I walked to the front and looked down Market Street in Both directions, nothing.
This really teed me off that someone just drove over 50' onto my property and locked his truck & left. After Eastern Shore Gas caused over $100,000.00 in damages that we are still trying to collect on, we have posted NO TRESSPASSING signs that require ANY utility person to SIGN IN with the property owner.

I did a slow burn and called the Pocomoke City Police Dept to file an official complaint and have the truck towed.
If you look its not like the guy was a few feet off the alley, he just pulled all the way in.

Look at this picture, he is right next to my garden.
A few minutes later a PCPD squad car pulled up with a black guy in the back who got out, was uniformed and walked up to me and apologized profusely. He said "I was just reading meters, you must be the new owner I have been parking here for years..." to which I told him Mister you are totally full of shit, I have owned this house almost three years, the one next door for 20 and you have never parked here before. I went on that he was NEVER to park on my property again. The cop told him he was lucky that she found him or the truck would have been towed. (I have no idea how she found him)

He got in his truck without even taking the no trespassing notice and sign in sheet I had placed on his windshield down and sped away. Our property is next to the old Fire Station with room to park 200 cars and the Market Street Exchange building with 250 marked parking spaces... But this guy HAD to pull into the MIDDLE OF MY YARD and give some lame BS reason that was a total and complete lie.
My wife thinks he was up to some hanky panky with one of the nearby housewives but who really knows.
Does anyone think it's normal or proper for a utility company to pull into the middle of your yard and then just walk away without saying a word?
Is there anyone who can forward this to the CEO of DelMarVa power? This guy needs another job.
you should have thrown a brick thru the windshield, i know 2 wrongs dont make a right but would have been funny to watch him try and explain that to his boss!!!!LOL
Oh grow up , who cares, really. Is that all you have to worry about in the world. get a life, and for the record, I think your full of shit, since its easy for you say that to someone else.
This is standard policy. DPL backs into the driveway of each and every house in my development which are pretty close together. I remember when they use to walk down the street to each house and get the truck and the end of the street. Probably the union keeps them from walking. I'm sure there is something in the contract or billing is small print that gives them permission to come onto your property, how else would they read your meter.
I guess this property owner has nothing better to do or write up than some truck parked on his yard. Yes, he has a point - but wow, i can't believe someone would get this upset over such a petty incident.
call the salisbury office. it is not the custom of dpl to do this. meter reader was out of line and off doing something other than reading meters.
And you all thought "I" was bad! ROTFLMAO!
get a life bosshog...were bout other issues. just think of the BETTER things you could of been doing
A verbal request would have been in order here. I doubt the driver even thought he was annoying anyone. Utility meter readers often park at a convenient location and walk from there to complete a section of their route. This is really an over reaction and I think you will find that a condition of receiving power from the electric company allows them access to read and service your meter. I am really disappointed in this post from BossHogg, he has greatly damaged his credibility with this poster.
No Trespassing means No Trespassing!!! And yes Joe,You are this BAD!!!! Even Worse!!!!!!!!!!
Good thing this jerk didn't drive over the septic tank and cave it it!
I took care of my problem years ago by letting the air out of the tires.If there had been a second time, I would cut the tires.
The whole planet is out of control.
The utilitie companies have whatis called an easement (right of way)
that easemement gives them the right to come on private property for utility reasons. Generally
I have found they are courteous, and when asked tell you why they are there. If you have a problem with the utility company or it's employee's behavior, call them. Report this person obviously the vehicle was parked..and blocked your access to your property, however, it seems that your reaction though justified is a bit out of control.
Utility companies have an easement to be on your property to read your meter. They are not supposed to use your property as a parking lot while they read every meter in the neighborhood.
Probably just having a fling with some woman in the neighborhood, perhaps checking her meter !!
I understand what a utility easement is and have actually read the one affecting both of my properties.
If the utility company is at my property on business, no problem they have ALWAYS been very courteous.
I understand that they have the right to come onto my property to read MY meter.
This guy pulled his truck into a low spot on the yard which has awlays been a problem. WE don't drive or park there because of the chance of tearing up the yard.
Maybe nobody read that this guy parked in the MIDDLE of my YARD!!!
Then he disappeared.
Had I broken his windows I would have been in the wrong, same with slashing or letting the air out of the tires.
I checked to see if there was a legitamite reason for them to be parked there.
The man lied about having parked there before.
The property is posted with notices at or near the meters that any utility company doing work (Other than reading the meter) MUST sign in with the property owner.
If anyone noticed in the pictures the HUGE TREE STUMP that was our 250 year old heritgage tree felled by Eastern Shore Gas.
They cut the ANCHOR roots less than 3' from the trunk.
The tree went down with the first wind after they cut the roots and has caused over $100,000.00 in DAMAGES to my real property.
The City of Pocomoke does not require utility companies to carry ANY insurance for services performed on private property.
They (City of Pocomoke) told me we could tell the utility company to stay off our property and only perform work if we granted written permission. We have done so.
This truck was in the MIDDLE of my yard, not on the lines, not in the parking area, not in the driveway, heck we have given them the right to enter our property for business WITH US.
I really don't think that one person who has posted negative comments about this being a petty beef has suffered a six-figure loss due to gross negligence from a utility company who is backed by an openly corrupt city government.
Would you like some cheese with that whine????
i live in delaware,(delmar) and they come to read my meter. they are constantly speeding up my driveway and around my house. once the kids were in the back of the house and the guy slammed on breaks and skidded about eight feet in my driveway stones to avoid hitting them. d.p.l. spend the money so you can read the meters digitaly from the office.
Anonymous said...
Good thing this jerk didn't drive over the septic tank and cave it it!
12:19 AM
In a municipality with wate and sewer???
Hey Boss Hog are you a 911 conspiracy believer as well?
Hey Boss Hog are you a 911 conspiracy believer as well?
Should have removed the tires and left it sitting on blocks, might as well empty the gas too if it's on your property it belongs to you right?
easement rule is not for meter reading, its for repairs
I would be very upset if some lazy a** parked in the middle of my yard, for any reason. It is my yard. I feel bad that you had to deal with people making rude comments when it has nothing to do with them. I'm sure they would be right there whining if it happened to them.
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