While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old Texas rancher whose hand was caught in a gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Obama and his bid to be our President.
The old rancher said, 'Well, ya know, Obama is a 'post turtle'.'
Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post turtle' was.
The old rancher said, 'When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle'.
The old rancher saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued to explain. 'You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he is up there, and you just wonder what kind of a dumb ass put him up there.'
LOL! Too true! I'm not a McCain fan or a Clinton fan either. In fact, you could say I'm an equal opportunity bigot when it comes to politics this year--I hate them all equally! Race, sex, and religion doesn't matter; they all suck!
So true. How in the world did he get this far? There had to be MORE qualified persons to run. Its almost like it was Fixed. I listen to his speeches on world events and he really cant carry on a conversation - he stutters and repeats himself because he really does not have the knowledge!
"How in the world did he get this far?" -- It's called democracy...the people have voted for him, and in all honesty...although i don't like him i think he's the best candidate between the two in it.
They neither one are qualified , but we the people elected them into the senate which makes them eligible candidates , so we reap what we sow!!!
We live in a semi-democracy, we hope we live in a "free" country and we know we do not. We hope that the people we elect will represent us, and they usually fail miserably. They manage to keep a few election promises, and that seems to be all that is possible.(no one requires them to perform)
My hope is that if Obama does only one thing while in office, it is that he gets Congress off their butts and makes them work for a living, the Congress are malingerers and a plethora of other negative adjectives in my opinion, (but no one requires them to work), we should worry about the Congress, and the Supreme Court.
WE are the government, sadly, we do not do anything about it.
It is very clear that $4.00 gas is not going to be protested in this country, it is clear that we are complacent, it is very clear that two people are now "nominees" and most people do not like either of them. Why? because people did not vote in the primary...when they had choices. So, do not complain if you do not vote.
I do not know who to credit for this quote...but it is one of my favorites.
"Democracy is not a spectator sport"
We the people elect these idiots into the senate which allows them to become eligible to run for other offices. We reap what we sow!!
I have to live with who I vote for, I'm voting for Ron Paul
Obama for President!
HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Truer words have never been spoken! Most of our illustrious politians are "post turtles"! I say clear the slate and start over!
""How in the world did he get this far?" -- It's called democracy...the people have voted for him,..."
If you think he got this far because "the people voted for him," you probably believe we should vote at this election to exercise our "right to free choice."
No, Obama is a machine politician, and is there because his handlers and sponsors expect him to do "good" work---- for them.
The multinational corporations control the game board. Doesn't matter who you vote for...
they win.
We need third, fourth, fifth and sixth parties. The "political system" has rigor mortis.
Stick a fork in it.
Anonymous said...
Obama for President!
8:14 AM
Just like obama you are a LOSER!!
noname said...
"How in the world did he get this far?" -- It's called democracy...the people have voted for him, and in all honesty...although i don't like him i think he's the best candidate between the two in it.
7:08 AM
Hey noname you are a post turtle dumbass if you think Barrack Osama is the best candidate.
It sure is going to be funny to see what all the Obama haters have to say when he becomes our next president. It WILL happen people so you better start getting used to the idea.
Obama, Obama, Obama....... The problem with most of you is you won't see the forest for the trees. I will support Obama, because for once in my life I feel like my voice will be heard without retaliation. I hope he goes in and cleans house.
White, female, business owner voted republican last two elections
I'm smart, politically conscious, a pretty decent person, and will be voting for Obama. At least with him we get a chance for a change, if not a guarantee. With McCain, there is a guarantee of a continuation of the Bush administration, and look how well that is doing for us! All you have to do is ask yourself one question: are you better off now than you were 8 years ago? If the answer is "yes" vote for McCain, if it is "no," vote for Obama. Every other question is just background noise.
Anonymous said...
Obama, Obama, Obama....... The problem with most of you is you won't see the forest for the trees. I will support Obama, because for once in my life I feel like my voice will be heard without retaliation. I hope he goes in and cleans house.
White, female, business owner voted republican last two elections
9:51 AM
Barrie, quit lying!!!
Weren't you supporting Billary?
Barack Hussein Obama
10:23am My name is Melissa Malone and I live in Delmar DE. I wouldn't even think about living in the city of Salisbury.
10:24 so if his name was John Smith you would vote for him right?
To all you Obama lovers, I have some Kool Aid for you!!
with-out the young people this guy would have disappeared a long time ago. if we elect this fool the country is screwed. this guy is bought and sold like a navy dock whore. corporate capitalistic power devils own him. hes a joke...
Anonymous said...
10:24 so if his name was John Smith you would vote for him right?
10:30 AM
You just don't get it do you moron. He has a Muslim name and associations with terrorist. I guess. I guess you forgot his association with his spiritual advisor for his campaign, Jeremiah Wright. Remember him, the anti-American racists that hates white Americans. The one that said we deserved the terrorist attacks. Yes, this is the church Obama attended for 20 years. Yes this is the same guy I want to be my president. NOT!!
Only an immoral dumbass would vote for this terrorist. Well I guess that will be the majority of all Dumbocraps!
Jim Jones is as old as Mccain, and just as lively.
"Hey noname you are a post turtle dumbass if you think Barrack Osama is the best candidate.
9:32 AM"
Hey anonymous, reread my post you dipshit! I stated that between the two nominees, Obama (in my humble opinion) is a better candidate than McCain. If you think that means I want him as president, you sir/ma'am, are a bin steaming ignorance. Thank you
To the last few posts, all I can do is sit in awe at the bigotry! Do us all a favor and drown yourselves immediately!
noname said...
"Hey noname you are a post turtle dumbass if you think Barrack Osama is the best candidate.
9:32 AM"
Hey anonymous, reread my post you dipshit! I stated that between the two nominees, Obama (in my humble opinion) is a better candidate than McCain. If you think that means I want him as president, you sir/ma'am, are a bin steaming ignorance. Thank you
To the last few posts, all I can do is sit in awe at the bigotry! Do us all a favor and drown yourselves immediately!
11:23 AM
noname, you are obviously clueless. Obama isn't a better candidate. If you think so why?
I don't thing the other comments have anything to do about bigotry. You need to do your research better.
AMEN!!! 11:32
what the future holds, lower class economic slaves fighting to survive in a medieval, ugly and bleak world that so many science fiction stories have portrayed. in that hell their best opinion will be to rise up and revolt against the rich and powerful upper class. with such a prospect, global class war on a sick planet, prevention is a priority. for us, that requires paying much more attention now to economic inequality, economic injustice, economic apartheid and the many attacks on the middle class. if not, we get economic armageddon along with environmental disaster. april 26,2007
joel s. hirschhorn.
10:38 said
"... this guy is bought and sold like a navy dock whore. corporate capitalistic power devils own him. hes a joke..."
Well, that could be said about any presidential candidate in the last 20 years. Nowadays, all successful candidates are part of a LARGE corporation group. During the primaries, we were deciding who would be the mouthpiece for each corporation. Now we're just deciding which corporation to let run the country.
Yes. Obama is owned by power devils, but so is McCain.
Both Bush and his corporate buddies have made a HUGE mess of things in America. The basic reason for the mess is incompetence AND greed. The idea that America is a giant piggy bank to be stripped exploited is perhaps the worst thing about the Bush administration. That's reflected in our massive debt.
McCain refuses to distance himself from either the greed or the incompetence. It is imperative that he not win, lest we continue our downward spiral started by Bush 8 years ago.
As for Obama, he's a great mouthpiece for the other corporation. Under Obama, the White House will become an effective PR office. He'll be effective because he's good at convincing people to do things that they might not want to do....
The Democrats could have done worse in choosing (certainly better than last time), and it looks like there's now a clear path to victory.
im not a bigot u ass, i make all my decisions in life by thinking, apparantly at level you dont exsist at. i judge no-one by anything but his or her actions and comments. i give everyone the same oportunity to make a fool out of themselves. you seem to have that one down pack, "noname". find your mirror of life, stand in front of it and cry, then learn,grow and think...
"noname, you are obviously clueless." -- Making your assumptions based on absolutely nothing...I would return that comment back at you.
"Obama isn't a better candidate. If you think so why?" -- This is not the medium I would prefer to use to debate my political beliefs THAT in depth. I'm not looking for consensus in my beliefs either, which is why I made it a point to put the disclaimer "in my humble opinion" on my posts, unlike arrogant asses like yourself who think that your beliefs are the end all be all.
"I don't thing the other comments have anything to do about bigotry. You need to do your research better." -- If you don't think the kool aid joke wasn't racist, you're a fool.
to Doug Wilkerson...
"i make all my decisions in life by thinking, apparantly at level you dont exsist at.....you seem to have that one DOWN PACK" -- ROFLMAO...We have a winner!
"this guy is bought and sold like a navy dock whore."
Wait... Isn't that McCain???
McCain was a charter member of the "Keating Five".
We should not forget that in 1991, he took the money and then "helped" Keating...
Now THAT'S "bought and sold"!!!
What has Obama done that's remotely close to that??
Melissa Malone said...
AMEN!!! 11:32
11:58 AM
Melissa what are you talking about?
Here is just a few reasons:
Barack Obama's Record
Record of Advocacy: Obama has worked to promote civil rights and fairness in the criminal justice system throughout his career. As a community organizer, Obama helped 150,000 African Americans register to vote. As a civil rights lawyer, Obama litigated employment discrimination, housing discrimination, and voting rights cases. As a State Senator, Obama passed one of the country's first racial profiling laws and helped reform a broken death penalty system. And in the U.S. Senate, Obama has been a leading advocate for protecting the right to vote, helping to reauthorize the Voting Rights Act and leading the opposition against discriminatory barriers to voting.
Housing: In the U.S. Senate, Obama introduced the STOP FRAUD Act to increase penalties for mortgage fraud and provide more protections for low-income homebuyers, well before the current subprime crisis began.
Predatory Lending: In the Illinois State Senate, Obama called attention to predatory lending issues. Obama sponsored legislation to combat predatory payday loans, and he also was credited with lobbying the state to more closely regulate some of the most egregious predatory lending practices.
American Jobs: Barack Obama introduced the Patriot Employer Act of 2007 to provide a tax credit to companies that maintain or increase the number of full-time workers in America relative to those outside the US; maintain their corporate headquarters in America; pay decent wages; prepare workers for retirement; provide health insurance; and support employees who serve in the military.
Obama has been a leader on educational issues throughout his career. In the Illinois State Senate, Obama was a leader on early childhood education, helping create the state's Early Learning Council. In the U.S. Senate, Obama has been a leader in working to make college more affordable. His very first bill sought to increase the maximum Pell Grant award to $5,100. As a member of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions committee, Obama helped pass legislation to achieve that goal in the recent improvements to the Higher Education Act. Obama has also introduced legislation to create Teacher Residency Programs and to increase federal support for summer learning opportunities.
Renewable Fuels: Obama has worked on numerous efforts in the Senate to increase access to and use of renewable fuels. Obama passed legislation with Senator Jim Talent (R-MO) to give gas stations a tax credit for installing E85 ethanol refueling pumps. The tax credit covers 30 percent of the costs of switching one or more traditional petroleum pumps to E85, which is an 85 percent ethanol/15 percent gasoline blend. Obama also sponsored an amendment that became law providing $40 million for commercialization of a combined flexible fuel vehicle/hybrid car within five years.
CAFE: Obama introduced a bold new plan that brought Republicans and Democrats, CAFE supporters and long-time opponents together in support of legislation that will gradually increase fuel economy standards and offer what the New York Times editorial page called "real as opposed to hypothetical results."
Federal Ethics Reform: Obama and Senator Feingold (D-WI) took on both parties and proposed ethics legislation that was described as the "gold standard" for reform. It was because of their leadership that ending subsidized corporate jet travel, mandating disclosure of lobbyists' bundling of contributions, and enacting strong new restrictions of lobbyist-sponsored trips became part of the final ethics bill that was signed into law. The Washington Post wrote in an editorial, "The final package is the strongest ethics legislation to emerge from Congress yet."
Google for Government: Americans have the right to know how their tax dollars are spent, but that information has been hidden from public view for too long. That's why Barack Obama and Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) passed a law to create a Google-like search engine to allow regular people to approximately track federal grants, contracts, earmarks, and loans online. The Chicago Sun-Times wrote, "It would enable the public to see where federal money goes and how it is spent. It's a brilliant idea."
Illinois Reform: In 1998, Obama joined forces with former U.S. Sen. Paul Simon (D-IL) to pass the toughest campaign finance law in Illinois history. The legislation banned the personal use of campaign money by Illinois legislators and banned most gifts from lobbyists. Before the law was passed, one organization ranked Illinois worst among 50 states for its campaign finance regulations.
A High Standard: Unlike other candidates Obama's campaign refuses to accept contributions from Washington lobbyists and political action committees
do you want more???
Melissa Malone
Uhhh. Doug. You realize that was a cut and paste from the Obama web site?
Maybe your kudos should be aimed at Obama.
That was not my own writing. It is what came from the Obama website. Please everyone go there and read over the issues section. You can see your issues, and what Barrack's plans are and what he has done in the past on the issues.
kinda feel like a smuck, but i knew that was well done. quess some one went to college to write. at least i reconized the proffessional writing. carma was talkin to me.
The Illinois senator speaks softly, but wishes to toss his big stick aside.
This short clip alone should keep him out of the White House.
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