The Wife and I took off this past Friday morning in the Urban Assault Vehicle and once again headed down to Cherrystone Campground in Virginia and met up with some friends and had a blast!
The rates have gone up slightly this year but it always seems to be worth it. One the way back we stopped at Trails End Campground in Horntown Virginia as we had been told lots were going really cheap down there and trust me when I tell you this Folks, I can see why! That place is a dump!
We have been considering purchasing a lot somewhere and simply park the Motor Coach there for the season and simply travel by car down there. Trails End, (on paper) sounded like a great deal. Driving through there I felt like Jed Clampit from the Beverly Hillbillies driving through the Hood!
Look, I'm NOT trying to claim to be better than ANYONE else but this place was a dump! There's obviously no property/homeowners association and normally I'm against those kind of things but when you see the mix/match of properties down there it makes you beg for such a thing.
Then we started thinking about what it would cost for a lot verses the gas and fee to stay at a place like Cherrysone and we'll take the daily fee over a fixed lot any day! If you've never been to Cherrystone, GO HERE and check out what they have to offer. It's only about 1 1/2 hours away from Salisbury and they have cabins you can rent for a very reasonable rate too. I believe they also have campers you can rent too.
Oh, one of the most impressive parts this year verses last year is that the cell phone/wireless card reception down there is like night and day now. I got all 4 bars on both the cell and the wireless card. I know, I know, you're not supposed to be concerned about stuff like that, until you have to moderate comments on your Blog. Sorry for the delays over the past 3 days but it was a great trip and we can't wait to go back again.
If you do that, you might encounter a lot of vandalism.
We had a waterfront in Delaware with a boat slip. Went down every weekend.
Our boat was stolen. It was NEVER found. Break-ins, you name it.
Good luck!
Joe you are not kidding, I went through Trails End once looking for large tracts, what a sh** hole, I couldn't get out fast enough, then when I exceded 10mph on the dirt road some what to be female gaurd with no teeth chased me in a 30 year old rusted chevette cut me off to tell me to get out, well she did not have to ask twice. This is a true story. They could make a horror movie about that place. btw, nice ride, how big is it?
She's a fourty footer. Thanks.
Joe try out Tall Pines! It's been consistently the best.
Chip Carper
Then what in the hell are you doing fighting all the time LOL, travel man, enjoy life, and CHILL..... life is to short Joe, you don't need this agrivation! You say you have calmed down, but it's a matter of time, you have a lot of enemies Joe, get the hell outta Dodge, enjoy your family and the greatest country in the world. I never saw you in a motorhome, I am shocked but happy for ya, I mean that. Your Ocean City friend
We travel in the Motor Coach far more than any of you know. The season has just begun and we didn't purchase this monster to let is sit in the driveway and look at it.
Let me close by saying this. I do what I do because I choose to do it. I spent 20 years working without a vacation, so even getting away for a long weekend is extra special. When we head to places like Disney Workd for 10 days, to me, that's a vacation. As I apreciate what you're saying, trust me, I'm happy, I'm enjoying my life and if it ended tomorrow I'll know, (as will everyone around me) that I did what "I" wanted to do.
You claim I have a lot of enemies. Let me assure you, I have more friends than I have enemies, that's for sure. I don't call them enemies either, I call them pussies because none of them are man enough to say it to my face.
Very well said Joe, I am happy for you, I mean that. Enough mush for a Monday, do what you do best then, eat thier ass's Joe. If you help in a small way to change Salisbury, and just one person votes for anyone but Obama, then you have served well. OC
Yeah, Albero has everything but a CB radio in that thing.
Joe I also visited cherrystone campground this past weekend and loved every minute of it. My husband and I have been camping there for about two years now and even though the rates have gone up its still worth the trip. We plan on visiting Killens pond in the future so I pray for the same experience.
I'm sorry your impression of Trails End was so negative. We have a place there, and find the atmosphere "shabby chic". It's getting more civilized because there is now a strong set of rules and covenants, and the property values are going up as well. We love that we get there, get out the grill and the golf cart, and let the festivities begin!
Try Tall Pines Harbor Campground in Sanford, VA. It's only a mile or two from where I live and I can tell you that there are campers there all year round! The campground is wonderful and they are expanding. I am sure you will enjoy being there.
joe, you gotta have a name, how bout "rollin thunder","blog master","joes mojo",or maybe simply "stella".
The last time I checked out Trails End, I could hear the Deliverance music playing in the background. What a DUMP!
Hey Joe no Trials End photos?? You could have saved the rest of us a trip down there..........
Remember the pool scene in Caddy Shack where the little girl screamed.."DOOKY"? But this was no Baby Ruth
I swear this happened at the Trails End Pool about 17 years ago.
Never did get back in that pool
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