff of privately run liquor stores do the same thing. At least with privately owned stores there is a huge financial incentive to obey the law.
Any money spent by the WCLCB that is not for LEGITIMATE expenses is money that rightfully belongs to the Wicomico taxpayer. Look at that picture again and ask yourself -
How did you enjoy having your pocket picked by the likes of Stew Haemel, Ron Alessi and Cecilia Dennis?
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

The picture just doesn't do it justice. We also might want to ask who did the lovely print job. It couldn't have possibly been WCLCB chairman Stewart Haemel, could it?
If it was, I have to say that he does fine work.
Of course it doesn't really matter that most of the "information" on their little ad either distorts the truth or is an outright falsehood:
The Staff of Wicomico Wines & Spirits (Liquor Dispensaries) are not County employees and do not cost Wicomico County residents anything.
While technically correct, remember that all profits are supposed to go to the county. Therefore, staffing most certainly does affect the taxpayer.
The Liquor Dispensary System, stores and wholesale distributorship, was established by State Law and is directed by an independent Board, to benefit Wicomico County residents.
A warm and fuzzy statement that is so subjective as to defy debate. However, if the board was so concerned about benefiting the taxpayers of Wicomico County why have they refused to provide financial information until threatened with legal action?
Wicomico taxpayers benefit this year from a $400,000 contribution from the dispensaries, an increase of 60% from 2004.
I'm quite sure that they will get over the $400,000 mark this year. Of course they've been trying to make the public think that it has been at least a $400,000 contribution EVERY year. That is simply not true. What the current board really doesn't want the public to know is that contributions to the county taxpayer have DROPPED over 37% during the tenure of this Board!
This contribution is profit from operation of the stores and wholesale distributorship.
True, but the WCLCB again distorts the facts to make themselves look good. If they were actually concerned for the taxpayers of Wicomico County rather than WCLCB staff and board members the contributions back to the county taxpayers would be greater than they are. The postcard pictured above is just one example. Do we believe that the printing was done for free? What about newspaper ads attacking county council members? All of these "expenses" are paid for with money that rightfully belongs to you and I.
Existing locations and well staffed stores create a safe environment.
Possibly. Of course it also discriminates against some soul who lives in Bivalve, Mardela or Willards and has to drive all the way to Salisbury to pick up his bottle of Jack.
Hours of operation help reduce drunk driving & crime, and honor religious observance.
Prove it Ron! The stores stay open late on weekends, as would a privately owned store. If the WCLCB is inferring that privately owned stores would be 24/7 liquor marts / drug dens they are just lying to save their cushy posts. As for religious observance, I wasn't aware that the WCLCB was an arm of the Church!
The staff is trained to identify and confiscate false IDs and prevent underage drinking.
And how many times have Wicomico dispensaries been busted for selling to underage kids? In all fairness, the WCLCB staff certainly aren't trying to violate the law. I've personally witnessed them turning away young people who may have been legal, but didn't have proper ID. I've also witnessed the staff of privately run liquor stores do the same thing. At least with privately owned stores there is a huge financial incentive to obey the law.
Any money spent by the WCLCB that is not for LEGITIMATE expenses is money that rightfully belongs to the Wicomico taxpayer. Look at that picture again and ask yourself -
How did you enjoy having your pocket picked by the likes of Stew Haemel, Ron Alessi and Cecilia Dennis?
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings
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Technorati Tags: Maryland, Wicomico, politics, Wicomico politics, WCLCB, Liquor Control Board
Frankly, I have never known a government entity that did not realize they were answerable to the public. The County Council was elected by the people to do our will and yet the arrogance of the board and management refuses to allow for the checks and balances.
Someone needs to take charge and rid this county of this behavior. We deserve better.
If they won't come clean with the county then the state needs to get involved.
I still want to know what happened with Greg Rickards. Fired by WCLCB and hired immediately by Gary Mackes at the WCYCC. Something is wrong with this picture.
They may be closed on Sunday, however if you want some liquor there are almost 100 bars and restaurants to choose from to get a drink. I'm not positive but can't the only independent liquor store in the county "Busters" at Pecan Square sell it on Sunday?
he was working at the civic center in the capacity of liquor inspector while at the same time he was being paid for the center's security staff, called double dipping. imo from what i've heard
Rickards was the only LCB inspector that carried a gun. WHY in the hell does a liquor inspector need to carry a gun. Phallic symbol? Yeah, I'll agree with that.
A. Goetz
Greg Rickards worked for the Licensing Board. Nothing to do with WCLCB. The name should be changed to Chesapeake Beverages. Time to bury this old bone and worry about more pressing business in the county and city!!
he's always been a wanna be cop, as inspector fired, tom brown fired, beverly stockley fired what more do you need to know?
The reasons they were fired????
correction: beverly stokley
The Jewish observe Saturday's as the Sabbath, so why aren't they closed on Saturday and honor the religious observance of everyone?
Because they are full of shit!
Are those post cards made to put postal charges on them to send out to the citizens? If so, more spending and less money for the county coffers. Another un-necessary expense that could go back into the counties general fund.
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