There has been much discussion between Michael's Blog verses mine and what the "most influential Blog" means to us. Our opinions differ quite a bit but I'd like to state a couple of things here for the record.
If we are to take the past several day as an example and look at the difference in influence, the numbers do NOT lie. As of the 13th of this month Michael has received a total of 14 comments on ALL of his Posts. Salisbury News, however, has received a total of 809 comments in that same time period. I'm only talking a 5 day period here, the 13th through the 17th.
Now do I agree with the Blog Net News Rankings? Absolutely not! Do I believe Michael's Blog deserves to be in the top 10? Absolutely not. No disrespect Michael but really, you get next to no hits, you get next to nothing in comments and like I said in an earlier comment, I don't believe Michael is drawing in a ton of Democrats to his Site and converting them to the Republican Party. To me, that's influential. You DO however see that happening on Salisbury News.
I believe an Influential Blog is one in which ALL Parties can come together and review all sides and make educated decisions. As my comment also mentioned in a post, do you think Barrie Tilghman would be stupid enough to actually think she could win her seat as Mayor ever again? Heck No! However, what I wouldn't do to have her do so just to prove she'd be blown out of Office with embarrassment. Now that would be some kind of reward.
Instead, in today's Daily Times she mentions the Blogs, which is very similar to what former Council President Mike Dunn started complaining about before he chose not to run again. In the end he blamed it ALL on the Blogs. Michael, THAT'S INFLUENTIAL!
I'm NOT at all suggesting you don't have a fantastic Blog because you do. However, it's a Blog in which very few enjoy, (respectfully) as it is very verbose and you are more of an intellect. Certainly it has its place but to be in the top 3 or top 5 or even the top 10 Influential Blogs, I don't think so and that's just my opinion.
I know this Post is going to brings some harsh comments and that's cool. However, I truly feel everyone should look at what "influential" means and consider why those of us who put in countless hours running around to different events, taking pictures, covering stories and then another Blogger goes off of an e-mail he received and creates a Post about it and gets ranked in the top 5 or 10 simply doesn't seem fair to those people out there working hard for FREE.
Nevertheless, your opinion and posts are worthy Michael, don't take this one too harshly. Remember, when you comment, this isn't about Joe vs Michael. It's about influential and what YOU think matters? It's hard to argue 14 comments verses 809 though.
Don't forget to vote Andy Harris for Congress, OR ELSE! LOL
I had no idea you got that many comments and in only 5 days, that's impressive.
Michael's blog is wordy and I find it very difficuly to get past the second paragraph when I do go there.
I get my news here Joe and I am a loyal reader. For what it's worth, thank you. I have spoken to many friends about this blog and one of the most discussed topics we talk about is how you can be in so many places and only being one person.
You're right, Barrie has no chance and if it weren't for this blog exposing her she just might be getting away with a whole lot more for another four years.
I can be in many places covering things because I have great sources letting me know what's up, when and where. It's because "good people" care about getting the right kind of news and information out there, rather than selling ad space and subscriptions. Thanks for the support!
If only Barrie Tilghman knew of some of the people tipping me off, boy would she be pissed! ROTFLMAO!
I like my reading short and sweet too. However, I won't critique Michael's blog because that's exactly what it is, his blog.
I archive some music I used to have on record, 45's and 33's, or 8-tracks and then cassettes. It get's expensive trying to keep up with the new fad, now I have CD's and along comes the same music on DVD's. So I did the blog thing to archive music, don't have to clutter up my hard drive and am a click away from much of the music I've loved in my lifetime and can also share.
I get a few comments but Michael has me beat by a long shot. Here's to bloggers everywhere. Peace
Mr. Albero,
Please, tell me, are hits the comments you get or the number of people who log onto you blog to read it. I'm confused. Sometimes you refer to hits and today to comments.
Thank you.
Hits and comments are two different things. Thanks for asking.
I had to respond and wrote a post:
Maybe this will help explain OUR position in good old P-City...
It ain't about the hits or comments.
I should add. The 809 comments I mention are the comments I ALLOWED. I can assure you that another 200 or more were denied.
That being said as well, when I show Michael having 14 comments, 6, (or more) were Michael replying to someone else's comment. I'm not saying I too haven't participated in commenting on my own Blog but we're probably talking about less than 10 out of 809.
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