Agnes Cooper Dennis reads a residents letter of complaint against John Wade.
Princess Anne Police Chief testifies to Election Board.
Election Board votes unanimously to disqualify John Wade.
The mystery man John Wade of, well, who knows where, was disqualified as a Candidate by the Princess Anne Election Board.
With the assistance of the Princess Anne Police and the Maryland State Police by way of the States Attorneys Office informed the Election Board that Mr. John Wade did in fact have a valid drivers license. HOWEVER, his valid license is in the state of Georgia, NOT MARYLAND!
The President of the Princess Anne Commissioners said, "We Trust But We Must Verify". Truer words couldn't be better spoken. Jay Parker stated that it was a sad day when Officials can no longer simply trust applicants.
The Police Chief came to today's meeting and testified that he had spoken with the State Police who verified Mr. Wade's drivers license was in fact from Georgia and NOT Maryland. That was enough for the three panel Election Board, Agnes Cooper Dennis, Kelly Salyers and Barbara Long to deliver a unanimous vote to disqualify John Wade as any kind of candidate for the District 1 Seat.
As many of you know, I have been working on this story for several days. I made contact with every MSM News Source in the area and every one of them refused to get involved, till today. Once they found out the Election Board was in fact taking this matter seriously, WMDT came to today's meeting and just couldn't believe this guy was even running.
Perhaps in two years Mr. or Mrs. Wade can try again AFTER getting valid drivers licenses and prove they're living in their older home in Princess Anne, rather than their home in Delmar, Maryland. You will also see this information in tomorrows Daily Times as I contacted them personally to make sure everyone is aware they shouldn't waste their votes in tomorrows election.
You guys went after this justifiable cause like a duck on a june bug. He is probably selling everything and movin to Bishops Head.
Looks like a brother cant catch a break round here
Good job, Joe! Now, if you could get the goods on Barrie, Gary, and Louise, Salisbury could get cleaned up too! No need to do anything about Shanie; the next election will take care of her, and if the others are thrown out, she'll decide Terry and Debbie are her best friends, uh, huh, dat's right!
This is so unbelievable that Mr. Wade would even get this far without anyone verifying his drivers's license and residency. For not being truthful, for sure I would never vote for him even if he does return in two years!
There is hope!
Send the investigators 15-miles south to roust the crooked X-Councilman and City Manager.
Score one for the good guys! Hoooooray!
"Looks like a brother can't catch a break around here"
I hope you are being sarcastic. If you aren't, then use your common sense to realize that skin color doesn't make you immune to the rules and regulations of society. He could be white, yellow, purple, or blue... a fact is a fact, and a driver's license in MD is what John Wade doesn't have.
Tell those Carpetbaggers to pack it up and get out of Dodge!
Blogged him like a baseball bat!
we been listening to rules for 300 years
Dont stop it here Joe...remember our Dumbocrat Gov has appointed him to the liquer board and he is on the Countys Planning and Zone commission so looks like he has been playing the game for some time. Maybe we can get his Georgia Peach A$$ out for good and save the people some headache cause you know it will be a racist NAACP issue by the morning always is doesnt matter if he lied or not somehow the man will be to blame
Problem is you think you are above the rules ANOM 9:01, you think the wold owes you a living and everything else. GET OVER IT! The Indians did.
Anonymous said...
This is so unbelievable that Mr. Wade would even get this far without anyone verifying his drivers's license and residency. For not being truthful, for sure I would never vote for him even if he does return in two years!
7:52 PM
How do you think BUBBA got re-elected??? Because noone verified the residency of the New Jersey students living in off campus housing!! DUH!!! Our elections board is lame and the elections in the Bury are controlled by the slumlords.
To : 9:01 pm
Every country has had rules and will have rules .These rules have existed for thousands of years.
The counties that have few rules
are run by the military , most
are African nations.They rape and kill for fun.Think about it , idiot!
John Wade is not a member of the Somerset County Planning and Zoning Commission. I do not know about the Liquor Board.
To 9:01pm
You have been listening to rule for 300 years. Why haven't you been following the rules? Idiot!
you are a bunch od racist mofo's
why you tryng to keep a brotha down like that???
he said he lives here why don't you believe him?????
its just whitey trying to keep the black man down again
you white muthas are gonna git yours when WE win an obama makes the white house black...
just wait you racists mutha f**rs im gonna kick you ass and do your wife an you wont be able to do nuthin but watch
yeah you know thats right my man.
John Wade disqualified? Thats it, I'm sellin it all and movin to Bishops Head!
They uncovered your undercover brother!
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