During the early morning hours of May 29th 2008, several individuals were in the Decatur Farms subdivision area of
Berlin when they were approached by another group of individuals in a vehicle. An altercation broke out between the two groups of people. During the assault, Michael Harry Mitchell (w/m, 19 years old, of Henry Road Berlin, MD) was struck by a blunt object and died as a result of the injuries he sustained. The suspects fled the scene in their vehicle.
The following suspects have been arrested with the above incident:
· Eric Ronald Hewitt W/M Age 19 Ocean City, MD
o Charged with 2nd Degree Assault
o Held on $75,000 Bond
· Fernando Angelo Musiani W/M Age 19
Berlin, MD 
o Charged with 1st Degree Murder, 1st Degree Assault and 2nd Degree Assault
o Held without Bond
· Dominic Richard Canale W/M Age 21 Ocean City, MD

o Charged with 1st Degree Murder, 1st Degree Assault and 2nd Degree Assault
o Bond is pending Hearing at District Court Commissioner Office
gas chamber
wow...what a difference from Salisbury...these are three
#2 males....odd for this area.
neither of these boys look hurt, if it was an altercation must of been all on their part!!! I agree with anonymous 3:43 an eye for an eye!
Are they in this country legally?
typical redneck losers. their parents are probably redneck losers too! they should all rot
Anonymous said...
Are they in this country legally?
4:35 PM
I was wondering the same thing.
I wonder if they were born here and are really "American."
Fernando Angelo Musiani - You may remember "Angelo's Italian Restaurant" in OC up on about 28th street. That was his grandfather, Fred.
Fernando's father is Angelo. Angelo is known to possibly have a temper also.
However, it does NOT give this "child" the right to take another life.
WCBI will do a great job gathering evidence. Let's hope all things go well through the courts.
Two of them could be from another country originally, but no matter, they deserve to be put away for life for such an inhumane act upon a local youth? What was the beef that caused this altercation anyway?
A. Goetz
maryland is to liberal they might do 15 yrs at the most, get out and do it again so they can go back to prison especially in maryland they love getting locked up and coming back they get treated so well theyd rather be in there than out on the streets. come on whats better than a free place to sleep free food 100% free medical coverage cable tv free exercise equipment and even a free college degree!!!! i love it you kill a human being in cold blood and you get all this special treatment. if we had an express lane to the electric chair like the state of texas by the way is not a liberal state we wouldnt have young punks doing things like this.
These three guys are not 'redneck losers.' They are, unfortunately, typical middle class white kids who have some sick obsession with being 'ghetto thugs.' Our schools are full of them. Dress like drug dealers, drive certain cars, etc.
This is by no means a racist statement of any sort.
These are the typical young punks whose parents have enough money to bail them out of the trouble they get into (and they have been POSs since they were in high school, based on personal knowledge).
I went to school with one of them
he's been in berlin/OC since elementary school. He was a dope he in High school.
As I often tell my children...A split second decision can change the rest of your life as well as someone elses'. In life there are no do-overs. These "tough guys" will be welcomed with open arms and(fill in the blank) at the Maryland House of Corrections.
The one boy's parents own a large busines in west oc. The others have struggling parents. They are all local " American" boys. Its a shame what alcohol can do , twist all these family's lives in a matter of hours.
I feel bad for all the parents involved here. We as a parents and as a community need to do more to get kids involved in productive activities to keep them away from violence and drugs and alcohol.
This is a classic example of a mixture testosterone and alcohol. Teenagers don't think , they react. Its terrible what happened here. One boy in a coffin ,one in the hospital, and three in a jail cell. When are kids going to learn that they are not invinsible. Hard price for all to pay for this lesson. I feel for the parents of all.
These were average kids and now look thier whole lives are going to change. God rest this poor boys soul who was killed.
Knowing the family of some of these boys, its so hard to imagine what they did. Tragedy all the way around. Only these guys know what really happened, the rest of us can only speculate. I hope justice is served any case.
Big daddy..hate to break the news..Maryland House of corrections closed this past year
Having known the three accused for many years, it is NOT hard to imagine that they did this.
After all, they are ABOVE the law. Just ask them.
Or their parents . . . who always bail them out.
Anonymous said...
These three guys are not 'redneck losers.' They are, unfortunately, typical middle class white kids who have some sick obsession with being 'ghetto thugs.'
7:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Big daddy..hate to break the news..Maryland House of corrections closed this past year
10:10 PM
It was just a figure of speach he was using.
Lovely, the mob morons are out in full force.
None of you, not one of you, was there. Therefore none of you know anything about what happened during the altercation.
There are many possibilities on the matter and the lynch mob ought to just keep its collective mouth shut until the matter is resolved in court. Let the witnesses that actually saw the incident have their say.
supposedly a ocean city paramedic housed the under aged party at which the murder occured. great public servant that is...
True.. no one knows what happened except for the ones involved. Fact remains that one person is dead because of all this, the rest will be sorted out later unfortunatly for the victims family.
Many people knew these guys, but weren't there. We don't know what happened.
update again.. Fred had a 1 million dollar bond.. but why did Dominic get refused bond? anyone know anything bout this. They were both charged with the same crime.
The boys now know the thrill of killing a real person. They enjoyed the rush. The blood zips through the veins so much like a climax- a feeling of superiority. Shooting a deer can't even come close to taking a human life. The boys feel like supermen and nothing can stop their race for the ultimate eternal mind explosion. I hope they will enjoy the few minutes of estacy as they pay for their deed in prison. Those older men will make sweethearts out of these boys. Good luck to them.We all make our own destiny.
Mob Morons? You mean the law abiding citizens that have never taken a baseball bat to someone's head? The situation is absolutely sad for all the families however, NOTHING short of the victim committing a horrible crime against a small child can justify the assault on him with a weapon.
Our youth are violent because they are so desensitized. The same video games they play are what the military trains to kill with. I realize we have freedoms in this country but as a whole we are out of control. Everyone doing whatever feels good, whatever they want at the time allows for a bad situation to get EXTREME very quickly.
As a parent of a young son I worry about raising him to be loving & gentle yet I dont want him bullied. I want him to be strong but not agressive. I want him to be a man & walk away instead of fighting. I cant imagine these parents wanting anyless. It is not unexcusable if the parents "bail" their kids out, whats bad is if they enable more bad behavior and blame someone else instead of teaching their sons to step up, take responsibility, and to not behave like that again.
I imagine all the parents are hurting! The difference is only one family will never be able to touch, hug, or talk to their son ever again. NOT MUCH makes that right.
That's nice I see the libreal bleeding heart dumbasses are also out in full force. I guess its a good thing these guys didn't run into you or your kid on the way home huh. Hey, lets let all the criminals out of jail. OPEN THE JAILS and let all the criminals out because we can't understand the poor criminals and street thugs.
The guys beat another kid dead with a baseball bat. Period. Gas Chamber.
Fernando is out on bail for the same charges as Dominic??? goes to show you what money in this town can do. 1st degree murder charges and he is out of jail after 1 day. unbelievable.
if these young men were drinkin at an adults home befor this murder, the adult will probably face charges as well. im sure this investigation is far from over. the court process will probably be moved to another location by the time it arrives. all involved will probably be convinced to take a lesser plea agreement from the states attorneys office. this will never go to trial.
To: the shadow 1:25am
I have to say I personally find your "sick" discription of what those boys must have felt while killing another human being discusting and beyond comprehention.
It was obvious to me you are speaking from experience about YOUR thrill of the kill, and when you compare it with extacy/orgasm/thill...ect just makes me wish Joe had not even posted your comment.
"the shadow", you were right about one thing...we all DO make our own destiny!!!
Angel, I am a retired professional soldier. I killed for the money- any country that could afford me.We were trained to kill using guns and any method available to us.It was dangerous work but the pay offered me early retirement.
Who ever said anything about the mob?Just because the kids name ends with a vowel doesnt mean hes in a mob family-good grief.Regardless of that,they deserve a harsher penalty then they will get in this state.
Pissed off Italian american
I understand were Shadow is coming from, I have been reading all the posts, and earlier today one of my sons friends, described to us what his friend describe as a gruesome and heartless act. ANGEL if you heard the details you would understand and agree with Shadow.
The way my sons friend told the story, sounds as if this boy was feeling some kind of Adrenaline Rush when he hit Michael. This kid had no pity for Michael, and will probably claim, insane at the moment of the crime. TO SAD, he probably will get it too.
Why was this kid not held without bail? Why is he allowed to enjoy his life why'll Michael has his no longer! I am sorry for Michael's family, and ask GOD to help them through this tough time.
I also ask God for forgiveness, I should not be judging anyone, none of us should, its just very painful to hear what happened and to know that the at least two of the individuals are out maybe smoking a cigarette, drinking a beer? Who knows just enjoying there life's period, they should be held behind bars with no bond until they have had some time to think and confess there faults, don't wait for GOD to judge you, it will be a lot worse.
Pissed off Italian American -
I brought up the term mob. Not in reference to "the mob" but in reference to the lynch mob mentality that has been present in this posting.
The references to responses being from liberals is abject bullshit. We have a justice system that presumes innocence until guilt is proven.
Fortunately the courts will hear evidence rather than having justice left to some lynch mob mentality.
Not one of the previous posters knows a friggin' detail about what happened. Three may have been charged but there was only one bat mentioned. It isnt' even clear who had it from what little we know. It also isn't clear who initiated the altercation. Other weapons present? Potential assault charges for others involved in the incident?
About the only sensible mentions here refer to the grief ALL of the parents must certainly be experiencing now.
BTW, as I see it from the latest news available all three are still in jail.
"Our youth are violent because they are so desensitized. The same video games they play are what the military trains to kill with."
What a load of crap. Blame the movies, blame the music, blame the video games all you wish but it's crap.
Why not blame the parents?
Mine taught me right from wrong. Mine taught me to accept consequences.
When it came to fights it was hammered home that it takes two to tango. Precisely why the courts need to hear the evidence.
Please someone explain how the two boys with the same charges don't get the same punishment.Please tell me it is not because of who the boys family is. To me if he went to his car unlocked the trunk and let the boy get the bat then he could have also stopped it from happening at all. He knew what was going to happen he took someone very precious from us. He deserves to be in jail. I hold him responsible he intended for this to happen or he wouldn't have let the boy get the bat out of his trunk.May God Have Mercy on His Soul . I can't. The life he took was that of a good young man who would do anything for anyone. The irony in this is Michael always told his friends not to fight because someone will get hurt, now they know that it can also take a life.
I am Dominic's aunt, I spent 30 minutes reading posts. Some people sound as though they care . Others as blood thirsty as they say he was. I wasn't there and I don't begin to judge any of those young men. That's God's job and I have enough on my plate. As for his mother being rich, she should be so lucky. Just another single mother keeping it all together with no help. She raised her son to respect human life ,himself and the law. what happened that night only God knows. Please pray God shows them the truth...no matter what it is. Pray for the families. they could all use it right now.
Don't know these kids, but if they were good or bad or thugs as some so claim I sure hope the courts take them down!!!!!
i just love how we all think we know everything. as you all probably have been reading eric was not charged, fred NEVER GOT BAILED OUT. he stayed in jail where he belonged until things finally started coming clear for everyone involved. so im sure some of you are biting your tongues at the naive and moronic things said. do you personally know fred or dominic? do you know exactly what happened? your just going off of what you read or heard. do you know mike? well if you personally know them good for you even that doesnt give us the right to judge any of them. none of us were there. and those that were there were at a graduation party that was hosted by a 31 year old PUBLIC SERVANT. wow. his court date is coming up and from what we all know he told people to cover it up. so he wouldnt get in trouble with his job. now fred is out on probation and has to pay restitution to mikes family and now we wait on the verdict for dominic. its a sad world we live in when the life of a human is taken away. both mike and dominics life is wasted. my heart deeply goes out to all families and friends involved. before any of us judge anyone we need to take a walk in there shoes. what if it was your child that was in any of these situations. i would think you would want the truth to come out before a verdict was reached or a parent was reprimaned for the behavior of there child or before they can be respectfully put to rest. lets just hope that nothing like this happens again in our great community.
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