On Tuesday between 2:00 PM and 3:15 PM there was a major malfunction to the flow control system at the WWTP which caused an overflow at a final effluent manhole. As a result of the malfunction, 10,000 gallons is estimated to have overflowed into an adjacent street within the Plant. Approximately 350 gallons of waste water present in the area of the overflow was pumped to an adjacent treatment tank. Plant personnel promptly responded to minimize the impact of the spill.
The Wicomico County Health Department and Maryland Department of the Environment are being contacted for reporting the overflow.
Health Advisory signs are being posted on the Wicomico River from the City to Upper Ferry. Sampling of the river will begin tomorrow morning.
For additional information call Mayor Tilghman or John Pick at, 410-548-3100.
Do you think they'll come back tomorrow and claim it was far less than announced, like they did the last time?
For the love of G-D people get this thing buttoned up. This is disgusting and should have been completely fixed after the first time it happened, if not before the first time! No wonder our Bay is in the shape it is in!
Frankly, it's disgusting that poo water is in any way connected to our precious waterways in the first place.
Ok Joe - I have a homework problem for you...
I just went to the MDE website (www.mde.state.md.us) and researched the spills in the Wicomico in 2008 & 2007 and found the numbers confusing. They show one spill (prior to this one) in 2008 of 4,800 gallons and three in 2007 totaling less than 12,000 gallons. It seems to me we have heard about a lot more spillage than this over the last two years...
How about some investigative reporting to get us the REAL answers???
The Tilghman Times is only reporting 350 gallons spilled in a news item on their website. It's no wonder that they would ignore 10,000 gallons. It's the kind of thing that Mare Barrie would do.
farm boy
I have decided that, instead of posting only critical post, that I will start posting some solutions to Salisbury's problems. My solution to the WWTP issue is "get rid of Mare Barrie."
Questions--Did the mare have her press conference today at 4:00? Was it to announce the WWTP spill because she knew yesterday it was bound to happen today? Not LOL. Seriously, did she have it and what was it about? I'm an out-of-towner who cares.
I think the Mare needs to blow up the WWTP and build a new one with her excess funding.
I wouldn't be suprised the spill happened earlier than that, as it smelled absolutley on my way to work this morning.
Here's one for Shameless ("Ain't no crime here) Shields:
Stabbing Victim Walks into Salisbury Police Department
06/15/2008 5:15 PM ET; Updated 06/16/2008 2:55 PM ET
SALISBURY, Md.- Police say a man stabbed by his own brother walked into the Salisbury Police Department on Sunday to seek help.
Salisbury police say the victim, along with his brother, walked into the lobby at around 4:15 p.m. The victim had an injury to the upper stomach and was treated by Salisbury Fire Department EMS, then transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center where he received further treatment and was listed in stable condition. The victim was identified as 55-year-old Bobby Lee Johnson of Salisbury.
Police say Johnson, and witnesses, told officers that during an argument in their home, Johnson was stabbed in the stomach with a kitchen knife by his brother, 56-year-old James Earl Johnson.
It is time for Wicomico County to take over all Water and Sewar in the County. This should have happened years ago! WTF is that 800lb gorilla waiting for. Do you think the RINO's on the County Council will do anything about it??
6:30 am and I can smell the excrement WITH MY DOORS & WINDOWS SHUT.
I'm sure there was only a 5 gallon spill.
Camden area resident.
It strikes me as ironic that Barrie's victory over Duke Shannahan was pinned on her criticizing his political ad with the 'no swimming' sign on the River. Barrie--it was and is true: YOU have killed our River.
When in sam hell is this going to stop?? I'm getting sick and tired of these spills occurring and nothing seems to happen!!Why not impose a heavy fine on the city or hire some competent management to oversee this potential threat to our environment?? Take some action!!!
This is great! I am just finding out about this and I let my dogs play in the river's edge last night. They should have to go door to door and notify every resident on the river when this happens.
It is a severe health risk.
riverside resident
A farmer has to notify his neighbors when he is going to spray his fields. The mayor doesn't have to notify anyone, that is so beneath her, she just lies to Greg Bassett about the size of the spill and he'll bury it somewhere in the times. If you don't read the paper...TOUGH, she considers it to be notification.
As for the county taking over CITY water and sewer...get a grip. Not everyone in the county is hooked up to that fiasco, nor do we want to be. If you bought a house because it has city services, I'm sorry for your choice.
Come visit the beautiful Wicomico River...just go way down stream cause the river, what's left of it, is dead in Salisbury. Lets just fill it in with some contaminated soil and build more condos IN the ditch. Hey, Bubba could get rid of those bridges. Especially the one that was fixed and hasn't worked right since. Wasn't he the senior engineer on that job?
Life in Da Bury, what else can be said?
Well, sure does look like John Jacobs is back again, but his new name is Caldwell??!! Guess we will never see the end to all of these over spills, even though we have put out big bucks for the new plant. Time to make big changhes at city hall and at the WWTP !!!
A. Goetz
But it is OK, as Shanie said at the meeting not long ago, they knew each other, hell they were related so thats even better, Right Shanie?
Wanda Disharoon
The daily slime got it half right. There were 350 gallons spilled...ON THE GROUND, the other 10,500 went right into the river.
Question for Greg Bassett. How much does Barrie Tilghman pay you to print the shit you print?
That sign needs to be waved as much as we can wave it. That's one thing, nobody will need to alter that photo because it's the real deal in real time.
I haven't let my dogs swim in that river in years.
They should post signs in the winter because people do take their dogs for a swim should have the right to know that there has been a spill and may endanger a dog.
Winter or not my two will break the ice to go for a dip if they want. If they didn't post the warning signs and my dog died from something like that, I'd be looking to sue.
There are a lot of dangerous waste beside's feces and urine, blood, chemicals of all kinds, cleaning supplies bleach etc., drain cleaners, tampons yada yada yada
Tim......Shut-up.....just Shut-up. You had me at tampons!!
Makes ya wanna go swiming huh?
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