Although it was nice and cool in the Fruitland City Hall building last night, there were warm receptions for many in the room, including myself.
Chief Jackson was stepping down and the new Police Chief Michael Phillips was stepping in to replace the distinguished and honorable Fruitland Police Chief Jackson.
County Executive Rick Pollitt wouldn't have missed this one in his lifetime. Rick goes back some 20 years in Fruitland and joining him was the distinguished Page Elmore, State Delegate. Both had very kind words to share and fond memories.
The new Fruitland Police Chief recently retired from the Maryland State Police and I'm confident Sheriff Mike Lewis and Chief Phillips will be working closely together to create a stronger Brotherhood in Wicomico County.
It was certainly a pleasure to meet all the kind people on the Town Council and I was pleased to learn most of them are huge fans of Salisbury News.
A personal Thank You goes out to retiring Police Chief Jackson and a warm Welcome goes out to the new Police Chief Phillips. All Officers seem very pleased with the new choice that was made and as Fruitland continues to grow I'm confident the Council won't give Chief Phillips the hard time the Salisbury City Council gives Chief Webster when it comes to pay increases and having a proper volume of Officers on the Beat. Then again, Chief Phillips won't bow down when it comes to what's necessary to professionally run a strong Police Department like some other Police Chief's we all know.
I don't care what you say, Fruitland is a beautiful Town. It's no wonder so many people are flocking there.
If you think it such a wonderful town you should do some research on how high their personal property taxes are and the cost of their of sewer and water.
The price of our city taxes is worth it when you want to live in a community as nice as Fruitland. I like having a police force I can count on if needed. As for the sewer and water cost, it was self explained in the budget.
This guy is going to need a good police force to clean all the dope out of Fruitland. Word is they have the most dangerous gang on the shore located down there, ABM.
Good luck Chief Phillips.
The biggest problem Chief Phillips will have to deal with first is "Ralph" who can't say a nice word about anyone. Ever since MP lost her election he hasn't had a nice word about anyone at city hall. Chief Phillips good luck, you'll need it!
Sorry but I live in Fruitland so I have to be anonymous
I've known Mike for a long time. I've called to congratulate him on his recent appointment and he is excited about the opportunity to serve such a great community. I know he will definitely be a "hands on" Chief. He will go out and get right in the middle of it. Leading by example is definitely one way to keep the morale high. Good luck, Mike.
Why can't Salisbury get a police chief like that?
If someone looks into Chief Phillips past they are going to find out he is one best Police Officers to every work on the Eastern Shore. Can't wait to see what he does for Fruitland.
His dad was a police officer too. I was his Sergeant and went to the FBI firearms instructors school with him. He's a good man too. It's easy to see where Mikes gets it.
ABM is old, old news 3:49. Most of those punks are doing time, the rest have gone to other sets. Most dangerous is TTP. They have been related to most shootings around the county.
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