I spoke with Sheriff Lewis this morning and we discussed the Wicomico County Sheriff's Departments request for two Harley Davidson Motorcycles. Sheriff Lewis confirmed that there has been a request made for such, especially with the cost of fuel. The Harley Davidson Motorcycles can get between 36 and 42 miles per gallon and can maneuver in and out of traffic much easier than the standard Patrol Vehicles.
The really cool part about this idea is the fact that the Harley Davidson Shop of Ocean City is willing to DONATE the motorcycles being proposed. However, there's an additional cost to the Taxpayers to dress these Bikes. There's riding gear that could cost around $1,300.00 per Officer. The lights are extra and other equipment necessary to make it a standard Police Bike.
I for one think it's a great idea at a very minimal cost to the Taxpayers of Wicomico County. I know more Officer that ride Bikes than those who do not. There's also an additional cost to each Officer to go through a special one month long training course.
What's your thoughts? Do you support a move like this? Would you agree that the major cost is absorbed by the Harley Davidson Shop of Ocean City? If the County wouldn't support the cost to dress these Bikes, would you be willing to participate in a fundraiser to raise what's necessary to make this a reality?
My my my...If that were Barrie asking for such a thing it would most definately be a waste of money. I do not support it and you didn't mention the extra insurance they would have to pay for these toys. Boy do you really know how to talk it up when it is to your benefit...or should I say Mike's. Oh never mind same egg !!!
Fantastic - Great - cost effective
Mike Lewis doesn't need fundraisers. Just let him go sniff out a couple drug traffickers, he's an expert at that. Take that dope money and buy the best equipment money can buy for your deputies. Spare no expense, if you're using dope money. It's a different story if you want to use my money. LOL
Be sure to take Lynn Cathcart for a ride around CITY LIMITS on your brand spanking new HAWG.
Thanks OC Harley Davidson, that is quite a generous donation considering the cost of a HAWG.
Thanks Mike Lewis for going with an AMERICAN made bike instead of a rice burner.
Excellent idea!! Cost savings with the gas and response time. Lewis
is a boom to the community. The man uses his brain , maybe he should teach the Salisbury chief
a few things.
I absolutely agree that this is needed. The Sheriff's Dept's presence can be found all over Wicomico County since Mike Lewis has taken over. Whether it is with taxpayer funds or a fundraiser I'd support this.
TOYS for the Sherffs Dept.? Put your seat belts on. Here we go..NOTHING IS FREE!
No more spending even with the bikes being donated unless there is NO cost to the taxpayers.
Why is not money from drug busts being used to dress the bikes and the training? If that is the case, I will support it.
If not, I do not support this expense to taxpayers.
Where is Eric Estrada when you need him. CHiPs returns!
ill donate if the promise to focus their attention on REAL criminals and not pot smokers who need relief
I think its a great idea. Actually in the long run, it'll save a lot of money. I'de help out to raise money for the bikes.
I got a better idea...save gas and money and let do old school beat patrols, bicycles, or horses! Oops...sorry Barrie, you tried that one!
Bikes would be a great selling point for recruiting...Salisbury Biker Chick Cops!
Nice CHiPs reference BTW 1:53!
Phenomenal idea! I support it completely. People are whining about the $1300 in tax money to dress these bikes but we'd save more than that in just a year alone through the extra MPG's from having motorcycles.
10 comments that quick, WOW! There are some people, (mainly Officers Sheriff Lewis wouldn't hire) that don't like Mike and would say and do anything here to take anything away from him that they can. However, I personally belive there is a massive majority of people that would support anything Sheriff Lewis wanted and they should.
Take for example the Puppet of a Chief of Police for Salisbury who guaranteed pay raises for the entire department and the second year they dumped them and are refuses to make good on their promise. Now would Sheriff Lewis stand for such a thing? HELL NO he wouldn't. Sheriff Lewis would MAN UP to the Executive and clearly state, if you won't come through with what was agreed, FIND ANOTHER SHERIFF!
Sheriff Lewis is ONE OF THE TEAM! He dresses in Uniform every day and always has his door open to his entire Staff. Webster, (on the other hand) is on the third floor and wants nothing to do with his TEAM/OFFICERS.
If Sheriff Lewis wants Motorcycles, believe me, even if it mean fundraising to get what they needed, I'd bet dollar for dollar it wouldn't take a week to raise the funds necessary to make this a reality. However, it should be provided by the County.
This is not a man out of control with spending. This is a Team of dedicated Officers making Wicomico County a much safer place and that includes within the City of Salisbury as well.
I personally support this idea and yes, I am a taxpayer in Wicomico County.
I support the idea, I am not clear on how many, and how much. Whatever he feels he needs to do his job, I will help pay for the officers uniforms, lights, whatever, however, I do think that we should be conservative in this purchase, and if it proves to be cost effective, (insurance, training, outfitting bikes, and officers) sure, buy some more. I will be glad to help. Perhaps other jurisdictions have some figures on what it really costs?
The fuel savings alone would pay for the extra initial costs. I'm for it.
I'd support it if it wasnt so hypacritical, with all the seatbelt violations you've written and the hardships you'v placed on so many citisens of this county{insurance premiums}
Joe, ya sure they are going to "donate", the bikes, Harley sales and stock is in the toilet, and both stores are not doing well at all, my girlfriend has the skinny from the inside.
i remember back when mike worked the by-pass, mikes a good man, a good sherriff, i believe he can be trusted to the the tax-payers justice. motorcycle cops are cool, no a-c on them bikes though.
I like it, got to be Harley's though, only one thing sounds like a Harley and that's a Harley and even better made in the USA. Very generous of OC Harley I might add, my best friend since high school 1974 has a wife that works there. The owners and staff are really good people. You Go Mike Lewis!
I'll help Mike and the Sheriff's department do anything they want to help raise private funds to dress them up. When I asked him to come to our block party and asked him if he could bring the mobile command unit, it was done. That wasn't even enough, now he wants to attend one of our association meetings even though we are city dwellers. Thanks to the entire Sheriff's department for all you do.
You can't win Joe, Mike gets something given to the department and somebody has to bitch about when it looks like they didn't read the post, the bikes are a donation. Whoever made those negitive comments sound like they are just a tad jealous.
Mike Lewis has bought a boat load of equipment for the department with dope money and grant money. Those new cars didn't cost the taxpayers, the dope dealers paid for them. The state of the art equipment was paid for by dope dealers. I believe the refurbished book mobile was outfitted with dope and grant funding. Mike Lewis doesn't cost this county anything compared to what David See and Gordo Corleone cost the city. He doesn't strong arm his men either with threats of their retirement fund not being funded.
Roll on WCSD, take the donation. don't worry about comments from people like Anon 124 it's probably Lynn or Don Cathcart, what do they know anyway?
Do motorcycles have seatbelts?
If not...sorry I can't support it. Those deputies would be forced to give one another those fat tickets.
Why can't Mike sniff out some drugs and use that money? I don't hate Mike. I voted for him, but no I don't support it and what is wrong with those regular bikes? This would keep those officers in good shape and we could buy them with the price of one tank of gas.
If Mike paid for all that stuff with drug money he is a hero!!!
He should be able to come up with a little more for those free bikes if it is going to be so cheap. You still have to buy gas, pay insurance, maintenance, HARLY helmets (whats a Harley without a Harley helmet right?), lights, the proper attire, chrome fixtures !!
3:48...I am not jealous!!! I want no part of it and IMHO it is a big waste. Just because some of us do not agree with YOU doesn't make you RIGHT !!!
How about we look at it like this. Salisbury used to have a Mounted Patrol and the Chief eliminated that. It served a GREAT purpose because young people weren't so intimidated by Officers on a Horse and believe it or not they got a TON of drug tips and other criminal tips by youngsters talking with Patrol Officers.
The gas would be cheap getting 40+ mpg and like I said earlier, there's really nothing Sheriff Lewis has done that didn't pay off and he's only been on the job less than 2 years.
Do YOU have any clue how cheap Motorcycle Insurance is? It's 1/10th of what automotive insurance is! As for helmets, they're CHEAP, like $150.00 each, PLLLLLLEASE!
No one said anything about chrome! You're making this thing bigger than it actually is. You have the right to your opinion, I respect that. But it also doesn't make you right either. The City goes out and spends $14,000,000.00 on a new Fire Station and then orders 5 brand new Fire Trucks to boot. I think your argument is petty. Jealous does come to mind as well.
I must tell you that alot of people will get on YOUR blog and agree with every thing you say, however I will not. I do agree with some of your posts but not this one. I am not one of Mike's deputies, nor do I want to be. You need to do your homework like you would on most other topics that is of interest to you. Your posts are very informative for the most part, but this one you left out a large portion of what is would truely cost. Kindalike when I built my house and went to settlement and discovered a stretching fee for my carpet and a
hanging fee for my ceiling fans. Get the facts....then post the facts and ask us if we support this.
Mike Lewis DOOR OPEN????
Joe..I beg to differ with you on that comment. Are you there 24 hours a day to comfirm that statement? Come on Joe...I am sure Mike has told all of his deputies not to give you a ticket. GET OVER YOURSELF don't worry about it.
I like the idea.
Jealous??? I don't think so. I wouldn't want that uniform to be my night gown!! And do not forget..I was with you on all of those toys at the Fire Department. NOW... I have one more question if you will pleeeeeze explain what these great bikes will do in the freezing rain and snow?? Now we are paying to insure all of these new bikes and also paying to store them beautiful babies all winter. Now come on Joe....I know you are tired from your extra hard work on this blog...but post one more!! See my point? The taxpayers do not want to pay for anything PART TIME.
Great idea. Motorcycles are a great tool used nationwide and very effective.
TM, NY OR: (mainly Officers Sheriff Lewis wouldn't hire)
Oh I get it!! The city wasted all that money so now we can waste some of the county money. Everything is GOOD.
We are not buying it Joe...GIVE IT UP.
And to Mike. Kudos.
Mike has a big hand in training many officers Statewide, including myself. His interdiction training also looks very good for my expertise in the courts (thanks again). He has a knack for getting younger trainees excited about "the best job in the world". Keep putting bad guys in jail, that's all that it comes down to.
Bikes are great, but think about using horses - go green!!!!
"I have one more question if you will pleeeeeze explain what these great bikes will do in the freezing rain and snow??"
You're KIDDING me, right? Do tell me the last time we had any serious snow in Wicomico County.
I used to have a Harley Davidson Road King that I sold a few years ago, only because someone offered me what I paid for it and I rode it for 2 1/2 years.
Let me assure you, I rode that puppy every day of the week, rain or shine. I also DRESSED for the winter and went everywhere on it.
You can try and sell everyone on that winter/snow crap all you want but let me assure you, those Bikes might sit two weeks out of an entire YEAR, if that!
There's no "PART TIME" about it.
When it snows? Who cares about when it snows, nothing moves on Delmarva anyway when we get 2 inches of snow they fold the entire eastern shore up until it thaws. If it snows and the bikes can't be used you put the officer in a car, in a school, in an office, in the court rooms, put him in the garage servicing his bike. It's not like it would be the end of the world if 2 bikes were put up for 2 weeks out of the year. If they ran everyday you'd want to know why so many miles on it. Geez
You either want public safety or you don't? Which is it?
I do believe that the dressing up part would include WCSO logo, sirens, emergency lights, radios for communication and radar.
What did you think idiot? They were going to chop them out and put ape hangers on them? Now if it were the city that can't even fund more officers or keep their word to give the city police the raise they were told they were going to get, the city police would recieve a moped with a flat tire, and go ahead and put ape hangers on that moped just in case Bubba might want to take a cruise Hahahahaaa
After some research I have discovered we will have to purchase windsheilds for all of those bikes in addition to all of the other expenses. And I agree about the winter months.. OKAY....remember what Joe said about the two weeks of bad weather. Those deputies need to live up to Joe's comment. Now they will be happy to use those cars when they get off that bike with icicles hanging from their ass.
OMG, a windshield! I think they cost around $150.00 or so. "I'll personally pay for them." It depends on the style of the Bike but it may even come with it?
As for the icicles, obviously you have never ridden. That explains a lot.
As for the two weeks, perhaps that's a great time to go South for vacation. You know, that thing MOST Officers don't get to take because they're so over worked.
Further if need be, those motor cycles can get officers to places faster when you can't even reach the destination by car. SOB's complaining probably work under the table and don't pay taxes anyway.
okay already, all who agree can donate and buy all of that extra equipment and you can keep collecting from each other every year. It's not like it would be a one time donation.
Anonymous said...
My my my...If that were Barrie asking for such a thing it would most definately be a waste of money. I do not support it and you didn't mention the extra insurance they would have to pay for these toys. Boy do you really know how to talk it up when it is to your benefit...or should I say Mike's. Oh never mind same egg !!!
1:24 PM
FOB, there is no extra insurance involved. Actually the insurance would be much cheaper. This is just your opportunity to bust on the wonderful things that are happening to the Sheriff's Office and Wicomico County. Go for it Sheriff Lewis.
what is wrong with some of you people. What is so wrong with getting a couple of hogs for the police. it is not uncommon for police departments to have motorcycles. Common on, if it can be bought with grants, drug money, minimal cost to the taxpayers, a decent donation from the harley shop. What is so wrong. If the harly shop is going to donate i am sure it will be some kind of tax break for them. tax break and relief have to start somewhere. Look at it this way if the cost is minimal to each part concerned and it is only 2 bikes to start, consider it a trial period. See where it takes you. Harleys that are kept up and dressed nice, have a good resale value. the bikes could be sold if it doesn't workout for the sheriffs department to have biker cops. I have lived here all my life and i don't think most people who live here are dumb hicks, but i have to ask myself, when i read some of these comments, people, people where do you come from. I think the bikes would be a nice alternative and a good try.
Those deputies have no problem running me off the road to get to their destination. They do not need bikes to navigate through the traffic. Nice try though!
This is quite interesting. You know something Folks. I have made many comments about Chiefy Webster and have been MAN ENOUGH to always use my name.
So what's the deal here with all these pussies who refuse to use their name? Is Sheriff Lewis scarier than Chiefy Webster?
The difference between the two is. Sheriff Lewis doesn't have to Bully or Sue someone for a negative remark. He rolls it off his back LIKE A MAN and not act like a pussy.
So, that being said, I have proven to MAN UP to the Chief of the Salisbury Police Department. If you want to rag on Sheriff Lewis, man up and use your name too. Unless you're too much of a pussy to do so?
okay 646, now you are telling me there is no additional cost for insurance. What potato truck might I ask did you fall from? They WOULD need to purchase insurance. If they do not need insurance I will call my agent and request they not charge me for my motorcycle insurance...and I hope one of them run into me especially one of them with a really nice home and some extra money would be nice.
mike lewis is a harley rider himself , he has a kick ass 03 fatboy and is a good rider too. i hope the sheriffs get 15 or 20 of them i think it is a great idea. love to see that new oakleaf sheriff design on a police special. this is the best idea i heard all year.
Can we ask Mike if those babies need insurance? We need to clarify this.
How many of those officers have bikes? Could thet use their own and we can pay for the gas?
OK, I guess one of the Anti Albero Blogger Idiots is making all these stupid comments and I'll have to start rejecting them because they're just stupid.
these harleys will be electraglides, model flhtp 96 cubic inch fuel injected with a 6 speed transmission with pursuit package.cannot wait to see one onnthe road
I think it would be fair to say that the taxpayers pay enough already for the take home vehicles. I see them out everywhere. I don't mean to complain, however with the gas prices the way they are and rising each week, they should drive those cars only while they are on duty.
Actually, gas prices have been coming down, not up. Nice try though.
If Sheriff Lewis thinks it good for his departemnt that is good enough for me. About a month ago a car was stolen in my neighborhood and a police officer from another agency was called and he treated the victim like he was the criminal. the next day i called Sheriff Lewis and told him what happened. he was very upset and said he would make sure it was corrected. about a week after i talked to Sheriff Lewis i got a call from the other agency and the problem was taken care of. Mike Lewis in my mind is one of the best law enforcement officers in America not just Wicomico County. This man has put the Sheriifs department on the map and they are leading the fight against crime. Mike Lewis will go down in history as one of the top crime fighters in the nation. Sheriff Lewis you keep up the great work. you have my life time vote as long as you run for sheriff.
Herleys? For every day, hi-mileage drivers? They better go after a motorcycle brand that is more reliable and cheaper to maintain. CHROME DON'T GET YA HOME!!
Great debate!
I think it's a useful tool for highway enforcement,and the savings recouped by using less fuel are evident.Y'all are gonna boo me,but I do agree with Rice Burner-it doesn't HAVE to be a Harley however if they are donated then by all means ride Harleys!
why not invest in bicycles and re-open the sub stations, this would make a difference (no gas)
Great work Mike, the more crime fighting abilities you can get the better you serve the county. Too bad City counter parts don't have either the want, desire, or apparently the ability to give their people the most up to date tools to fight the increasing gu and gang crime. Anyone wanna guess where the drug bust money goes from hard SPD interdiction work?, not to getting new stuff/tools for the officers that's for sure...they sure could use some new equipment...oh yeah i thought at some point they were getting a pay raise, oops wrong about that that was what they should've gotten
Just a little FYI for all you "hooray for buying American bikes rather than rice burners" crowd.
Just like those "made" in America autos HD sources a lot of parts from outside our borders. Lots of Asian parts go into the building of their bikes.
Conversely, some of the rice burners are manufactured in America. Honda has a big plant in Marysville, Ohio where all the Goldwings are assembled.
Why just this last weekend I was several hundred miles away from home. Having traveled by motorcycle (a European one) I felt the need to stop in at bike shop to collect a pin with the city name to commemorate the trip. The pins were all under glass so they couldn't be handled prior to purchase. On the back of the tag it was mounted on were the words "Made In China" in big bold letters. This was under the premier American Motorcycle Company's license and logo.
Made in America is a myth now.
For those of you that don't get it, it ain't what you ride, it is that you ride. Rain or shine.
Oddly enough, during my ride to the destination, a popular MC venue, I spotted many a trailer queen HD being towed rather than ridden. What a shame.
There are obvious pros and cons to this. Yes it would save in gas on the nice days! Invest in just 2 or 3...see where it goes, test it out. Its worth a try! But I don't think its fair to ask these guys to drive them in the rain, or the snow...whether its 2" or 2'! Having the bikes donated is great, but fundraising is not needed! WCSO has plenty of money to slowly change there fleet of cars to black and whites they have the funds to get whats needed to get a few men/women on bikes!
For the record...I dont think its fair that when someone doesn't agree with Mike its always blamed on the ones he "didn't hire"..its lame! Just as lame as Chiefy not being able to take a hit! Many people on here don't use there names. Whether its good or bad, who cares there are many people who don't support Mike, and many more who don't support Barrie or Webster...it's a fact of life!
Hey the schools have to raise large amounts of money to support its programs why cant the sheriffs Dept do the same.
I hop[e he does not want sidecars to go with the bikes...
7:46...I am not saying they can't raise the money...I just don't think it is necessary! They have the funds to do it without fundraising! If it was necessary and funds were low, than fundraising is a great idea.
Boy once again another way Mike Lewis is trying to make the Sheriffs office just like MSP!!! Everyone thinks he is such a great leader, what happened to all the changes he was to make when he came into office. For example getting rid of all of those "high paid, lazy a**es" he has helping him run the place, that most of his deputies can't stand, what does he do???? He promotes them so that they can be even higher paid lazy a**es. If he hadn't promoted them all and they all got those large pay raises then there would be no need to try and raise funds to equip these bikes they would have the money. Don't be fooled ladies and gents, sure you have a great law enforcement agent but you also have a man that is after any little bit of publicity he can get and I use to think Hunter Nelms liked the spotlight, Mike Lewis has him beat by a mile. Go on the internet and find the salaries for some of his "bike riding buddies" and that will make you think twice about these bikes.
Hey 2:56 look who he did hire... mc..
never mind, broken record.
anon 1:48 sounds like a un-happy deputy?
148 sounds like an unhappy soul. I hope you are not a parent and you surely are not a responsible adult. It sounds like your life is full of despair and tragedy. Try to live a life of prosperity and happiness and perhaps you will see things in a clearer light. I would encourage you to seek out your demons and challenge them with clarity and faith. Hiding behind a computer adds sympathy to your state of mind. You need some spirtuality so you can fulfill your destiny and enjoy it to it's fullest. Maybe you should contact Mike Lewis and have a civil dialogue with him about your concerns. This would enable you an opportunity to mature and be a vital part of society. I will pray for you.
I hope Barrie runs for Sheriff...she has my vote!!
I have a suggestion for you...Why don't they share those cars and stop riding around with their family's. That would save more than enough in gas to pay for the equipment. I'm sure you will have a problem with that but it makes sense to the taxpayers.
Phenomenal idea! I support it completely. People are whining about the $1300 in tax money to dress these bikes but we'd save more than that in just a year alone through the extra MPG's from having motorcycles
Justin my dear...did you take a moment to think about all of the other expenses? You definately have the mentality that Mike, Joe and all of those clonies are looking for? What about the insurance, radios, sirens, windshields,maintenance,helmets,and the list goes on...then Mike will come up with all of those fake benefits and how they made this incredible difference and how they made the Sheriffs Department so successful and all that other bullshit....then he will ask us to pay for ten more and ten more and ten more until they all have not only a take home police car but a motorcycle too so they can wake up and say...well honey it looks nice out today, I think I may take the Harley to work. Come on Justin...get some oxygen to your brain.
7:49 i agree..I for one am tired of paying for all of their kids to go to baseball practice and to the grocery store. This is not for just the Sheriffs Dept..it is all city and county vehicles. I pay for my own gas and so should they.
Maybe you should contact Mike Lewis and have a civil dialogue
ha ha ha ha please tell me the greatest leader of all would make an appointment with me to talk about our differences. OMG there is no open door policy with the mighty mike, who are you kidding. I would much rather work for Hunter Nelms..I hope he runs again.
By By Mikey..
anon 4:32 I see you have a problem with someone else hiding behind a computer but you were anonymous...
as Joe would say sign your name and stop being a p--sy
I don't think taxpayer money will even be needed with all the drug arrests WCSO is making these days,forfeited property can cover costs.
Goverment vehicles are usually self insured, meaning the govt pays out of pocket for any crashes so there would not be a cost to tax payers unless there was an accident where the govt vehicle was at fault. Salisbury is that way, not sure about county govt vehicles.
i support 100 percent..
anon 825-i will pray 4 u 2-hope u or just young and dumb and grow up eventually
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