June 19, 2008
For Immediate Release
For more information, contact
John Pick, City Administrator
(410) 548-3100
Greg Stevens
Utilities Division Chief
(410) 548-3185
*Wastewater Spill at the Wastewater Treatment Plant*
(Salisbury, Maryland) On Thursday June 19, 2008 between 1:00 AM and 4:26
AM there was an overflow at the Wastewater Treatment Plant final
effluent manhole. An estimated 48,140 gallons overflowed onto an
adjacent street within the plant.
Approximately 35,000 gallons of additional wastewater present in the
area of the overflow was pumped to an adjacent treatment tank and did
not reach the street. Plant personnel promptly responded to minimize the
impact of the spill.
The overflow has been reported to the Wicomico County Environmental
Health Department and Maryland Department of the Environment.
Health Advisory signs are posted on the Wicomico River from the City to
Upper Ferry. Sampling of the river will occur this morning.
“We regret very much that this latest incident occurred,” said Mayor
Barrie Tilghman. “The incident occurred during the start-up of one of
the new filters at the waste water treatment plant. John Pick and I have
scheduled a meeting with the Public Works staff and the construction
team on this project to have an in-depth discussion of this incident and
to do everything possible to ensure that our transition to the new plant
moves forward and that this type of incident is not repeated.”
For additional information contact, John Pick at (410) 548-3100 or Greg
Stevens at (410) 548-3185.
Barrie always regrets something. No more than we regret her ever being elected as mayor. It won't happen again.
Isn't this the same thing she said the last few times there were major spills?
So is this lucky number 4? Sure it wasn't contaminated because Barrie got drunk and fell into the river?
Sure smells like S*** to me mayor
How much did we spend on this plant? It's too damn much when the damned thing doesn't work! Time to fix up SBY from top to bottom.
Where is WET? Where is whatshisface from Foxchase, Mr. Environment? Where is the EPA that Wayne Gilchrest promised would be looking into this since 2 years ago. Where is the law when you need them.
Folks downriver, hire a lawyer, file a class action suit against the city. I'd rather us go bankrupt fighting for what is right than giving it away to developers.
Great, there goes one of my favorite fishing spots for a while...
Please tell me this lying woman is not going to get on TV and say "I TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY". If I hear that one more time I'm going to puke in her martini.
Hey, if this keeps up Gary Comegys will get his wish. We can do away with the bridges, we'll all be able to WALK ON WATER, be sure to wear your muck boots.
PS Anon 1:17 that guys name is Mike Pretl.
OMG, here we go AGAIN. Mayor, enough is enough. AND, we are sick of your damn excuses. You need to go downriver right along with the rest of the s**t!!
Isn't Pretl a FOB? Thought I had seen them somewhere at a meeting or something together
Anonymous said...
Isn't Pretl a FOB? Thought I had seen them somewhere at a meeting or something together
1:57 PM
Yes they are good friends. He was pro TIF and encouraged the development of the old mall. Funny how he didn't even live in the city limits.
Pretl is a dipstick with a law degree.
so the website the poster lists doesnt exist?
how much are the condos overlooking the feces ... err river again?
I have an answer to all the troubles at the SBY WWTP, with all the crap in the Wicomico River, they go pump as much as they can to Johnson Lake and use it as a hold tank. That way the Mayor can sit on her porch with John Pick and Gary Comegys and smell the sweet odor that it gives off.
Why email John Pick or anyone else involved with the city administration? You will never in 100 years get a straight answer, you'll just get more s**t. We've got enough of that floating in the river already.
I got a reply from Waterkeeper and noticed email addressed that Scott Edwards copied on the reply. Maybe we should be filling all their email boxes with whatever information we have, collectively.
Michelle Merkel- MMerkel@waterkeeper.org
Kathy Phillips - coastkeeper@actforbays.org
Scott Edwards - sedwards@waterkeeper.org
Do I recall correctly that the Mayor and Comegeys are big deals in the Md. Municipal League.
Could they have enough political muscle to keep the Md. Dept of the Environment from coming down on Salisbury like a ton of sewage?
It certainly sounds like they pump more sewage into the river than they retain in the treatment plant.
It is starting to sound like they need to change the name from the WWTP to the WWRP(Waste Water Redistribution Plant).
Is there anything still alive in the Wicomico River? Is there a possibility we could move the plant to Johnson's Pond?
At the rate this is going the Jaycees can suspend the 4th of July fireworks. We can all then go to Brew River and watch the river glow in the dark!
MML will be meeting in OC next week. Bet this will be a MAJOR topic of discussion. I think the city should buy one of the condos and make the mare and her monkeys live in it with the windows open and no a/c. Maybe that would wake her up!
Anonymous said...
Pretl is a dipstick with a law degree.
2:15 PM
Pretl ought to take that dipstick and pry the gunk off his teeth. Reminds me of a blogger with a law degree. Call the Hazardous Response Team for the proper removal of that gunk also. Why do such intelligent people neglect their teeth like that?
Anonymous said...
I have an answer to all the troubles at the SBY WWTP, with all the crap in the Wicomico River, they go pump as much as they can to Johnson Lake and use it as a hold tank. That way the Mayor can sit on her porch with John Pick and Gary Comegys and smell the sweet odor that it gives off.
2:19 PM
Steve, the mare already smells the odor from bubba now, he lives in the same neighborhood except he bought gravefront property. It was the only thing they would give credit for a bankrupt, deadbeat dad.
Anonymous said...
MML will be meeting in OC next week. Bet this will be a MAJOR topic of discussion. I think the city should buy one of the condos and make the mare and her monkeys live in it with the windows open and no a/c. Maybe that would wake her up!
3:06 PM
The mare already smells that when she wears a dress.
With all the other items of human waste, human blood from funeral homes and medical centers, and lets not forget used comdon's and female tampons, chicken blood and animal waste run off from the City Zoo from all the city drains also hit the Wicomico River. This should all placed in Johnson Lake for Barrie and lets not for get Canal Park Pond for wezze to smell.
Meanwhile Barrie is helping the Dunstens get out of a debacle on Church Street. It's time to load the armor piercing rounds Cap'n. Joe.
Anyone for getting a sign-carrying demonstration against Barrie and Gary going at MML in OC next week?
Those two think they are all-that-and-a-bag-of-chips. They are nothing and have led this City into dispair and disrepair.
I like the idea of a protest, I like the idea of the (failed) re-call, I like the idea that citizens are finally fed up.
That translates into alot of talk on the blogs but not much activity at the council meetings, or work sessions, or letters to the editor.
Folks, what is the problem? Why aren't you protesting here at home by attending meetings and speaking up? Afraid of Barry's reprisals? Well, I would be too, so, a leapord does not change it's spots, she will not become a better person or mayor because we attend meetings, or protest, she will continue to act as she does until someone she cares about (the governor or some governmental body) hangs her out to dry, publicly, so, keep up the letters to the enviornmental groups, and keep up the pressure on the Maryland Department of the Environment. That might work. It is probably all we can do until election time.
Next year when they have that spring get together, they should call it, "The Salisbury Crap Festival." Judging the biggest turd contest might be a tough call, some of that crap walks on two legs.
MML is the biggest political entity in the state far bigger and better organized than the association of counties. betcha they(Salisbury) have it smoothed over because the head folks of MDE will be there,(they always are) The protest idea will gain the most publicity because these spills will not be the topics inside unless banners and posters are present. Go for it!!
The people in MML love Barrie. She gives them something to talk about. She is known as the drunken mayor from Salisbury. Gary...well they don't think to much of him either other than he provides a good laugh. Idiots can't see they're laughing right in their faces.
I hope three of them don't ride together, that would be a quorum and a huge violation. Maybe Brenda is going with them to take notes.
Anonymous said...
MML is the biggest political entity in the state far bigger and better organized than the association of counties. betcha they(Salisbury) have it smoothed over because the head folks of MDE will be there,(they always are) The protest idea will gain the most publicity because these spills will not be the topics inside unless banners and posters are present. Go for it!!
10:06 PM
Uh.. you are wrong.. I have been to both numerous time and MaCO is far better of an organization and their conferences are top notch. You obviously have no clue as to what you are talking about.
I believe the protest signs will have significant effect especially when the Gov is due. But be sure of your legal rights and where you are because Matt of the Gov's staff will probably be with the advance sweep team to check on signs and protest groups and bully you into moving out of the visible press area. Great idea
6:33 Matt can bully all he wants, he'll soon find that the Constitution, law suits AND really bad publicity for O'Governor will go hand in hand.
If Bush can take it, this bunch of crooks can suck it up, it comes with the territory.
Now, someone please tell me, how many people are actually going to picket/protest? History proves people in this area don't stand up for much when they have to stand out front.
The signs should read WWTP STINKS!
My original comment is gone so I'll try this I'm sorry Barrie you're doing a great job and us in the county can't wait for you to take over Mr. Ricks' job.
Chip Carper
Hebron, Md
PS: You're still a LIAR!!!
Barrie Tilghman stands a snowballs chance in hell of ever being elected to anything in the county. There are far to many of us out here that despise her and see her for the lying, conniving, crook that she is. Leave her in the city, better yet, give her a one way ticket to some island where they keep off shore accounts.
F' her, let her eat cake, watch as she shoves it down that Pie Hole
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