This arson fire happened this morning at 3:57am on Susan Beach Rd in Delmar Del. 3 fire departments were on scene (Delmar, Laurel & Sharptown).
Delaware State Fire Marshals Office is working this as another arson case as it was another old empty house.
This make 7 arson burns in the Delmar / Laurel area in the past month....
Thanks to Wayne Barrall we were able to obtain the photos and video above. This is scary Folks!
Go here to watch the Video.
For more photos go to Fire In The Hole HERE.
That was my co-worker's (and good friend) grandmother's old house. She is extremely upset because even though her grandmother has passed away and the house was vacant, there were a lot of pleasant memories in that old house. I hope that whoever set this house on fire is caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!
Well, that'sone efficient way to get rid of these old abandoned houses. And I'm sure itwas some good training forthe Delamr Fire guys. Do you think thry'll ever catch this arsonist?
A. Goetz
Great pictures wayne. The video shows us just what the men and women are doing to protect us every day and night. Lets hope they catch this creep before he hurts someone. Joe keep us posted to the out come of these fires.
i wonder, has there been any insurance claims made on any of these homes?
All seems to fishy to me. All abandond homes? All set on fire? Looks like someone wants a cheap way to clean the Towns up or someone is in need of Fire Training. I shutter at the thought of it.
No one is trying to clean up any towns... All of these houses have been out of town limits and spread out between 3 towns.
As far as fire training.. There is not. Crews do not enter any of these burning building. They are old, empty, non insured and very damgerous to anter when an arsonist sets a fire.
As far as a fire fighter setting them.. no one knows yet. Thats why the fire marshals office is working on the case. It is unfair to start saying that it might be a firefighter. That is just putting a label on some good people. Please wait till we catch the peron or prople that are doing this. Then who ever it might be then give them hell. But lets wait till then to do so.
Arsonist are very mean people. They set fires for many reasons. They might like fire, might like seeing fire trucks, might set traps to hurt firefighters entering the burning structure and so on.
If you see something burning, look around and see who all is there, what cars are hanging around. We need to catch this person or people soon.
But please do not say its a fireman until the facts are out!
Thank you...
Wayne Barrall
Fire in the Hole
just to inform everyone, this house has only been abandoned for 1 month. I know this because I just moved my mother out there in May. Although it was not in great condition it was not run down and did not appear to be run down from the road. someone knew that there was no longer anyone living in this house. nodasil@hotmail.com
Wayne Barrall, thank you for your comment. It is the most common sensical way to approach this situation. Don't cast blame, wait and see the outcome. The sad thing in all of this is whoever is doing this is just seeing old abandoned houses. I see older homes with character and the ability to be rehabilitated to livable conditions. Not everything new is better. These older homes were built in a time where tradesmen took pride in their work, unlike today. Today's new homes are slapped together as quick as you can get financing then the builders don't want to stand behind their work. Walls that are off center, bowed to the point they shim the chair rails. Walls that have so many nail pops its ridiculous. It's just so sad to see a structure purposely burned for no good reason at all. Whoever is setting these fires, is beyond therapy, they need JAIL time and LOTS of it.
Thanks for your hard work and commitment Wayne. May God watch over you, your family and the brotherhood of first responders forever.
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