First let me say I enjoy your page and I read it everyday. Thanks for keeping the good people of Salisbury informed about what is really going on in our city. I am writing about something that happened to me yesterday that just has me fuming and my first thought was your website.
I get home yesterday after work to find this wonderful pick slip attached to the front of my house, only to find a sweet note from the city complaining about grass growing between the cracks of their sidewalk......On and on about how its in violation of section 8.08 and on and on and on. Bottom line is please cut the weeds from your side walk cracks.

See How nice my yard looks!!!! See how much grass in the side walk we are talking about?
Now let me say, I am all about making our city look nice and I have NO problem doing my part. But please see the photo below of the house next door. This is their yard! and yep you guessed it no pink slip for them!.

See the Jungle I live beside! You gotta love it!
Thank you so much City of Salisbury for have your priorities straight! I am so glad you can see where your time really needs to be spent!
You will drive by today and see the grass in my cracks are removed and my neighbors yard keeps getting taller.
Thanks for the justice! and welcome to Salisbury
sounds just like my problem , i just purchased a house OUTSIDE the city limits of salisbury, during the time i was waiting for my settlement, i found a pink slip attached to my door from the C.O.S. stating my grass was surpassing 10 inches, even though it was not my home yet, i cut the grass without a problem.....only to find out IM NOT IN THE CITY LIMITS!!! good job c.o.s.
The city expects the citizens to do the upkeep of city sidewalks. Give this a try, call public works and ask them what kind of paint you should use on the sidewalk you are getting ready to paint?
They will quickly tell you that the sidewalk belongs to the city and you can't paint it, if that is so, they should take care of the overgrowth of their own damn sidewalks.
We have the same problem in our neighborhood. My husband mows the lawn twice a week. One night he did it a little later at night and ran out of time to finish "cleaning up" the yard. The next day, we had a warning about grass clippings on the sidewalk--not even the main sidewalk but the walk leading up to our house and it wasn't like they were covering the sidewalk, it was what I'd call a light dusting!
In the meantime, in our neighborhood, we have two houses that have grass a foot tall, as well as a house that's just...junky. Good thing the City of Salisbury has their priorities straight. Nothing like going after people who show they're taking care of their property. Total bull.
From my experience with Municipal Governments, they tend to pick on the citizens that they know will take action (such as the picture of of the citizen with the nicely cut yard) and those that they think are hopeless (jungle fever), they just fuhgetaboutit!
Too bad you're not a "Friend of Barrie" -- that's FOB for short. Looks like your neighbor is a member in good standing! can ride all around Salisbury and see grass that needs to be cut by none other than the City itself, but do they give themsevles a ticket or even cut the grass, I think not. And by the way, I have neighbors whose yard looks worse than that and they have never gotten a pink slip either.
omg I was walking down the road a couple of weeks ago with my kids and I saw a "second notice" on someones lawn to cut their grass and had consequences listed for noncompliance within 7 days of the notice. However, there was no date on the notice. And, there was no address on the notice. Who the hell is working for the city that they send out notices to people that list consequences for actions....yet leave out who they're giving the notice to and the date its been sent? Good luck enforcing it!!! MORONS!
Who owns that property that looks like a deserted lot? That will tell you the whole story. Next question, have you opposed Barrie Tilghman or any of her minions?
This is her SOP, start with little notes, next you'll have fines from SNH then Bill Holland will find structural violations like paint peeling in the eaves of the 3rd floor or something of not so great importance.
If you're not on her hit list they might have needed to fill a quota of citations written to justify additional staff since Barrie cut their request from this years budget.
id tell them to shove it up their asssssssssssssssssss...
Another tactic on a different topic by the city of Smallsbarrie.
I did not get any notice with my water, sewer, and trash disposal bill, that you could no longer have the "trash disposal"{ fee removed off the bill if you did not utilize this city service. (I have only been a city resident for 2 years) I did not pay this portion of the water sewer bill because in the previous year the city had ok'd since I did not utilize this service, I did not pay for it. (our taxes pay for our "trash pick up" whether used or not). Having come from the county I had alwways had a dump sticker.In trying to monitor my budget, I found it saves me a couple dollars to utilize the dump. Anyway, I got a letter from the city, that if I did not pay the 20.00 "trash disposal" fee, MY WATER WOULD BE CUT OFF!!!
What a bunch of Scumbags.
I have a house for sale.
Going to county or maybe even Delaware if I can find some other "sucker" to move into the 'shitty'.
I can relate...
Back when I lived in Doverdale we actually had snow one winter-I was the only one on the block who shoveled the sidewalk.But thats not the point lol
I had a car I was trying to sell and the tags expired on July 1st-On July 2nd I had a BHZ warning slapped on it.In the meantime,TWO houses on my street were boarded up,had grass 2 ft high and graffiti scrawled all over them.Seems that they belonged to Wicomico Housing Authority,who did not have the $$ to fix them and they were "EXempt" from the same standards as the rest of us.I personally emailed the Mayor and she more or less blew me off.Piece of advice to anyone renting-check a neighborhood out first (don't be fooled even nice looking streets have these homes!)and if ANY of the other houses are HA or Section 8,RUN-Don't walk-to another neighborhood.Occupied or not,those kind of areas are trouble.City inspectors will overlook the beer bottles in their yards(occupied) or tall weeds(unoccupied) to give YOU a ticket for a car that has sat there untagged for less than 24 hrs!
Anonymous said...
This is her SOP, start with little notes, next you'll have fines from SNH then Bill Holland will find structural violations like paint peeling in the eaves of the 3rd floor or something of not so great importance.
9:45 AM
You've got it all wrong dude, SNH(Salisbury Neighborhood Housing) is not code enforcement. That is a different agency from the city. You are thinking about Salisbury Neighborhood and Code Compliance and Bill Holland is not affiliated with them. He screwed up BHZ so bad they separated into BPI and NSCC, but they kept him as a department head. WTF!!
If I had a pink slip(undergarment), I would hang it on the pole in FRONT of my house to cite the city for 4 potholes that have NEVER been repaired since I've lived here. A truck did stop one day last week and put a (one) shovelful of patch on one of the holes.
A second slip would be needed for the CRUMBLED for centuries curb without handicap access. All thanks to my friend the snow plow.
I have had my dealings with the scum people of the Salisbury Neighborhood and Code Compliance. They do pick on people that they can intimidate or try to get money out of people. We need protection from them. For one thing- the first notice of violatuon should be by certified mail with signiture required. Not put a note on a door that could blow away in the wind.
And anyone can request "in writing" to Salisbury Neighborhood and Code Compliance and retrive information about any and all violations against a property.
I say we should all overwhelm them with requests.
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